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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

Gujarat SET Unit 7: Political Institutions in India Part III

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1. Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech and expression to Indian citizens? (GUJARAT SET 2018)

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2. According to the 44th Amendment to the Indian Constitution: (GUJARAT SET 2018)

(a)Ā Ā  The Right to Property was deleted.

(b)Ā Ā  Articles 20 and 21 could not be suspended during national emergency.

(c)Ā Ā  Prime Minister can invoke national emergency.

(d)Ā Ā  The words secular and socialist were added to the Preamble.


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3. President of India can be impeached for: (GUJARAT SET 2018)

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4. When the President of India proclaims an ordinance it remains in force for: (GUJARAT SET 2018)

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5. Which of the following is not the objective of the Directive Principles of State Policy? (GUJARAT SET 2018)

Select the correct answer from the below:

(a)Ā Ā  To establish a welfare state.

(b)Ā Ā  To ensure economic and social justice.

(c)Ā Ā  To establish a religious state.

(d)Ā Ā  To establish a secular state

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6. Who characterised Indian federalism 28 "bargaining federalism"? (GUJARAT SET 2018)

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7. Which of the following Committees was appointed by the Government of India to identify the creamy layer among the Backward Classes in India? (GUJARAT SET 2018)

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8. During which Congress Session were social and economic rights promised to the Indian people? (GUJARAT SET 2018)

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9. The Central Vigilance Commission was set up by (GUJARAT SET 2023)

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10. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes given below. (GUJARAT SET 2023)

Assertion (A): The Central Bureau of Investigation is a statutory body.

Reason (R): The CBI derives its powers from the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946.


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11. Which Article of the Indian Constitution makes the provision for the power of Governor to promulgate Ordinances during recess of Legislature? (GUJARAT SET 2023)

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12. National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution was headed byĀ  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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13. Article 356 of the Indian Constitution pertains to (GUJARAT SET 2022)

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14. Under which Finance Minister's tenure India's New Economic Policy of LPG was first officially initiated and implemented? (GUJARAT SET 2022)

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15. Given below are two statements, one labeled as Assertion (A) and the other labeled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2022)

Assertion (A):Ā According to Nehruvian idea, post-independence India faces biggest development challenge of transforming one of the oldest, most complex, continuous civilization into a modern nation-state.

Reason (R):Ā One of the important measures of India's march towards political modernization is high level of institutional development and democratic polity.


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16. Arrange correctly the chronological order of the following events: (GUJARAT SET 2022)

i. Declaration of national emergency

ii. Liberation of Bangladesh by Indian Army

iii. Nationalization of banks

iv. Appointment of States Reorganization Commission

Codes :

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17. Which one of the following Supreme Court judgements redefined centre-state relations?Ā (GUJARAT SET 2022)

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18. Any dispute regarding residual powers over a matter rests withĀ (GUJARAT SET 2022)

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19. The Parliament can legislate on the subject in the State list if the (GUJARAT SET 2022)

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20. The National Flag was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on 22 July, 1947 and was presented to the nation on 14th August, 1947 on behalf ofĀ (GUJARAT SET 2022)

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21. The Parliament of India can make use of the residuary powersĀ (GUJARAT SET 2022)

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22. Given below are two statements, one labeled as Assertion (A) and the other labeled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes given below:Ā (GUJARAT SET 2022)

Assertion (A):Ā The President can spend out of the contingency fund of India but only with the approval of the Parliament.

Reason (R):Ā With regard to all financial expenditures, the Parliament is supreme authority.


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23. Under the Cabinet Mission plan, the composition and representation in Constituent Assembly remained contentious as its members were indirectly elected by the provincial legislators, who in turn, were elected by adult population. What was the approximate size of this voting adult population?Ā (GUJARAT SET 2022)

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24. Who among the following is not covered under the overseas citizenship of India scheme of Government of India? (GUJARAT SET 2022)

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25. Which one of the following mechanisms is used to exercise judicial control over administration in India? (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

i.Ā Judicial Review

ii.Ā Writs

iii.Ā Public Interest Litigation

iv. Pre-policy making review.


