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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar



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1. According to Sabine, what among the following is not a component of a Political Theory? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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2. Match List-X with List-Y and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the list (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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3. According to Leo Strauss, the main cause of the Decline of Political Theory is : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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4. Among the following, what is not related to Modern Liberalism? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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5. Consider the following features of Communism, as described by Marxism : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

(A) Eradication of Private property and Human alienation,

(B) Withering away of State.

(C) The free development of each is the pre-condition for the free development of all.

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6. Who has described Justice as 'Resource egalitarianism'? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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7. According to Mao Tse Tung, after the revolution up to communism, what is not a part of social change programme? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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8. Among the following, which terminology is not related to Plato? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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9. According to Aristotle, the correct group of the bases of citizenship are: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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10. Among the following, who supports the idea of 'Forced Freedom'? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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11. Which group of contemporary thinkers has followed John Locke's contractual method in their discourse? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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12. "People of the country, who are not God fearing, it advances on the path of .. destruction. " Whose statement is this? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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13. Consider the following statements : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

(A) J. S. Mill advocates the Developmental Model of Democracy.

(B) J. S. Mill is a supporter of Women's Suffrage, but opposes the Universal Adult franchise.

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14 / 75

14. "Religion is the opium of the people". In which book of Karl Marx, this statement is mentioned? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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15. Consider the following statements : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

(A) 'Hind Swaraj' is a civilizational critique of the West.

(B) 'Hind Swaraj' is a response to violent Nationalism.


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16. According to Almond and Powell, the three drawbacks in the Traditional Comparative Politics do not include: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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17. Modern perspective of Comparative Politics is comprehensive, because : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

(A) It is not Euro-Centric.

(B) It is based on Inter Disciplinary approach.

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18. On the basis of quantity of which two elements, Almond and Powell have classified the various Political Systems? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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19. As the Marxist model of constitutionalism, Dictatorship of the Proletariat is not: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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20. Who presides over the sittings of the House of Lords? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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21. 'Cabinet' of which country is an extra constitutional development ? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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22. In the present United Kingdom government, the Conservative Party is in coalition with : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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23. Match List-X with List-Y and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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24. The best suited form of government, according to separation of powers, is : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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25. In the context of Political Development, Lucian Pye's concept of 'Equality' has been identified by Almond as : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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26. Consider the following statements : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

(A) Edward Shils describes 4 models of Political Modernization.

(B) Shils favours 'Tutelary Democracy' as the second best model of Political Modernization.

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27. According to Almond and Powell, in which Political Culture people have the knowledge of political happenings, but they are not aware of the role they can play in it? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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28. Match List-X with List-Y and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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29. Consider the following statements regarding Political Development : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

(A) Huntington opposes the stage theorists.

(B) Huntington mentions three stages of Political Development.

(C) Along with Political Development, Huntington also describes Political Decay.

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30. Beyond Sovereignty and Legitimacy, which contemporary thinker has based his theory of Power on "Structure of Actions"? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013)

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31. Consider the following statements regarding Constituent Assembly of India : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

(A) Constituent Assembly held 12 sessions in all.

(B) It's sittings took place for 146 days.

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32. To resolve which issue, the Munshi-Ayangar formula was used in the Constituent Assembly? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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33. Among the following, what is not included in the judicial interpretation of the Article 14 of the Constitution providing 'Equality before law'? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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34. Among the following, which element of the Directive Principles of State Policy was originally prevailed in the Constitution, before any amendment? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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35. According Article 78 of the Constitution, the furnishing of information to the President is Prime Minister's : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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36. Which conditions of Emergency are mentioned in the Article 355 of the Constitution? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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37. Members of the Rajya Sabha are not associated with : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

(A) Committee on Public Undertakings

(B) Public Accounts Committee

(C) Estimates Committee

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38. Consider the following statements regarding Judicial Review in India : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

(A) Acts mentioned in the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution are exempted from Judicial Review.

(B) Through 44th Constitutional amendment, the power of Judicial Review of Supreme Court and High Courts has been restored.

(C) In India, 'The Doctrine of Due Process of Law' is practically in enforcement after the 'Maneka Gandhi Case'.

(D) The un-amendability of the Basic Structure of the Constitution is a Judicial Concept.

Which of the statement/s given above is/are correct?

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39. "The Political legacy of movements and ideologies at the State level has proved more enduring than that of institutions and organisations." Whose statement is this? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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40. During the conclave Politics of Opposition Parties in 1980's, who had termed 'Centre as a Myth'? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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41. How many subjects are enlisted in the Twelfth Schedule of the Constitution? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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42. Match List-X with List-Y and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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43. "Caste and Caste identity can prove to be a Secular instrument of Political process through which Communal Parties and Ideologies can be tackled". Whose statement is this? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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44. According to Yogendra Yadav, which State is not an example of 'Multiparty- bipolarity Model' of Party competition at State level? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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45. In the Post Independence era, the first Indian State, constituted on linguistic basis is: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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46. Which of the four major issues of Public Administration were debated in the Minow brooke Conference 1968? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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47. Gang-Plank refers to : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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48. Max Weber's Model of bureaucracy does not include (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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49. Of all controls over Public Administration the one which is more continuous and self-corrective is: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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50. The Committee which recommended Block level planning was (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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51. A new All India Service can be created by: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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52. Which among the following is not a feature of liberalization? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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53. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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54. Which of the following is described as anti-technical, anti-positivist and anti-hierarchical? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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55. The principle of unity of command is complimentary to the Principle of - (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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56. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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57. Who among the following has called Weber's ideal type of bureaucracy as unsuitable for developing countries? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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58. The States that first implemented Panchayati Raj in 1959 were : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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59. Central Vigilance Commission of India was recommendations of : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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60. Partha Chatterjee has commented that the latest phase of globalization of capital will witness an emerging opposition between : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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61. Match List-X and select the correct answer by using the codes given below list lists: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PAPER III)

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62. Who has identified Morgenthau's Realism as 'Power Monism'? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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63. Which feature of Western Democratic System is not enlisted by Dudenee and Iacunary in their Structural Liberalism? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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64. Who has presented Balance of Power as an 'Ideology'? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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65. Consider the following statements regarding the Marxist theory of International Relations : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

(A) Class, instead of Nation States, is the basic unit in International Relations.

(B) Lasting peace can only be established after World Revolution.

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66. The INF Treaty between United States of America and Soviet Union was signed on: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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67. The conflict between Syria and United States of America on the issue of chemical weapons was resolved in 2013 with the mediation of : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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68. Among the following, what is not related to the non-conventional concept of National Security? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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69. Among the following, what is incompatible in the view of the Political economy of International Relations? (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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70. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes below: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

71 / 75

71. Consider the following statements : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

(A) Instead of being Hollow Idealism, Non-alignment is the Moral Realism of India's Foreign Policy.

(B) Non-Alignment is the proclamation of the freedom of any Nation's Foreign Policy.


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72. Identify the incorrect statement regarding India's Nuclear Doctrine : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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73. Consider the following statements regarding 'Non Alignment 2.0', the document for India's Foreign Policy in the 21st century. (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

(A) Not only India has to be powerful, it has to create a new and alternative universality.

(B) India should take the side of United States of America to exploit the rivalry between USA and China.

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74. Identify the issue, on which India and United States of America do not have difference of opinion: (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

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75. Consider the following statements regarding Indo-China relations : (RAJASTHAN SET 2013 PART 2)

(A) In 2003, China has de facto accepted the annexation of Sikkim into India.

(B) On 18th May, 2013 China's Prime Minister Li Keqiang visited India on his maiden foreign visit.

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