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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar


Jammu and Kashmir SET Unit 1: Political Theory

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Category: Marxism

1. Who among the following is known as the propounder of the Revisionist Marxism? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

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Category: Modernism & Post Modernism

2. Consider the two statements given below: (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

(i) In the context of Post-Modernism, genealogy is a style of historical method which exposes the significance of power-knowledge relations.

(ii)Nietzsche is credited for introducing this term.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

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Category: Feminism

3. Who among the following has reformulated the six principles of Realism, formulated by Hans Morgenthau? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

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Category: Socialism

4. Match List-I and List-Il and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

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Category: Ecologism in Political Theory

5. Which of the following statements are correct about the Deep Ecologism? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

(i) Nature is interconnected whole.

(ii) Human race is superior than others.

(iii)  Priority to nature.

(iv) Influenced with eastern religions.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

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Category: Democracy

6. Which of the following are the features of democracy? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

(a) Democracy requires political equality.

(b) All citizens must be entitled to stand for election regardless of race, sex, colour or religion.

(c) All citizens must possess a vote (universal adult franchise).

(d) Political equality means 'one person one vote, one vote one value'.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

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Category: Neo-Liberalism in Political Theory

7. Who among the following coined the term of 'Regional Security Complex' (RSC) in International Relations? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

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Category: Ecologism in Political Theory

8. The theory that the Earth is best understood as a living entity that acts to maintain its own existence' is known as: (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

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Category: Democracy

9. Which of the following are the characteristics of Protective Democracy? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

(i) mechanism of people's participation in public life.

(ii) A device to protect people from the encroachments of the government.

(iii) Government by consent.

(iv) Protection of citizens by the government.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

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Category: Conservatism

10. Which are the elements of conservatism? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

(ii) Tradition

(ii) Pragmatism

(iii) Human Perfection

(iv) Organicism

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

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Category: Modernism & Post Modernism

11. The idea of "Deconstruction" is associated with which among of following post-modernist thinker? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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Category: Feminism

12. Consider the following statements. (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

Statement I: Vandana Shiva in her conception of ecofeminism critiques development and establishes the connection between ecological destruction and capitalist growth as a patriarchal project.

Statement II: "Colonialism and the Evolution of Masculinist Forestry" is a book written by Bell Hooks.

Choose the correct option:

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Category: Liberalism in Political Theory

13. The view that there is a close relationship between justice and equality is attributed to whom? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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Category: Conservatism

14. Who among the following is considered as The God Father of Neo-Conservatism? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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Category: Neo-Liberalism in Political Theory

15. Which of the following statements misrepresents neo-liberalism? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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Category: Feminism

16. Match the following: (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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Category: Socialism

17. Identify the early Socialist thinkers among the following. (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

1. Saint Simon

2. Richard Rorty

3. Leon Trotsky

4. Charles Fourier

Choose the correct combination from the options given below:

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Category: Rights

18. Consider the following statements regarding Rights.(JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

Statement I: Rights express a certain kind of relationship between two parties i.e., the right holder and the right observer.

Statement II: The concept of Positive Right entails non-interference from State and society at large.

Choose the correct option:

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Category: Multiculturalism

19. Match the following (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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Category: Equality

20. Who among the following thinkers held the view that "the passion for equality made vain the hope for liberty"? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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Category: Neo-Liberalism in Political Theory

21. Consider the following statements. (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

Statement I: Modern Liberalism advocates for a Laissez-faire State

Statement II: Enabling government is a key component of Classical Liberalism.

Choose the correct option:

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Category: Karl Marx

22. Consider the following statements regarding Marxism. (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

1. Marxism as a theoretical system developed out of and drew inspiration from the writings of Karl Marx.

2. A variety of Marxist traditions can be identified including 'Classical Marxism', 'Orthodox Marxism' or 'Dialectical Materialism' and 'Western', 'Modern' or 'Neo Marxism'.

3. The cornerstone Marxist Philosophy is the materialist conception of history.

4. The basis of Marxist tradition is Marx's teleological theory of history.

Choose the correct option from the combination given below

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Category: Liberty

23. The concept of "Creative Freedom" is given by who among the following? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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Category: Socialism

24. Which of the following is a feature of Socialist State? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

1. Individualism

2. Collectivization of agriculture

3. Movement of products and exchanges determined by the market

Choose the correct option:

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Category: Democracy

25. Select the correct answer by using the codes given below: (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

Assertion (A): Democracy tends to be weak in a plural society.

Reason (R): Plural societies are based on unity and diversity.


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Category: Neo-Liberalism in Political Theory

26. Who among the following thinkers does not belong to Modern Liberalism? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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Category: Liberty

27. Negative Liberty should be distinguished from the 'conditions of its exercise', said (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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Category: Jaya Prakash Narayan

28. Who among the following advocated partyless democracy in India? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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Category: Structural Marxism

29. Name the scholar who gave Neo-Gramiscian perspective of International Relations. (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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Category: Karl Marx

30. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (a) and the other labelled as Reason (r). Read the statements and choose the correct answer from the codes given below: (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

Assertion (a): Karl Marx termed early socialists as Utopian socialists.

Reason (r): Utopian socialists attacked the capitalist system itself.

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