JNU Unit 3: Indian Political Thought
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1. Fatwa-i-Jahandari of Ziauddin Barani is related with (NET June 2020 Paper II)
(A) Advices for Muslim kings in order to earn religious merit and the gratitude of the subject
(B) Advices to all the kings
(C) Description of the origin of state
(D) Tenets of secularism
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
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2. "My Hindu instinct tells me that all religions are more or less true. All proceed from the same God, but all are imperfect because they have come to us through imperfect human instrumentality. The real shuddhi movement should consist in each one trying to arrive at perfection in his or her own faith.". Who wrote the above lines? (JNU MA 2019)
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3. Who among the following has argued: “I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any”? (JNU MA 2020)
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4. Consider the following statements regarding ‘Hijarat’ recommended by Gandhi Ji. (JNU MA 2020)
A. Gandhi Ji recommended Hijarat as another form of Satyagrah
B. It was recommended by Gandhi Ji for the people of Champaran
C. It means voluntary exile from the permanent place of residence
D. It implied the formation of Peace Brigade
Of these:
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5. Which of the following mentioning the author and his book is not correctly matched? (JNU MA 2020)
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6. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (JNU MA 2020)
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7. 'The Prime Minister is more concerned about his power than about the welfare of Parliament. His energy is concentrated upon securing the success of his party. His care is not always that Parliament shall do right. Prime Ministers are known to have made Parliament do things merely for party advantage. All this is worth thinking over.'
Which of the following modern indian political thinker is associated with the statement given above? (JNU MA 2021)
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8. Which of the ideas are associated with V. D. Savarkar? (JNU MA 2021)
A) Blunt the edge of the demands made by the Depressed classes
B) Prevent further atomization of the Hindu community
C) Cultural concept of nationalism
D) Negate the territorial concept of nationhood propagated by Congress
Choose correct answer from options given below:
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9. 'Freedom was the soul of the Home Rule Movement. The divine instinct of freedom never aged....Freedom is the very life of the individual soul which Vedanta declares to be not separate from God but identical with him. This freedom was a principle that could never perish.'
Which of the following modern Indian political thinker is associated with the statement given above? (JNU MA 2021)
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10. Which of the following are associated with Swami Vivekananda's philosophy? (JNU MA 2021)
A) If one religion is true, then all the others also must be true.
B) He addressed the delegates of the World's Parliament of Religions as 'Sisters and Brothers'
C) He started a movement against the philosophy of Vedanta
D) He critiqued the modern reform movements of his time by suggesting that most of them were inconsiderate imitations of Western means and methods of work
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11. 'Democracy is not merely a form of government. It is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated experience. It is essentially an attitude of respect and reverence towards fellowmen.'
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12. Match List I with List II (JNU MA 2021)
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13. What does Ambedkar suggest as a real remedy to the caste system in his famous essay Annihilation of Caste? (JNU MA 2021)
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14. Who among the following political leaders was instrumental in separating the annual meetings of the Social Conference and the Indian National Congress, which used to meet at the same venue and with several common delegates till 1895? (JNU MA 2021)
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15. Who drafted the resolution on 'Fundamental Rights and Duties' for the Karachi Congress 1931 in which it was said that 'The State shall observe neutrality in regards to all religions'? (JNU MA 2021)
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16. Match List I with List II (JNU MA 2021)
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17. Which of the following are associated with Rammohun Roy? (JNU MA 2021)
A) Every man is entitled by law and reason to enjoy the fruits of his honest labour and good management
B) Defended right to property
C) Defended Permanent Settlement in his report to the House of Commons in 1831
D) Derived his income from the zamindari and money‐lending business
E) Pointed out injustices of the revenue system and demanded their rectification
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18. Arrange these thinkers chronologically according to the year of their birth: (JNU MA 2021)
A. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
B. Ram Mohan Roy
C. Swami Vivekananda
D. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
E. Swami Dayananda Saraswati
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