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Himachal Pradesh SET 2017 Paper II

1 / 50

1. Which one of the following is the appropriate alternative of 'Upparva' in Shantiparva? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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2. Which one of the following correctly describes the nature of Plato's justice? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

3 / 50

3. All social contract thinkers agree on which one of the following? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

4 / 50

4. Match the following and choose the correct answer from the given codes : (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

5 / 50

5. Cultural imperialism is based on which one of the following idea? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

6 / 50

6. The concept of 'well ordered society' is associated with which one of the following? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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7. Arrange the following books in chronological order in terms of their publication: (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

(i) Hind Swaraj

(ii) The Life Divine

(iii) The Annihilation of Caste

(iv) Reason, Romanticism and Revolution

Codes :

8 / 50

8. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R) : (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

(A) Post-behaviourism focuses on a balance of facts and values.

(R) The purpose of post-behaviourism is to promote inter-disciplinarity.

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9. Which one of the following is not a part of Macpherson's model of liberal democracy? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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10. Which one of the following books is not related to Saint Thomas Aquinas? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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11. Which among the following was the main objective of Aristotle studying 158 constitutions? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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12. Who was the exponent of the Structural-Functional Approach in comparative politics? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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13. Which one of the following countries does not have a written constitution? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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14. Which one of the following is not the characteristic of the parliamentary form of government? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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15. The practice of filibustering is associated with which one of the following? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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16. Who gave a seven-fold classification of parties and party systems ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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17. Match the following and choose the correct answer from the given codes : (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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18. Who among the following compared revolution with fever ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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19. Who coined the idea of 'governmentality' in his analysis of power? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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20. Who equated Latin American politics with 'a living museum' ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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21. Mahatma Gandhi used Satyagraha for the first time in which one of the following: (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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22. Who was the legal advisor to the Drafting Committee headed by B.R. Ambedkar ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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23. Subaltern discourse is related to which one of the following? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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24. Right to Privacy is related to which one of the following articles? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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25. The 100th Constitutional Amendment Act deals with which one of the following? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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26. In which year the first coalition government was formed at the centre ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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27. Which one of the following is a correct statement with reference to discretionary powers of the Governor ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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28. Which one of the following committee is not related to Panchayati Raj ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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29. The correct abbreviation of NITI in NITI Aayog is: (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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30. Match Political Parties with their election symbols and choose the correct answer from the codes : (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

31 / 50

31. 'Public' in Public Administration refers to : (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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32. What does the term 'SALA' mean in public administration ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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33. 'Gangplank' is related to which principle of organization? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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34. Who defined development administration as 'goal-oriented' and 'change- oriented' ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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35. Which country introduced recruitment system through competitive examination for the first time? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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36. Match the following authors with their works : (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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37. As per the latest Corruption Perceptions Index which of the following nations are listed as the most clean nations? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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38. Which of the following is the characteristic of good governance ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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39. Who introduced the idea of Lokpal for the first time in Indian Parliament ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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40. Right to Information was introduced by which constitutional amendment? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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41. American political scientist John Mearsheimer is associated with which one of the following? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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42. Match the following and choose the correct answer from the given codes : (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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43. Who is the author of the famous work on theory of war titled 'On War' ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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44. United Nations Medal named after its former Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold is awarded to: (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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45. Helsinki Accords was the final outcome of : (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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46. Who said, "whenever law ends, tyranny begins" ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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47. Which Secretary General of the United Nations prepared 'An Agenda for Peace'? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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48. Which of the following is not true? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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49. Name supersonic cruise missile recently tested by India which can hit targets as far as Straits of Malacca : (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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50. Which of the following are five original members of ASEAN? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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