Banaras Hindu University
Banaras Hindu University 2017
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1. Which one of the following leaders of the Congress was totally in favour of Cabinet Mission Plan? (BHU MA 2017)
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2. As an alternative to the partition of India Gandhiji suggested to Lord Mountbatten that he: (BHU MA 2017)
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3. Government Policies which evolved reactions before 1905 were: (BHU MA 2017)
(I) Reduction of ICS ages limit to 19 years in 1876
(II) Grand Durbar of Delhi 1877
(III) Vernacular Press Act 1878
(IV) Arms Act 1878
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4. Arrange following events related with Gandhiji in Chronological order? (BHU MA 2017)
(I) Publication of Hindi-Swaraj
(II) Chauri-Choura Incident
(III) Champaran Satyagrah
(IV) Establishment of Sabarmati Ashram
5 / 120
5. Which one of the following was not a member of Drafting Committee of Indian Constituent Assembley? (BHU MA 2017)
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6. Which one of the following is not a feature of the government of India Act of 1935? (BHU MA 2017)
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7. The member of the constitutional assembly who drafted the constitution of India were: (BHU MA 2017)
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8. The Hunter Commission was appointed after the: (BHU MA 2017)
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9. Which among the following religious organization carried on the Suddhi Movement? (BHU MA 2017)
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10. The congress accepted 'Home-Rule' as its objective in the year of: (BHU MA 2017)
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11. Which among the following was the cause of the withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation Movement? (BHU MA 2017)
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12. Which among the following was the primary cause of the partition of Bengal? (BHU MA 2017)
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13. Which one of the following is not a political right? (BHU MA 2017)
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14. Who said that India is a unitary state with subsidiary federal features rather than a federal State with subsidiary unitary features? (BHU MA 2017)
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15. Who of the following is the only officer allowed to participate in the proceeding of the Parliament in India? (BHU MA 2017)
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16. Since when the consensus has emerged in India that the post of Deputy-Speaker of Lok Sabha should go to opposition party? (BHU MA 2017)
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17. How many members are there in the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament? (BHU MA 2017)
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18. Which one of the following Committees did not relate to Panchayati Raj? (BHU MA 2017)
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19. Which one of the following is not related to union-state relation in India? (BHU MA 2017)
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20. "Collegium System" is related to which of the following? (BHU MA 2017)
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21. Who among following distinguished between Legal and Political Sovereignty? (BHU MA 2017)
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22. Equal Pay for Equal Work is a: (BHU MA 2017)
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23. The term 'Liberty' means: (BHU MA 2017)
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24. Idealistic Approach to Rights emphasized on: (BHU MA 2017)
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25. Who conceptualises power as Extractive Power and Development Power? (BHU MA 2017)
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26. Philosophical Anarchism is related to: (BHU MA 2017)
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27. "State is the march of God on earth." Who said it? (BHU MA 2017)
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28. The basis of Distributive Justice is: (BHU MA 2017)
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29. Who among following is not a supporter of Elitist Democracy? (BHU MA 2017)
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30. "Nothing outside State, Nothing against State, everything for State." To which ideology it is related to? (BHU MA 2017)
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31. 'Guild Socialism' is a mid path between: (BHU MA 2017)
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32. Positive Liberalism is close to: (BHU MA 2017)
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33. "Socialism means slavery." Who said this? (BHU MA 2017)
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34. Who presented concept of Positive and Negative Liberty? (BHU MA 2017)
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35. 'Citizenship' originates from which of the following Languages? (BHU MA 2017)
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36. Which theory of Origin of State was established by Manu? (BHU MA 2017)
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37. In the philosophy of Kautilya a State having desire to win is called: (BHU MA 2017)
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38. "State is individual writ large" Who said it? (BHU MA 2017)
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39. Who wrote 'Politics'? (BHU MA 2017)
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40. Which thinker is known as child of Renaissance? (BHU MA 2017)
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41. Thinker associated with Social Contract Theory of origin of State is: (BHU MA 2017)
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42. According to John Lock, the State of Nature was: (BHU MA 2017)
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43. Who among following is related to the concept of General Will? (BHU MA 2017)
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44. Who is known as Reluctant Democrat? (BHU MA 2017)
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45. Who among following is supporter of Idealism? (BHU MA 2017)
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46. Who presents synthesis of Individualism and Idealism? (BHU MA 2017)
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47. Who propounded the theory of 'Historical Materialism'? (BHU MA 2017)
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48. Who among following treated Non-violence as central point in National Movement? (BHU MA 2017)
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49. Who among following eminent persons is influenced by Scientific Socialism? (BHU MA 2017)
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50. Contradiction is Reason for Development' to which ideology it is associated with? (BHU MA 2017)
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51. "The dictatorship of the cabinet has reduced the power and prestige of the Parliament in U. K." Who opines this? (BHU MA 2017)
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52. Which of the following is not a democratic republic? (BHU MA 2017)
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53. Teananmen Square Protests' are related to which of the following governmental System? (BHU MA 2017)
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54. Circuit Court of Appeal is found in which of the following country? (BHU MA 2017)
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55. "Filibustering" is associated with which of the following country? (BHU MA 2017)
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56. "Once a speaker, always a speaker" is applicable to which political system? (BHU MA 2017)
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57. "Winner take all" is applicable in the election system of which of the following country? (BHU MA 2017)
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58. The principle of 'Democratic Centralism' applies to which country? (BHU MA 2017)
