DU Unit 5: International Relations
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1. How many articles does the UNDHR contain (DU MA 2020)
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2. Which two states leave United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2018? (DU MA 2020)
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3. Match the following.. Match List I with List II (DU MA 2020)
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4. Who advocated that the State should be viewed as the servant of its people and not vice versa? (DU MA 2020)
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5. For Hugo Grotius one among the following is not the causes of a Just War? (DU MA 2020)
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6. In which year first UN Conference on the Human Environment took place? (DU MA 2020)
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7. What was the aim of Marxist analyses of international relations? (DU MA 2020)
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8. What is the UN Security Council Resolution 1269 about? (DU MA 2020)
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9. Who has given this famous phrase in international politics, 'the strong do what they have the power to do and the weak accept what they have to accept? (DU MA 2020)
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10. When was the World Trade Organization established? (DU MA 2020)
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11. The theory of "just war" can be attributed to which of the following:- (DU MA 2019)
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12. Which one of the following is true about the First World War:- (DU MA 2019)
i. It was the first modern, industrialised total war.
ii. It was fought between 1939-1945
iii. It began between European States and fought on European Battlefields.
iv. It is also known as the Great War.
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13. Which of the following level of analysis is not discussed by Waltz in his book Man, The State and War:- (DU MA 2019)
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14. Which of the following is true:- (DU MA 2019)
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15. Which of the following propositions is not given by the theorists of Complex Interdependence:- (DU MA 2019)
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16. Which of the following propositions is not found in Classical Realism? (DU MA 2019)
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17. Which of the following statements are correct with respect to the Global Commons:- (DU MA 2019)
i. These are areas not under sovereign jurisdiction.
ii. They have an environmental dimension.
iii. They are owned by nation-states.
iv. The high seas, deep ocean floor and outer space come within this category.
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18. Which of the following does not constitute a central idea of the Instrumentalist school of ethnicity? (DU MA 2019)
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19. Which of the following is not the basic principle of Hans J. Morgenthau's Realism? (DU MA 2019)
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20. Washington Consensus refers to :- (DU MA 2019)
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21. Who among the following is not a liberal thinker? (DU MA 2019)
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22. Which environmental Convention was adopted for the protection of Ozone layer:- (DU MA 2019)
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23. The core elements common to both classical and structural realism are:- (DU MA 2019)
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24. Match the following (DU MA 2019)
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25. Identify the correctly matched answer:- (DU MA 2019)
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26. Identify the incorrect pair (DU MA 2019)
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27. Which one of the following is not a text related to Classical Realism? (DU MA 2019)
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28. Which one of the following is a transformationalist view of globalization: (DU MA 2019)
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29. Which one of the following statements is not correct? (DU MA 2021)
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30. What is the main role of the IMF? (DU MA 2021)
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31. Match List I with List II (DU MA 2021)
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32. Which is the largest state-less ethnic group? (DU MA 2021)
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33. Arrange the following in ascending order: (DU MA 2021)
A. Break-up of the Soviet Union
B. Perestroika
C. The Prague Spring
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
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34. Approaches to development that emphasize the environment, often want to focus attention on which of the following? (DU MA 2021)
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35. Arrange the following in a chronological order: (DU MA 2021)
A. Weimer Republic
B. Potsdam Conference
C. Marshall Plan
D. Bolshevik Revolution
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36. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R. (DU MA 2021)
Assertion A: The decision-making theory was developed especially in the realm of foreign policy making.
