JU Unit 5: International Relations
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1. Which of the following countries is not a member of BRICS? (Jadavpur University B.A 2011)
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2. The next (2024) G-20 Summit meeting will be held in (Jadavpur University B.A 2011)
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3. NATO was formed in: (Jadavpur University B.A 2010)
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4. Who is the current (2024) Secretary General of the United Nations: (Jadavpur University B.A 2010)
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5. India is not a member of one of the following organizations: (Jadavpur University B.A 2010)
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6. The former USSR collapsed in: (Jadavpur University B.A 2010)
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7. ISIS is (Jadavpur University B.A 2016)
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8. The headquarter of NATO is located in_________. (Jadavpur University B.A 2016)
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9. There are__________ non-permanent members of the Security Council. (Jadavpur University B.A 2016)
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10. The International Court of Justice is located in (Jadavpur University B.A 2016)
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11. Eritrea, which became the 182nd member of the UN in 1993, is in the continent of (Jadavpur University B.A 2016)
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12. Which of the following is observed as the UN Day? (Jadavpur University B.A 2017)
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13. Assertion (A): Some carbonaceous aerosols may be carcinogenic. (Jadavpur University B.A 2017)
Reasons (A): They may contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
The assertion that some carbonaceous aerosols may be carcinogenic is incorrect, because carcinogenic refers to the oxidation of unburned ethanol, which occurs due to the combustion of biofuels. However, the reason that carbonaceous aerosols may contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is correct. PAHs are a class of chemicals that occur naturally in coal, crude oil, and gasoline, and are also produced when substances are burned. PAHs can bind to or form small particles in the air. Some PAHs may cause cancer and may affect the eyes, kidneys, and liver.
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14. India took up the case concerning Kulbhushan Yadav at (Jadavpur University B.A 2017)
In May 2017, India approached the International Court of Justice (ICJ), asserting that Pakistani authorities were denying India its right of consular access to Jadhav in violation of the Vienna Convention. The ICJ proceedings began in The Hague on 15 May to review the case.
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15. The International Monetary Fund was established in the year (Jadavpur University B.A 2022)
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16. The current President of European Commission is (Jadavpur University B.A 2022)
Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen is a German physician and politician serving as the 13th president of the European Commission since 2019. She served in the German federal government between 2005 and 2019, holding successive positions in Angela Merkel's cabinet, most recently as federal minister of defence.
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17. The International Court of Justice is located in (Jadavpur University B.A 2022)
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is located at the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands. The ICJ is the UN's main judicial body, established in 1945. It was created to peacefully settle international disputes and situations that could lead to a breach of peace.
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18. RAMSAR convention is associated with (Jadavpur University B.A 2022)
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands is a treaty between nations that aims to conserve wetlands and their resources. The treaty was signed in 1971 in the Iranian town of Ramsar and came into force in 1975.
The convention's goals are to stop the worldwide loss of wetlands and to conserve those that remain. The convention's three pillars include: Working towards the wise use of all wetlands Designating suitable wetlands for the list of Wetlands of International Importance (the “Ramsar List”) and ensuring their effective management Cooperating internationally on transboundary wetlands, shared wetland systems, and shared species Almost 90% of UN member states, from all the world's geographic regions, have acceded to become “Contracting Parties” to the convention. The convention was co-founded by Eskandar Firouz (former environment minister of Iran), Luc Hoffmann of Tour du Valat research station in the Camargue in France, and Geoffrey Matthews of the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge in the late 1960s.
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19. COP21 is related to (Jadavpur University B.A 2022)
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