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59. Which is the Supreme Organ of the Communist Party of China? (BHU MA 2017)
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60. How many members are there in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China? (BHU MA 2017)
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61. Watergate Scandal' is asociated with which political system? (BHU MA 2017)
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62. Spoils system is a feature of: (BHU MA 2017)
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63. The members of Federal Council in Switzerland are elected for a period of: (BHU MA 2017)
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64. Which of the following is not a political party of Switzerland? (BHU MA 2017)
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65. Which of the following country has Cabinet form of government? (BHU MA 2017)
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66. What is authority? (BHU MA 2017)
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67. Interest articulation is performed by: (BHU MA 2017)
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68. Who has given the concept of iron law of oligarchy? (BHU MA 2017)
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69. Class is a (BHU MA 2017)
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70. Who has given the Eight Intellectual Foundation Stones of Behaviouralism? (BHU MA 2017)
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71. Who has given the concept of End of Ideology? (BHU MA 2017)
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72. Who talks about Seven Credo of Relevance of Post-behaviouralism? (BHU MA 2017)
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73. Who has developed system analysis in Political Science? (BHU MA 2017)
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74. Which one of the following has been identified as an output functions given by Almond & Powell? (BHU MA 2017)
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75. Which one of the following is an input function? (BHU MA 2017)
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76. Which of the following is not a feature of caste? (BHU MA 2017)
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77. Which of the following is a function of political party? (BHU MA 2017)
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78. Which one of the following is a function of Pressure groups (BHU MA 2017)
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79. Marxist approach provides (BHU MA 2017)
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80. Behavioural approach is a: (BHU MA 2017)
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81. The 'Gang-Plank' refers to: (BHU MA 2017)
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82. The history of evolution of the Public Administration is generally divided into: (BHU MA 2017)
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83. Henry Fayol's General theory of Administration is applicable at: (BHU MA 2017)
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84. F. W. Taylor, the founding father of Scientific Management movement propounded the theory which was conceived to be a scientific methodology of: (BHU MA 2017)
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85. Bureaucracy that is committed to the programmes of the political party in power is called: (BHU MA 2017)
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86. The Union Public Service established under the: (BHU MA 2017)
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87. The Public Accounts Committee of Parliament in India consists of: (BHU MA 2017)
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88. In which recruitment, in a system for higher position is open to all the qualified candidates who may wish to apply is known as? (BHU MA 2017)
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89. Promotion in Civil Services indicates: (BHU MA 2017)
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90. The Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration started functioning at Mussoorie from: (BHU MA 2017)
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91. The Lokayukta and Uplokayuktas Act was first passed in: (BHU MA 2017)
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92. Charged expenditure upon the Consolidated fund of India: (BHU MA 2017)
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93. Name the Act by which right to strike is prohibited in the civil service of USA? (BHU MA 2017)
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94. Whitleyism deals with: (BHU MA 2017)
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95. Which of the following is not an example of delegated legislation? (BHU MA 2017)
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96. The South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) has not been a success because of: (BHU MA 2017)
A. Narrow export base of countreis
B. lack of bilateral free trade agreements
C. Political hurdles
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
97 / 120
97. Consider the following statements about NPT and CTBT: (BHU MA 2017)
A. India has neither signed NPT nor ratified it.
B. India has signed CTBT but not yet ratified it.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
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98. Which one out of the following is not a principal organ of the U. N. O.? (BHU MA 2017)
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99. Germany invaded Poland in: (BHU MA 2017)
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100. ECOSOC has been established under chapter ....... of the UN. (BHU MA 2017)
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101. The ICJ is located at: (BHU MA 2017)
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102. "Politics Among Nations" was written by: (BHU MA 2017)
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103. German reunification occurred in: (BHU MA 2017)
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104. Barack Obama the American President belongs to: (BHU MA 2017)
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105. What was the principle of self-determination in Wilson's 14 points? (BHU MA 2017)
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106. How might the Treaty of Versailles have contributed to World War II? (BHU MA 2017)
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107. What period is known as the 'Second Cold War'? (BHU MA 2017)
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108. Star Wars refers to: (BHU MA 2017)
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109. What is Pax Americana? (BHU MA 2017)
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110. The founder of Scientific Management School of thought was: (BHU MA 2017)
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111. Administrative accountability is established in government organizations by: (BHU MA 2017)
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112. Communication runs faster in: (BHU MA 2017)
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113. Formal relationship in an organization is based on: (BHU MA 2017)
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114. The concept of "bounded rationality" was given by: (BHU MA 2017)
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115. Bureaucracy is a form of: (BHU MA 2017)
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116. Which one of the following is the foundation of modern Human Resource? (BHU MA 2017)
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117. Which of the following violates the principle of Utility of Command? (BHU MA 2017)
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118. An organization which successfully achieve the goals will be considered as: (BHU MA 2017)
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119. In terms of public administration, one defines a system: (BHU MA 2017)
120 / 120
120. Public goods differ from private goods on the basis of: (BHU MA 2017)
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