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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

Goa PSC 2022

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1. ________ is known as the ‘Father of Local Government in India’ (Goa PSC 2022)

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2. Who was the first major exponent of constitutionalism? (Goa PSC 2022)

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3. “International Peace and Security” is referred to in the Indian Constitution in (Goa PSC 2022)

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4. Authority is the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience is said by: (Goa PSC 2022)

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5. The two major political parties of the U.S.A. are (Goa PSC 2022)

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6. Bhoodan movement in India was launched by (Goa PSC 2022)

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7. The Falkland Islands issue is a dispute between two countries. (Goa PSC 2022)

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8. Who among the following thinker is connected with the concept of ‘General Will”? (Goa PSC 2022)

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9. Who was the Congress President when India became free? (Goa PSC 2022)

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10. Ramsay Mac Donald’s Communal Award provided for (Goa PSC 2022)

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11. Who among the following proclaimed the theory of “One Nation, One State”? (Goa PSC 2022)

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12. Hegel Saw Civil Society as a domain of (Goa PSC 2022)

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13. In Weberian formulation, bureaucracy refers to: (Goa PSC 2022)

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14. Who declared that “if our civilization fails, it will be mainly because of a breakdown of administration?” (Goa PSC 2022)

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15. In regard to amendments, the Indian Constitution can be described as (Goa PSC 2022)

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16. The Tenth Schedule of the Constitution of India contains (Goa PSC 2022)

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17. The first conference of NAM was held at (Goa PSC 2022)

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18. The main responsibility of the directorate in the state administration is to (Goa PSC 2022)

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19. It refers to those political leaders whose main concern is power, rather than common good. Such leaders get popular support by appealing to popular emotions.

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20. Which is the largest area (Goa PSC 2022)

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21. According to the Constitution of India, the term ‘District Judge’ shall not include (Goa PSC 2022)

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22. Who has regarded the Game theory as an interesting intellectual exercise? (Goa PSC 2022)

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23. The power of the Supreme Court of India to decide disputes between the Centre and the States falls under its (Goa PSC 2022)

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24. Who of the following is called the father of American Public Administration? (Goa PSC 2022)

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25. Who held the view that “State is prior to the individual”? (Goa PSC 2022)

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26. Who among the following is the father of ‘Doctrine of Passive Resistance? (Goa PSC 2022)

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27. “Leadership is the ability to pursue others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically.” (Goa PSC 2022)

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28. The Indian Institute of Public Administration was established in: (Goa PSC 2022)

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29. In the economic sphere, the Liberal thinkers advocated (Goa PSC 2022)

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30. Which one of the following is NOT a principal of “Panchsheel”? (Goa PSC 2022)

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31. Who wrote ‘The Wealth of Nations? (Goa PSC 2022)

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32. In what way does the Indian Parliament exercise control over the administration? (Goa PSC 2022)

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33. The state which has the largest number of seats reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha is (Goa PSC 2022)

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34. Economic Survey of India is published officially every year by the (Goa PSC 2022)

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35. The concept of Public Interest Litigation originated in (Goa PSC 2022)

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36. “Greatest happiness of the greatest number” is the thought of (Goa PSC 2022)

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37. Where is the headquarters of the World Health Organization situated? (Goa PSC 2022)

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38. ‘Agenda for peace’ was proposed by (Goa PSC 2022)

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39. A diplomatic term, meaning the cessation of strained relations between States. (Goa PSC 2022)

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40. The principle of supervision is inherent in the principle of: (Goa PSC 2022)

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41. The most essential function of the Welfare State is the creation of conditions that ensures (Goa PSC 2022)

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42. Politics was an unavoidable evil. This statement is identified with? (Goa PSC 2022)

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43. Which one of the following documents first declared that ‘men are created equal? (Goa PSC 2022)

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44. Who spoke of a Common European House’ and proclaimed that the doctrine of human rights transcended the ideological rivalry between communism and capitalism? (Goa PSC 2022)

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45. The Marxist theory of development is primarily based on (Goa PSC 2022)

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46. The most dominant thinker in the field of administrative thought is: (Goa PSC 2022)

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47. According to Kaplan, the most likely transformation of the balance of power system is into a (Goa PSC 2022)

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48. The last round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) negotiation, known as the Uruguay Round, was completed in 1994. It resulted in the establishment of (Goa PSC 2022)

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49. “The State is everywhere: it leaves hardly a gap.” This statement explains the concept of: (Goa PSC 2022)

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50. Special procedure in respect of Money Bills (Goa PSC 2022)

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