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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

Bihar PGT

Bihar SET Unit 1: Political Theory

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Category: Uncategorized

1. Laski's theory of rights does not take into consideration the interests of: (BIHAR PSC TIER 3)

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Category: Uncategorized

2. Who defines justice as 'treating equals equally and unequals unequally"? (BIHAR PSC TIER 3)

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Category: Uncategorized

3. The realist theory of democracy as a critique of the classical democracy was formulated by (BIHAR PSC TIER 3)

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Category: Uncategorized

4. Who said, "Liberty is the opposite of over government"? (BIHAR PSC TIER 3)

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Category: Uncategorized

5. Who among the following repeatedly insisted that socialism and nationalism "had to be welded together into a new unity." (BIHAR PSC TIER 3)

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Category: Uncategorized

6. Multiculturalism seeks to protect the special rights of: (BIHAR PSC TIER 3)

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Category: Multiculturalism

7. Multiculturalism seeks to protect the special rights of (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Liberty

8. Who said, “The God, who gave us life, gave us the liberty at the same time”? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Justice

9. ‘One who hears, should decide’ is a principle of (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Liberalism in Political Theory

10. Liberal theory regards the State as (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Justice

11. Justice means that (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Jeremy Bentham

12. The concept of justice in the sense of ‘the greatest happiness of the greatest numbers’ was popularized by (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Sovereignty of the State

13. Who defined ‘law’ as the ‘command of the sovereign’? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Sovereignty of the State

14. Who said, “Sovereignty is the supreme will of the State”? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Power

15. “Power in a democratic society requires control, and the greater the power the more need for control.” Who said this? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Communism

16. Who said about Communism that it is like ‘a hat, which has lost its shape because everyone wears it’? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Tocqueville

17. Who among the following regarded democracy as the ‘tyranny of the majority’? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Individualism

18. Individualism believes that State should perform (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Individualism

19. Which one of the following is sometimes equated with individualism? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Karl Marx

20. Who propounded the theory of scientific socialism? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Socialism

21. Which one of the following attribute a close relationship between justice and equality? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Equality

22. Equality in the negative sense means (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Liberty

23. Which one of the following is the best safeguard of liberty? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Category: Rights

24. The historical theory of rights maintains that rights are the result of (Bihar PGT 2023)

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