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26. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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27. Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization model of growth emerged during Prime Ministership of (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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28. Planning Commission was set up by a Government of India resolution in (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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29. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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30. Preamble enshrines the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity, inspired by the (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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31. The power of Supreme Court of India to decide the disputes between the Centre and States falls under (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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32. The phrase 'procedure established by law' means the judges in India (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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33. The power to decide the election petition is vested in (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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34. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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35. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes given below. (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

Assertion (A):Ā The Parliament of India cannot be regarded as a sovereign body.

Reason (R):Ā Parliament's right to legislate is subject to judicial review.


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36. 'Karachi Charter' was a forerunner of (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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37. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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38. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes given below. (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

Assertion (A):Ā The Constitution of India has established a republican democracy in place of colonial and monarchical system prevalent earlier.

Reason (R):Ā Indian anti-colonial National Movement paved the way for its emergence and evolution.


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39. Which of the following is prescribed by the Article 51 of the Indian Constitution as the guiding principle of Indian Foreign Policy? (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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40. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2019 DEC)

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41. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the exclusive jurisdiction of Rajya Sabha? (GUJARAT SET 2019 DEC)

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42. Article 368 of the Indian Constitution is concerned with : (GUJARAT SET 2019 DEC)

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43. Which of the following Commissions made recommendations regarding revision of Centre-State Financial relations? (GUJARAT SET 2019 DEC)

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44. The term 'Secular' was incorporated in the Preamble by which Amendment? (GUJARAT SET 2019 DEC)

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45. The joint session of the two Houses of the Indian Parliament is chaired by: (GUJARAT SET 2019 DEC)

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46. According to Granville Austin, the Constituent Assembly was characterised by "an oligarchy of four." Who constituted this oligarchy? (GUJARAT SET 2019 DEC)

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47. In which case did the Supreme Court establish the principle of judicial review in America? (GUJARAT SET 2019 DEC)

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48. Arrange the following committees in chronological order and choose the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2017 AUG PAPER II)

(a)Ā Kripalani Committee

(b)Ā Sanathanam Committee

(c)Ā Tek Chand Committee

(d)Ā Vivian Bose Committee

Codes :

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49. Before 2019, the President could make a proclamation of Financial Emergency under Article 360 : (GUJARAT SET 2017 AUG PAPER II)

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50. The 1963 Kamraj Plan was initiated by Nehru : (GUJARAT SET 2017 AUG PAPER II)

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51. Which one of the following Presidents remarked that Presidential position and power should be clearly defined? (GUJARAT SET 2017 AUG PAPER II)

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52. Match List-II with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2017 AUG PAPER II)

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53. Under what age does Article 24 of the Indian Constitution prohibit child labour in hazardous employment: (GUJARAT SET 2017 AUG PAPER II)

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54. Which one of the following statements is incorrect with regard to the Rights in the Indian Constitution? (GUJARAT SET 2017 AUG PAPER II)

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55. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2017 AUG PAPER II)

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56. When was the Inter-State Council set up in India? (GUJARAT SET 2016 PAPER III)

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57. Which one of the following committee said that Community Development Programme and National Extension Service had failed to evoke popular enthusiasm? (GUJARAT SET 2016 PAPER III)

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58. 40. Given below are two statements, one labelled Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R) :

Assertion (A):Ā Notwithstanding the introduction of Provincial Autonomy, the Government of India Act, 1935 retained control of the Central Government over the provinces in certain spheres.

Reason (R):Ā The Governor was required to act in his own discretion in certain matters for which he was to act without ministerial advice and also under the control and direction of Council of Ministers.

Select the correct codeĀ :

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59. On December 11, 1946, the Constituent Assembly elected who as its permanent chairman? (GUJARAT SET 2016 PAPER III)

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60. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2016 PAPER III)

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61. 31. Which non-member can remain present during the business of either House of the Indian Parliament? (GUJARAT SET 2016 PAPER III)

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62. Which of the following is the Indian contribution to parliamentary procedures? (GUJARAT SET 2016 PAPER 3)

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