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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

Delhi University

DU Unit 2: Political Thought

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Category: John Rawls

1. Which of the following is not central organising idea of social cooperation, according to Rawls  (DU MA 2020)

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Category: Vladimir Lenin

2. Which of the following is not authored or coauthored by Karl Marx? (DU MA 2020)

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Category: Robert Nozick

3. Match the following: Match List I with List II (DU MA 2020)

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Category: Vladimir Lenin

4. Who among the following used the term 'democratic centralism? (DU MA 2020)

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Category: Karl Marx

5. According to Marx, which types of class society have shaped human history? (DU MA 2020)

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Category: Immanuel Kant

6. Which of the following philosophers has given the idea of perpetual peace? (DU MA 2020)

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Category: Niccolo Machiavelli

7. Match the book with the author Match List I with List II (DU MA 2020)

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Category: John Rawls

8. Which of the following is not a valid difference between Rawls' and Nozick's political philosophy? (DU MA 2020)

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Category: John Stuart Mill

9. J.Mill's harm principle states that:- (DU MA 2019)

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Category: Aristotle

10. According to Aristotle, the state is the highest association because: (DU MA 2019)

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Category: Thomas Hobbes

11. Which of the following statements is not true of Hobbes? (DU MA 2019)

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Category: Karl Marx

12. Which of the following is not true of Marx's view of the state:- (DU MA 2019)

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Category: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

13. Which of the following is not true of Rousseau? (DU MA 2019)

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Category: Joseph Allious Schumpeter

14. Who among the following considered democracy as nothing more than periodic elections and ordinary citizens, beyond the act of voting, should have no role in shaping policy? (DU MA 2019)

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Category: John Rawls

15. "Greatest benefit to the least advantaged" is associated with which of the following? (DU MA 2019)

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Category: John Rawls

16. Rawls introduces the 'veil of ignorance" because:- (DU MA 2019)

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Category: Aristotle

17. "Each of them by himself may not be of good quality, but when they all come together is possible that they may surpass collectively as a body, although not individually-the quality of the few best...and when they all meet together, the people may thus become something in the nature of a single person...". In these lines,:- (DU MA 2019)

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Category: Karl Marx

18. Which of the following is false for Marx:- (DU MA 2019)

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Category: Karl Marx

19. "Life is not determined by consciousness but consciousness by life". The line relates to :- (DU MA 2019)

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Category: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

20. Rousseau's idea of "perfectibility' entails which of the following ideas? (DU MA 2019)

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Category: Mary Wollstonecraft

21. "I do not wish them (women) to have power over men; but over themselves." These words are attributed to which of the following thinkers? (DU MA 2019)

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Category: Aristotle

22. Zoon politikon refers to: (DU MA 2021)

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Category: Karl Marx

23. Who among the following endorse anarchism? (DU MA 2021)

A. Karl Marx

B. Pierre Proudhon

C. Peter Kropotkin

D. Adolf Hitler

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Category: Gramsci

24. Who amongst the following Marxist thinkers introduced the concept of 'hegemony'? (DU MA 2021)

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Category: Plato

25. Which one of following was not authored by Plato? (DU MA 2021)

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Category: John Rawls

26. In Rawls' book, The Law of Peoples (1999), 'well ordered peoples' include (DU MA 2021)

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Category: Thomas Hobbes

27. Match List I with List II (DU MA 2021)

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Category: Immanuel Kant

28. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R. (DU MA 2021)

Assertion A: According to Kant, "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity"

Reason R: 'Laziness' and 'Cowardice' are the reasons why man remains immature.

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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Category: John Stuart Mill

29. Under proportional representation system- (DU MA 2021)

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Category: Plato

30. According to Plato, 'forms' belong to the world of (DU MA 2021)

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Category: Justice

31. Which of the following names are associated with the theory of global justice? (DU MA 2021)

A. John Rawls

B. Will Kymlicka

C. Thomas Pogge

D. Robert Nozick

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Category: Niccolo Machiavelli

32. What did Machiavelli mean by the term 'virtue'? (DU MA 2021)

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Category: Robert Nozick

33. Match List I with List II (DU MA 2021)

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Category: John Locke

34. Locke's 'Essay Concerning Human Understanding' was a harbinger of: (DU MA 2021)

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Category: John Stuart Mill

35. Who amongst the following thinkers is considered a 'Reluctant Democrat'? (DU MA 2021)

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Category: Aristotle

36. Which thinker made the following statement, "That the unequal should be given to equals, and the unlike to those who are like, is contrary to nature"? (DU MA 2021)

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Category: Karl Marx

37. Which theory did Marx borrow from the liberal economists? (DU MA 2021)

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Category: Vladimir Lenin

38. Which of the following is not a work by Lenin (DU MA 2022)

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Category: John Locke

39. Who proposed the idea that "without law, there is no liberty"? (DU MA 2022)

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Category: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

40. What does the Social Contract Theory do? (DU MA 2022)

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Category: Aristotle

41. Who among the following political philosophers viewed the State as a natural institution? (DU MA 2022)

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Category: Francis Fukuyama

42. Which of the following ideas was presented by Francis Fukuyama? (DU MA 2022)

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Category: Robert Nozick

43. Who is the author of the book "Anarchy, State, and Utopia"? (DU MA 2018)

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Category: Plato

44. Which of the following statements accurately describes Plato's theory of justice? (DU MA 2018)

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Category: T. H. Green

45. Which of the following is not an argument in favour of political obligation? (DU MA 2018)

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Category: John Stuart Mill

46. Which of the following is NOT a political work written by J.S. Mill? (DU MA 2018)

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Category: Thomas Hobbes

47. Who among the following first modernized the tradition of Natural Law? (DU MA 2018)

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Category: Thomas Hobbes

48. Who among the following can be justifiably called the first modern propounder of the idea of negative liberty? (DU MA 2018)

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Category: Robert Nozick

49. Who among the following can be considered as an exponent of procedural theory of justice?  (DU MA 2018)

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Category: Vladimir Lenin

50. The dictum, 'Imperialism is the highest stage of Capitalism' was propounded by:- (DU MA 2018)

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Category: John Rawls

51. Which one of the following statements is not correct? (DU MA 2018)

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Category: Niccolo Machiavelli

52. Machiavelli is a modern philosopher because:- (DU MA 2018)

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Category: John Rawls

53. In A Theory of Justice John Rawls gives lexical priority to :- (DU MA 2018)

a) Liberty Principle over Equality Principle.

b) Principle of Fair Equality of Opportunity over Principle of benefit to worst off

c) Principle of benefit to worst off over Principle of Fair Equality of Opportunity

d) Equality Principle over Liberty Principle.

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Category: Thomas Paine

54. Who is the author of the book The Rights of Man (1791)? (DU MA 2018)

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Category: John Stuart Mill

55. Who among the following would you associate the concept of "Tyranny of Majority"? (DU MA 2018)

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Category: Plato

56. With whom would you associate Cave Allegory? (DU MA 2018)

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Category: Karl Marx

57. Who among the following is not a postcolonial theorist? (DU MA 2018)

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Category: John Locke

58. Who among the following is called Father of Liberalism? (DU MA 2018)

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Category: Hannah Arendt

59. Match the following: (DU MA 2018)

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Category: John Stuart Mill

60. Match the following: (DU MA 2018)

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Category: Jeremy Bentham

61. Which of the following is not an idea associated with Jeremy Bentham? (DU MA 2018)

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Category: Thomas Hobbes

62. Which of the following statements is true of the Social Contract of Hobbes? (DU MA 2018)

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