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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

CUET Unit 4: Comparative Political Analysis

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1. Match List I with List II (CUET PG 2024)

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2. Which of the following country is an example of 'coming together federation"? (CUET PG 2024)

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3. Which of the following is not a type of political culture according to Almond? (CUET PG 2024)

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4. Which of the following is not a type of party system according to Giovanni Sartori's classification? (CUET PG 2024)

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5. Latin America provides the best instances of the technocratic culture. The 'techno-boys' were a cohort of European or American-trained graduates (mainly in economics or engineering) who influenced economic policymaking in much of the continent, notably Chile, in the final decades of which century? (CUET PG 2024)

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6. Who said that 'politics is the authoritative allocation of values' because values are allocated through implementing decisions, not just by making them? (CUET PG 2024)

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7. Latin America - the region of the world where presidential institutions have dominated since the nineteenth century, is also the region with- (CUET PG 2024)

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8. Who among the following linked political development with administrative development? (CUET PG 2024)

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9. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (CUET PG 2022)

A. The origin of constitutionalism is traced in the Magna Carta.

B. State Duma is Russia's national legislature.

C. Separation of powers is about distributing powers between the Centre and the States (Units).

D. Canada has parliamentary-federal polity.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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10. Who among the following is not a classical elitist thinker? (CUET PG 2022)

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11. Which of the following are modern approaches to Comparative Politics? (CUET PG 2022)

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12. Who coined the phrase 'Catch-all' party? (CUET PG 2022)

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13. Who among the following defined "Politics as the Authoritative Allocation of Values"? (CUET PG 2022)

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14. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (CUET PG 2022)

A. Some nations lack states

B. Some states lack national identity

C. Some nations occupy more than one state

D. Some states contain more than one nation

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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15. Given below are two statements: (CUET PG 2023)

Statement I: During the first wave of democracy (1828-1926) nearly 30 countries, including Germany, established democratic institution.

Statement II: The first wave of democracy was partially reversed (reverse wave) between 1922 and 1942 in Germany and Italy.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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16. Match List-I with List-II: (CUET PG 2023)

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17. The steep decline in population due to underinvestments in healthcare and education known as 'demographic disaster' refers to (CUET PG 2023)

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18. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R): (CUET PG 2023)

Assertion (A): G. Sartori has presented a comprehensive analysis of multi- party system.

Reason (R): Sartori classified political parties in four types-caucus, branch, cell and militia.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

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19. Which among the following statements are true about the different approaches to the study of comparative politics? (CUET PG 2023)

  1. Institutional analysis examines the functioning of and relationships between institutions in a given moment.
  2. New institutionalism is a revival of institutionalism that looks at how institutions shape decisions and define interests.
  3. The behavioural approach focuses on the study of constitutions, institutions and organizational charts.
  4. Structuralism examines relationships among parts rather than the parts themselves.
  5. The rational choice approach explains political action through statistical generalization rather than interest of the actors.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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20. Match List-I with List-II: (CUET PG 2023)

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21. Given below are two statements: (CUET PG 2023)

Statement I: Robert Michels used the concept of 'iron law of oligarchy' to describe the organization of political parties based on domination by a ruling elite.

Statement II: Maurice Duverger's law states that "the simple-majority single-ballot system favours the two-party system".

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

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22. Who propounded the doctrine of 'iron law of oligarchy'? (CUET PG 2023)

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23. What is the significance of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution? (CUET PG 2021)

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24. Robert Morrison Maclver wrote the following book: (CUET PG 2021)

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25. Match List I with List II. (CUET UG 2023)

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26. Which among the following statements with reference to The Shock Therapy are incorrect? (CUET UG 2023)

A. Privatisation led to new disparities. Russia was divided between rich and poor regions

B. The value of the rouble the Russian currency declined

C. Private farming was to be replaced by collective farming

D. The valuable industries were undervalued and sold at throwaway prices

E. The restructuring of the industries was carried out by the Russian Government

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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27. Arrange the following in their chronological order:- (CUET UG 2023)

A. The students' agitation in Gujarat against the rising prices of food grain, cooking oil and other essential commodities.

B. Indo-Pakistan war (Bangladesh crisis).

C. Bihar students protested against food scarcity, unemployment and corruption.

D. Peasant uprising took place in Naxalbari police station area of Darjeeling hill district in West Bengal.

E. Railway strike.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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