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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

JNU Unit 5: International Relations

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1. Who among the following uses the term 'balance of power' in four different ways: as a policy aimed at a certain state of affairs; as an actual state of affairs; as an approximately equal distribution of power and as any distribution of power? (JNU MA 2019)

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2. The advocate of Democratic Peace Theory is: (JNU MA 2019)

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3. Who among the following has the view that the functions of the state appear overwhelmingly military and overwhelmingly geopolitical rather than economic and domestic"? (JNU MA 2019)

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4. The argument that international relations are characterized by anarchy which makes it  necessary for the states to maintain their independence and safeguard national interest is  associated with; (JNU MA 2019)

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5. Chronologically arrange the following treaties in the correct ascending order: (JNU MA 2020)

A. The Charter of the UN

B. The Treaty of Westphalia

C. Treaties of Utrecht

D. Treaty of Paris

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

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6. The policy of containment formulated by the U.S. aimed at: (JNU MA 2020)

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7. Given below are two statements one labelled as Assertion A and the other labelled as Reason R. (JNU MA 2020)

Assertion A: WTO pleads that free trade brings prosperity for all and therefore should be promoted.

Reason R: Integration of the countries with global economy through the system of trade helps them to export goods abroad as also import goods which they need.

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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8. Secularism in India as practiced in India has been inspired by certain ideas. Consider these: (JNU MA 2020)

A. Respect and protection of all religions

B. Equal distance from all religions

C. No discrimination against any one on the basis of religion

D. Symmetric political treatment of different religious communities

Which statement mentioned above is/are correct?

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9. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (JNU MA 2020)

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10. Given below are two statements one labelled as Assertion A and the other labelled as Reason R. (JNU MA 2020)

Assertion A: The decisions of the Security Council are binding, and must only be passed by the majority of nine out of the 15 members, as well as each of the five permanent members.

Reason R: These five permanent members have veto power over all Security Council decisions.

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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11. Consider the following statements: (JNU MA 2020)

A. Globalization signifies a web of economic, cultural and political connectedness across the world.

B. Cosmopolitanism stands for certain values and principles that are applicable to all people.

C. Washington Consensus refers to a neo-liberal framework embraced by key Washington based international institutions.

D. Neoliberalism supports the idea of market individualism and active intervention of the state in social and economic affairs.

Which of the statements mentioned above are correct?

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12. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (JNU MA 2020)

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13. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (JNU MA 2020)

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14. International society tradition is also known as the: (JNU MA 2020)

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15. Chronologically arrange the arms control and disarmament agreements in an ascending order. (JNU MA 2020)

A. Strategic Offensive Reduction Treaty (SORT) - 2002

B. Chemical Weapons Convention - 1993

C. Open Skies Treaty - 1992

D. Ottawa Landmine Convention – 1997

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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16. Given below are two statements one labelled as Assertion A and the other labelled as Reason R. (JNU MA 2020)

Assertion A: The Post-Cold War period is a multi-polar moment in a unipolar world.

Reason R: America remains the world’s pre-eminent actor, but it is also stretched militarily, in debt financially, divided domestically and unpopular internationally.

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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17. Who said, “Power in International Politics is like the weather. Everyone talks about it, but few understand it”? (JNU MA 2020)

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18. Which of the following are parts of Morganthau’s realist principle? (JNU MA 2020)

A. Politics is rooted in a permanent and unchanging human nature.

B. Self-interest is a basic fact of the human condition.

C. Coercion is only part of foreign policy.

D. National interest defined in terms of power.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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19. Who enunciated International society theory as a combination of three schools of thought – Realism, Rationalism and Revolutionism? (JNU MA 2020)

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20. Hans Morgenthau in his book Politics among Nations (1948) discusses following concepts: (JNU MA 2021)

A. National Interest defined in terms of power

B. National power defined in terms of institutional power

C. Balance of Power

D. Idea of World State

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21. Which of the following statements explain rational choice understanding of international relations? (JNU MA 2021)

A. Individuals are emotional actors in international relations

B. States decide their actions in international politics rationally

C. State behavior in international politics is based on cost‐benefit analysis

D. States are the only actors in international relations

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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22. Which Indian ministry is responsible for agricultural trade related negotiations in WTO? (JNU MA 2021)

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23. Hegemonic stability theory argues: (JNU MA 2021)

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24. Which of the statements are incorrect (JNU MA 2021)

A. Soviet army started moving out of Afghanistan in 1981

B. Cuban missile crisis happened in 1962

C. The first international organization India joined was the United Nations

D. Korean war happened between 1951‐53

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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25. On which point neoliberal institutionalism disagrees with neorealism: (JNU MA 2021)

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26. The sceptical view of globalization does not emphasize on: (JNU MA 2021)

A. World was more globalized economically, politically and culturally during 1870 to 1914

B. Present phase of globalization can be identified more with intensifying geopolitics than globalization per se

C. Present phase of globalization is more concerned about economic development of the global south

D. State power has increased and not decreased in the present era.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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27. Which scholar argues that international order is "a fusion of power with legitimate social purpose" (JNU MA 2021)

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28. Match List I with List II (JNU MA 2021)

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29. Saskia Sassen’s book, Losing Control?: Sovereignty in an Age of Globalization (1996), analyses three levels of the erosion of sovereignty of modern nation states. Which one is not associated with it? (JNU MA 2021)

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