24. Which of the statements are incorrect (JNU MA 2021)
A. Soviet army started moving out of Afghanistan in 1981
B. Cuban missile crisis happened in 1962
C. The first international organization India joined was the United Nations
D. Korean war happened between 1951‐53
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
ITU - International Telecommunication Union
- Established on 17 May 1864
- Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland
- India is an active member
IOC - International Olympic Committee
- Established in June 1894
- Headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland
- India is a member
PCA - Permanent Court of Arbitration
- Established in 1899
- Headquartered in Hague, Netherland
- India is a party
ILO - International Labour Organization
- Established in 1919
- Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland
- India is a Founder member
ICC - International Chamber of Commerce
- Established in 1919
- Headquartered in Paris, France
- India is a member
Interpol - International Criminal Police Organization
- Established in 1923
- Headquartered in Lyon, France
- India is a member since 1949
BIS - Bank for International Settlements
- Founded on May 1930
- Reserve Bank of India is a member among the total Central banks of 60 other nations
- Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland
CoN - Commonwealth of Nations
- Founded on 11 December 1931
- India is a member among 53 others
- Headquartered in London, UK
IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
- Established in 1944
- Headquartered in Washington DC, US
- India is a founding member
ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
- Established in 1944
- Headquartered in Montreal, Canada
- India is an elected member
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- Established on 16 October 1945
- Headquartered in Rome, Italy
- India is a founding member
UN - United Nations
- Established in October 1945
- Headquartered in New York, US
- India is a founding member
IMF - International Monetary Fund
- Established in December 1945
- Headquartered in Washington DC, US
- India is a Founder member
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
- Established in November 1946
- Headquartered in London, Uk
- India is a founding member
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
- Established in February 1947
- Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland
- India is a member
IMO - International Maritime Organization
- Established in March 1948
- Headquartered in London, UK
- India is an elected member
WHO World Health Organization
- Established in April 1948
- Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland
- India is a founding member
CP - Colombo Plan
- Established in 1950
- Headquartered in Colombo, Sri Lanka
- India is a founding member of CP
EAS - East Asia Summit
- Established in 1950
- Headquartered in Colombo, Sri Lanka
- India is a founding member
IDA - International Development Association
- Established on 26 September 1950
- Headquartered in Washington DC, US
- India is a founder member
CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research
- Established in 1954
- Headquartered in Geneva
- India is an associate member of CERN
IFC - International Finance Corporation
- Established in July 1956
- Headquartered in Washington DC, US
- India is a Founder member
AALCO - Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization
- Was constituted on 15 November 1956.
- Originally known as the Asian Legal Consultative Committee (ALCC)
- Founding Members: India, Indonesia, Iraq, Japan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Egypt & Syrian Arab Republic
- The Headquarters of AALCC in New Delhi
IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency
- Established in 1957
- Headquartered in Vienna, Austria
- India is a founding member
NAM - Non-Aligned Movement
- Established in 1961
- Headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia
- India is a founder member
AfDB - African Development Bank (non-regional members)
- Established in 1964
- Headquartered in Tunis, Tunisia
G-77 - Group of 77
- Established on 15 June 1964
- Headquartered in New York
- India is a founding member
ITSO - International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
- Established in 1964
- Headquartered in Washington DC
- India is a member
ADB - Asian Development Bank
- Established on 19 December 1966
- From 31 members at its establishment, ADB now has 68 members.
- India is a founding member of the organization
- Headquartered in Manila, Philippines
ASEAN Regional Forum - The Association of Southeast Asian Nations
- Founded on 8 August 1967
- India became a dialogue member in 1995
- Headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia
PIF - Pacific Islands Forum (partner)
- Established in 1971
- Headquartered in Suva, Fiji
- India is a partner
IEA - International Energy Agency
- Established in November 1974
- Headquartered in Paris, France
- India is an associate member
IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development
- Established in December 1977
- Headquartered in Rome, Italy
- India is a founder member
SACEP - South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme
- Established in 1982
- Headquartered in Colombo, Sri Lanka
- India is an active member
- Established in 1985
- Total of 48 member countries
- India joined the group in January 2018
- Its first meeting was held in Brussels, Belgium, in September 1989
SAARC - South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
- Established in December 1985
- Headquartered in Kathmandu, Nepal
- India is a founding member
MTCR Missile Technology Control Regime
- Established in April 1987
- Headquartered in Japan
- India is an active member since June 2016
G-15 - Group of 15
- Established in September 1989
- Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland
- India is a founding member
UNAIDS - United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
- Established in July 1994
- Headquartered in New York, US
- India is a founding member
SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (member)
- Established in April 1996
- Headquartered in Beijing, China
- India is a founding member
OPCW - Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- Established in April 1997
- Headquartered in Hague, Netherland
- India is an active member
BIMSTEC - Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation ➨
- Founded on June 1997
- India is a founding member among 6 others
- Headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh
G-20 - Group of 20
- Established in September 1999
- Headquartered in Cancun, Mexico
- India is a founding member
IMSO - International Mobile Satellite Organization
- Established in 1999
- Headquartered in London, UK
- India is a Founder member
BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
- Founded on June 2006
- India is a founding member
- Headquartered in Shanghai, China
ITUC - International Trade Union Confederation (the successor to ICFTU (International Confederation of Free Trade Unions) and the WCL (World Confederation of Labour))
- Established in November 2006
- Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium
- India is a member
IPEEC - International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation
- Established in 2009
- Headquartered in Paris, France
- India is a founder member
I2U2 - India, Israel, United Arab Emirates and United States of America
- Established in October 2021
- India is a founding member
IPEF - Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity
- Established in May 2022
- India a founding member