Presidency University Year Wise Questions
Presidency University Masters Entrance 2019
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1. Match the ideologists with their beliefs on freedom: (PUMET 2019)
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2. 2. In British India the "covenanted Civil Service" referred to the:
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3. Identify the philosopher and his philosophy: (PUMDET 2019)
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4. Who said, Phule's thought represented the "fulfilment of the renaissance desire for social transformation along revolutionary lines"? (PUMDET 2019)
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5. Identify correctly the duty of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG): (PUMDET 2019)
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6. Who wrote the biographies of Mazzini, Garibaldi, Shivaji and Sri Krishna? (PUMDET 2019)
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7. European Stability Mechanism is an agency of the EU that (PUMDET 2019)
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8. 8. Select the correct statement(s) :
1. The Factories Act, 1881 was supported by the early nationalists.
2. The nationalists felt that the Government initiative went against Indian manufacturing interests.
3. Factories Act, 1991 was against the 1881 Act.
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9. 'Painful historical memories prevent one country from emerging as a regional hegemon in Asia. The country is (PUMDET 2019)
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10. Identify the correct growth strategy that developing states have adopted. (PUMDET 2019)
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11. Choose the correct answer. The Railway Board (PUMDET 2019)
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12. Identify the political leader with his philosophy: (PUMDET 2019)
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13. Whom did Subhash Chandra Bose defeat for the Congress Presidency in 1939? (PUMDET 2019)
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14. Name the author of the two books 'Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics' and 'Does Khaki Become You? The Militarisation of Women's Lives'. (PUMDET 2019)
Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics is a book by Cynthia Enloe. It was first published in 1990, with a revised edition published in 2014.
Cynthia H. Enloe is the author of "Does Khaki Become You? The Militarisation of Women's Lives", a 262-page book published by South End Press in 1983. In this monograph, Enloe explores a range of issues related to women's participation in military organizations and war.
Enloe is a political science academic who has worked at the University of California, Berkeley, Miami University, Clark University, Harvard University, and the Radcliffe Institute.
She has also written other books, including:
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15. Match the author with his/her book: (PUMDET 2019)
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16. Which Constitutional Amendment Act was described by Mrs. Gandhi as "We have our own brand of socialism"?
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17. 17. When did the British Government realize for the first time the possibility of 2 Constituent Assemblies and 2 states?
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18. Which politician in India held the posts of the President, Vice President, Governor of a state and was also the Chief Minister of a state?
Shankar Dayal Sharma, the ninth president of India, held the posts of President, Vice President, Governor of a state, and was also the Chief Minister of a state. He was the Chief Minister of Bhopal from 1952 to 1956. He was also the Governor of Maharashtra from 1986 to 1987, Punjab from 1985 to 1986, and Andhra Pradesh from 1984 to 1985.
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19. Who among the following does not have voting rights in a Municipality? (PUMDET 2019)
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20. Choose the most significant reason why NAM ceased to be an effective movement in International affairs? (PUMDET 2019)
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21. Identify correctly the mandate of the National Commission for Child Rights. (PUMDET 2019)
The Commission's Mandate is to ensure that all provide economic relief to poor families
1. Laws, Policies, Programmes, and Administrative Mechanisms are in consonance with the Child rights perspective
2. the Child is defined as a person in the 0 to 18 years age group.
3. provide shelter to orphans
4. provide economic relief to poor families
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22. Who said, "The pursuit of individual advantage is admirably connected with the universal good of the whole"? (PUMDET 2019)
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23. About whom it is said, "Unlike some of his/her Russian trained colleagues, he was never very close to doctrinaire Soviet version of Marxism"? (PUMDET 2019)
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24. Look at the statements relating to The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) and choose the correct answer. (PUMDET 2019)
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25. Select the incorrect answer with respect to the National Commission for Backward Classes. (PUMDET 2019)
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26. Consider the following statements about Sri Lanka's 13th Amendment and choose the most relevant one. (PUMDET 2019)
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27. Match the nature of political economy with the state. (PUMDET 2019)
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28. A geo-strategic reality prevails in South Asia, "It is India-Locked". What is the meaning of the phrase in inverted commas? (PUMDET 2019)
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