Reason R: It concentrates/focuses on the person shaping international events rather than on the international situation.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
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37. What is the largest free-trade area of the world? (DU MA 2021)
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38. In international relations non-governmental organizations are considered (DU MA 2021)
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39. Critical approaches to International Relations (DU MA 2021)
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40. Match List I with List II Ā (DU MA 2021)
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41. (DU MA 2021)
A. The rise of German power caused World War I.
B. Kaiser Wilhelm II's clumsy diplomacy caused World War I.
C. Germany's militarist ideology, which glorified aggressive war, caused World War I.
D. The capitalist class conflict caused World War I
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
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42. Who proposed a pan-African unity in his work 'Africa Must Unite? (DU MA 2022)
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43. Which of the following scholars is associated with 'classical realism' in international relations theory? (DU MA 2022)
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44. The term 'complex interdependence' is associated with which school of international relations theory? (DU MA 2022)
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45. Who delivered the famous speech, 'we shall fight on the beaches, during the Second World War? Ā (DU MA 2022)
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46. What is The Quad" at the World Trade Organization (WTO)? Ā (DU MA 2022)
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47. Which of the following statements is true with respect to Embedded Liberalism? (DU MA 2022)
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48. Organized hypocrisy is (DU MA 2022)
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49. Globalization can be defined as Ā (DU MA 2022)
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50. World Trade Organization was established as a result of Ā (DU MA 2022)
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51. Match List I with List II Ā (DU MA 2022)
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52. Both Neorealists and Neoliberals agree that:Ā (DU MA 2022)Ā
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53. Match List I with List II Ā (DU MA 2022)
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54. Identify the correct sequence of events, beginning from the earliest (DU MA 2022)
i. Truman Doctrine announced
ii. Creation of the United Nations
iii. Fall of the Berlin Wall
iv. Cuban Missile Crisis
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55. Identify the correct sequence of events, beginning from the earliest Ā (DU MA 2022)
i. Mussolini seizes power in Italy
ii. World War II begins
iii. Treaty of Versailles
iv. Munich Agreement
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56. Which of these is not an argument from the neoliberal approach in International Relations? (DU MA 2022)
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57. Which of these is not an argument from the constructivist approach in International Relations? (DU MA 2022)
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58. Which of the following is not a peacekeeping operation of the United Nations? (DU MA 2022)
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59. Which of the following is not a specialized agency of the United Nations? (DU MA 2022)
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60. Who authored The Culture and Civilisation of Ancient India in Historical Outline? (DU MA 2022)
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61. Vikom Satyagraha was launched in Kerala in the year Ā (DU MA 2022)
Vaikom Satyagraha (fromĀ 30 March 1924Ā to 23 November 1925), was a nonviolent agitation for access to the prohibited public environs of the Vaikom Temple in the Kingdom of Travancore. Kingdom of Travancore was known for its rigid and oppressive caste system. The campaign, led by Congress leaders T. K. Madhavan, K.
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62. Who among the following was the founder of the Islamic movement, Jamaat e-Islami? Ā (DU MA 2022)
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63. Consider the following statements about NPT and CTBT:- (DU MA 2018)
1. India has neither signed NPT nor ratified it.
2. India has signed CTBT but not yet ratified it.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct:
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64. The term 'Washington Consensus' is another way to describe:- (DU MA 2018)
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65. Wassenar arrangement seeks to bring transparency in the export of:- (DU MA 2018)
1. Conventional arms
2. Dual-use goods
3. Small arms and light weapons
4. Military aircraft
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
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66. Who said that international affairs are 'inhospitable' to Liberalism? (DU MA 2018)
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67. Match the following institutions with their corresponding functions: (DU MA 2018)
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68. The policy of structural adjustment was initially mooted by:- (DU MA 2018)
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69. Who amongst the following is the exponent of Negative and Positive peace? (DU MA 2018)
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70. Marshall Plan was meant for :- (DU MA 2018
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71. When was gender mainstreaming adopted as official UN policy by the UN General Assembly:- (DU MA 2018)
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72. Match the thinkers with their corresponding texts and choose the correct answer from the code: (DU MA 2018)
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73. Which one of the following is the position of the transformationalists' in the debate about globalization? (DU MA 2018)
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74. Structural Functionalism as a method was developed to study the politics of:- Ā (DU MA 2018)
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75. In 1945, the new organization called the United Nations pledged to promote social progress and better standards of life" because:- (DU MA 2018)
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76. Collective Security System of the UN is based on the principle of:- (DU MA 2018)
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