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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

Goa PSC 2021

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1. The most important function of Central Secretariat is: (Goa PSC 2021)

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2. “The state is everywhere: it leaves hardly a gap.” This statement explains the concepts of: (Goa PSC 2021)

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3. What does Raison d’état mean? (Goa PSC 2021)

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4. Rational choice theory is. (Goa PSC 2021)

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5. According to many realist, how is international peace best secured? (Goa PSC 2021)

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6. The members of the Constituent Assembly which drafted the Constitution of India were (Goa PSC 2021)

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7. Lucian Pye has described three characteristics of political development. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of political development? (Goa PSC 2021)

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8. Money bill can be introduced in the state legislature only on the recommendation of (Goa PSC 2021)

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9. The state which has largest number of seats reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha is (Goa PSC 2021)

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10. Fundamental Duties were incorporated in the constitution on the recommendations of: (Goa PSC 2021)

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11. Samuel Huntington is associated with. (Goa PSC 2021)

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12. A document outlining the policies or programme a party propose to pursue if elected to power (Goa PSC 2021)

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13. Which of the following is incorrectly matched? (Goa PSC 2021)

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14. Who among the following said that political theory stands for an abstract model of the political order? (Goa PSC 2021)

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15. The Social Contract theory contributed to (Goa PSC 2021)

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16. “While governments may come and go, ministers may rise and fall, the administration of a country goes on forever. No revolution can change it and no upheaval can uproot it.” Views expressed by (Goa PSC 2021)

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17. Which of the following schedule of the Constitution of India contains provisions regarding anti-defection Act? (Goa PSC 2021)

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18. What was the main provision of the “Vernacular Press Act”? (Goa PSC 2021)

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19. The organizational unit which has to play the role of planner, adviser, researcher and coordinator is called (Goa PSC 2021)

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20. What does the idea of ‘positive liberty mean? (Goa PSC 2021)

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21. Constitutional safeguards to civil servants are ensured by (Goa PSC 2021)

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22. Who said an ideology is a manifestation of ‘false consciousness’? (Goa PSC 2021)

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23. In the field of nuclear strategy, what does MAD stand for? (Goa PSC 2021)

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24. Who of the following has called hierarchy as the scalar process? (Goa PSC 2021)

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25. The principle of span of control means: (Goa PSC 2021)

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26. The power of the Supreme Court of India to decide disputes between the Centre and the States falls under its (Goa PSC 2021)

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27. Which Congress MLA filed the petition to disqualify Dr. Luis Proto Barboso? (Goa PSC 2021)

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28. Who replaced Frascisco Sardhina as Goa’s Chief Minister in 2000? (Goa PSC 2021)

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29. A fear or hatred of foreigners; pathological ethnocentrism (Goa PSC 2021)

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30. “Liberty is the positive power of doing or enjoying something worth doing or enjoying.” This views was expressed by (Goa PSC 2021)

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31. Who made the statement, “Indian Constitution establishes a unitary State with Subsidiary federal features rather than federal state with subsidiary features”? (Goa PSC 2021)

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32. Democratic peace theory has been largely associated with the writings of (Goa PSC 2021)

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33. Why have liberalism and socialism been powerful ideologies since the late eighteenth century? (Goa PSC 2021)

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34. The most important critic of Weber in terms of relevancy of Weberian model to the study of developing societies is: (Goa PSC 2021)

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35. Economic theory of Democracy is advocated by (Goa PSC 2021)

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36. The concept of Zone of differences is associated with: (Goa PSC 2021)

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37. The most essential feature of a federal government is (Goa PSC 2021)

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38. American federation was established through (Goa PSC 2021)

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39. A process whereby the electorate can call unsatisfactory public officials to account and ultimately remove them. (Goa PSC 2021)

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40. The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum… (Goa PSC 2021)

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41. Dinesh Goswami Committee was concerned with (Goa PSC 2021)

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42. President Woodrow Wilson most famous for (Goa PSC 2021)

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43. The first Lokpal Bill was introduced in the Parliament in (Goa PSC 2021)

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44. The vote on Account is passed (Goa PSC 2021)

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45. How did the American Political scientist Harold Lasswell summarize political activity? (Goa PSC 2021)

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46. Who headed the Interim Cabinet formed in the year 1946? (Goa PSC 2021)

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47. The organization formed to protect the interest of traditional fishing community in Goa (Goa PSC 2021)

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48. According to political pluralists, the proper role of the state is to (Goa PSC 2021)

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49. A. V Dicey expounded ‘rule of law’ in the book entitled (Goa PSC 2021)

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50. Who has written the book ‘Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-communist Manifesto’? (Goa PSC 2021)

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