Karnataka SET Unit 10: Governance and Public Policy in India
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1. Apart from the composition and the power of the proposed Lokpal Anna Hazare's agitation generated yet another major public debate. Which was that debate? (KARNATAKA SET 2014 PAPER III)
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2. Right to Information Act, 2005 mandates (KARNATAKA SET 2014 PAPER II)
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3. Performance budgeting is based on (KARNATAKA SET 2015 PAPER III)
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4. Assertion (A): Good governance is the single most important factor in eradicating poverty.
Reason (R): It aims distributive justice and effective delivery of public goods
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5. Consider the following statements: Budget is a; (KARNATAKA SET 2015 PAPER II)
1. tool of legislative control over administration
2. tool of judicial control over administration
3. comprehensive plan document
4. tool of public control over public finance
Which of the statements given above are correct?
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6. Who among the following is the First Chief Information Commissioner of India? (KARNATAKA SET 2016 PAPER II)
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7. When was the Swatch Bharath Programme launched in India? (KARNATAKA SET 2016 PAPER II)
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8. When was Right to Information Act introduced in India? (KARNATAKA SET 2016 PAPER II)
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9. Which of the following is not a feature of good governance? (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER III)
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10. The institution of local government has flourished in India since (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER III)
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11. The Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill 1968 passed by the Lok Sabha lapsed because (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER II)
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12. Which one of the following is the aim of E. Governance? (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER II)
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13. Which of the following are the tools of Good Governance? (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER II)
1. Social Audit
2. Separation of powers
3. Citizen’s charter
4. Right to information
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14. Who among the following is the Vice-Chairman of NITI (NationalInstitute for Transforming India) Aayog? (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER II)
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15. Which among the following is not correctly matched? (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER II)
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16. The Right to Information Act in the form of law was passed by Parliament on (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)
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17. Which one of the following is NOT a pillar of good governance? (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)
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18. In the context of the budget, the term guillotine is used with reference to (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)
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19. Town Area Committees (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)
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20. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer by using the code given below: (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)
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21. What is the correct sequence of the stages of the enactment of the budget in India? (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)
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22. Who is the Chief Executive Officer of NITI Aayog? (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)
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23. Who is the ‘Father of Public Policy’? (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)
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24. Which one of the following State is the first State to implement the fifty percent reservation for women in Panchayat Raj institutions? (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)
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25. ‘Criteria of conceptual goodness’ is a concept referred to good governance propounded by (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)
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26. Which of the following is an instrument of public policy? (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)
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27. Given below are two statements, one labeled as Assertion (A) and the other labeled as Reason (R). (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)
Assertion (a): Panchayat Raj Institutions were set up to decentralise planning to village level.
Reason (R): Village Panchayats are in a better position to have a proper appreciation of their development needs.
In the context of the above statements, which of the following is true?
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28. The Committee to recommend the name of Lokpal to the President of India consists of (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)
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29. Which one among the following is not a type of Government initiatives in E-Governance? (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)
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30. Citizen Charters Initiative was first launched by (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)
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31. What are Select Committees? (KARNATAKA SET 2014 PAPER III)
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32. Assertion (A): Planning commission appointed G.V.K. Rao committee in 1985 to study various assets of Panchayti Raj Institutions.
Reason (R): Earlier committee reports failed to address the issues of rural development.
In the context of above statements which among the following is correct? (KARNATAKA SET 2015 PAPER III)
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33. Match the following Committees with year of Constitution. (KARNATAKA SET 2015 PAPER III)
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34. The members of the Parliamentary Committee (KARNATAKA SET 2015 PAPER II)
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35. A grant for meeting an unexpected demand is called (KARNATAKA SET 2016 PAPER II)
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36. What does the term NSDL stands for (KARNATAKA SET 2016 PAPER II)
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37. The cyclone Hudhud hit the coast of which State? (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER II)cli
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38. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act is not applicable to which of the States listed below? (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)
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39. Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a justification for State control or supervision over local bodies? (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)
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40. The Indian Parliament exercises control on the audit of the budget through (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)
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41. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer using the codes given below. (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)
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42. Which one of the following was added to Indian Constitution through 73rd Constitutional Amendment? (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)
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