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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

BHU Unit 5: International Relations

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1. Match List-I with List-II and select correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2012 Paper II)

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2. The Headquarter of the United Nations is located at: (BHU MA 2014)

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3. Which one of the following factor is against the European Union as emerging as a Super Power? (BHU MA 2014)

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4. Declaration of the end of cold war made the leaders of the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union at the Malta Summit in the year: (BHU MA 2014)

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5. Soviet intervention in Afghanistan took place in the year: (BHU MA 2014)

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6. The Cuban Missiles Crisis took place in the year: (BHU MA 2014)

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7. The Warsaw Pact was concluded in the year: (BHU MA 2014)

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8. The purpose of Truman Doctrine was to contain Soviet influence mainly in: (BHU MA 2014)

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9. An important feature of the cold war was: (BHU MA 2014)

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10. The term 'cold war' first used by: (BHU MA 2014)

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11. Who is the author of the book entitled "After Hegemony"? (BHU MA 2014)

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12. In the sphere of International Relations, the supporters of Liberalism emphasize the importance of: (BHU MA 2014)

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13. Who wrote the book entitled "The Politics of Inclusion"? (BHU MA 2014)

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14. United Nations provides security based on the principle of: (BHU MA 2015)

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15. The headquater of the United Nation is located at: (BHU MA 2016)

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16. Main reason for the end of cold war was the policy followed by: (BHU MA 2016)

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17. The term cold war was used for the first time by: (BHU MA 2016)

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18. Globalization means: (BHU MA 2016)

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19. In which one of the following years 'Woodrow Wilson Chair' was established? (BHU MA 2018)

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20. During the Prime Ministership of which of the following India opted for the policy of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization? (BHU MA 2018)

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21. In which of the following years the Marshall Plan was initiated? (BHU MA 2019)

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22. Which one of the following countries is related with the 'Star War Programme'? (BHU MA 2019)

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23. ANZUS Council is a: (BHU MA 2019)

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24. In which of the following places North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was created on April 4, 1949? (BHU MA 2019)

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25. Which one of the following is not an organ of the League of Nation? (BHU MA 2019)

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26. Who among the following has regarded the 'Game Theory' as an interesting intellectual exercise? (BHU MA 2019)

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27. Who among the following has said that power "lurks in the background of all relations between Sovereign States"? (BHU MA 2019)

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28. In which of the following Universities the first International Relations Chair, the Woodrow Wilson chair was founded? (BHU MA 2019)

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29. Who among the following is the author of the book 'The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939: An Introduction to the Study of International Relations? (BHU MA 2019)

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30. Marshall Plan was related to: (BHU MA 2019)

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31. 'Politics Among Nations' was written by: (BHU MA 2019)

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