BHU Unit 9: Public Administration
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1. The bureacratic theory of administration is associated with the name of: (BHU MA 2014)
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2. Value free administration is associated with the name of: (BHU MA 2014)
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3. Who is regarded as the father of Public Administration? (BHU MA 2014)
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4. Who said that bureaucracy thrives under the cloak of ministerial responsibility? (BHU MA 2014)
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5. The Civil Service in a "professional body of officials, permanent, paid and skilled". It was stated by: (BHU MA 2014)
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6. Who said that "Communication is" the heart of management"? (BHU MA 2014)
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7. Coordination, the first principle of orgamisation was not a separate activity but a "condition that should permeate all phases of administration". Who said? (BHU MA 2014)
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8. Who is the author of the book entitled "Administrative Behaviour"? (BHU MA 2014)
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9. Who said that leadership depends upon three things: The individual, the followers and the conditions? (BHU MA 2014)
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10. Who said that there are four bases of organization : Purpose Power, Person and Place? (BHU MA 2014)
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11. Who emphasized the importance of human relations in Public Administration? (BHU MA 2014)
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12. Who said Public Administration "consists of all those operations having for their purpose the fulfilment or enforcement of public policy"? (BHU MA 2014)
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13. Who one among the following published, for the first time, a text-book on Public Administration? (BHU MA 2014)
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14. The term 'Scientific Management' was first coined by: (BHU MA 2015)
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15. The father of public Administration is: (BHU MA 2015)
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16. Who is known as the 'Father of Public Administration'? (BHU MA 2016)
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17. What makes power authority? (BHU MA 2016)
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18. Who is associated with development administration? (BHU MA 2016)
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19. The Concept of new Public Administration is associated with: (BHU MA 2016)
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20. In the development of Public Administration what was correct order of development of different schools? (BHU MA 2016)
(i) Scientific Management theory
(ii) Human Relations therory
(iii) Bureaucratic theory
(iv) New Public Administration
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21. The founder of Scientific Management School of thought was: (BHU MA 2017)
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22. F. W. Taylor, the founding father of Scientific Management movement propounded the theory which was conceived to be a scientific methodology of: (BHU MA 2017)
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23. Scalar chain refers to (BHU MA 2018)
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24. Under parliamentary form of Government bureaucracy thrives under the cloak of ministerial responsibility. Who said this? (BHU MA 2019)
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25. Who among the following authored the book entitled 'Economy and Society'? (BHU MA 2019)
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26. By whose initiative Merit System' of selection in India was introduced? (BHU MA 2019)
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27. Who among the following has coined the term 'Bureaupathology? (BHU MA 2019)
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28. Who among the following has propounded the ‘Rabble Hypothesis’ of motivation? (BHU MA 2019)
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29. The 'Mechanistic Theory of organization is also known as: (BHU MA 2019)
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30. In which of the following countries the term Bureaucracy' originated? (BHU MA 2019)
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31. Who among the following used for the first time the term 'Scientific Management'? (BHU MA 2019)
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32. Who one among the following implement(s) the 'Public Policies'? (BHU MA 2019)
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33. Who among the following argues that public administration is different from private administration? (BHU MA 2019)
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34. Who among the following is attached with the 'Behavioural Approach to the study of public administration? (BHU MA 2019)
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35. Who one among the following has noted that a theory of Public administration means in our time a theory of Politics also? (BHU MA 2019)
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36. Who among the following is not the supporter of the Managerial View' of the Administration'? (BHU MA 2019)
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37. Who among the following has defined that Administration is the direction, coordination and control of many persons to achieve some purpose or objectives (BHU MA 2019)
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38. According to Max Weber, there are how many types of Leadership? (BHU MA 2019)
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39. In United States of America the practice of making appointments on the basis of Political Affiliation is known as: (BHU MA 2019)
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40. Principles of Bureaucracy was first developed by: (BHU MA 2019)
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41. Hawthorne Experiments were conducted in: (BHU MA 2019)
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42. Father of scientific management is: (BHU MA 2019)
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