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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

Presidency University Unit 3: Indian Political Thought

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1. What is the criterion for getting recognition as a 'national party' in Indian electoral system? (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

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2. Which of the following is not provided by the 73rd Constitution (Amendment) Act? (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

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3. Chronologically arrange the events in ascending order. (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

(i) Creation of Punjab and Haryana

(ii) Reorganization of Assam and creation of Meghalaya

(iii) Creation of Uttarakhand and Chhattisgarh

(iv) Reorganization of States


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4. Which of the following is related to the appointment of Governor? (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

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5. Which of the following(s) is/are not correctly matched? Answer by identifying the correct code. (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

  1. Kohli — India's Democracy
  2. Brass – Independence Politics of India Since
  3. Barua – India: The Dangerous Decades
  4. Myron Weiner and Katzenstein – India's Preferential Policies
  5. Harrison – India Against Itself


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6. Who authored Fatawa-i-Jahandari? (PUMDET 2024)

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7. Who termed Kautilya's Arthasastra as "truly radical 'Machiavellianism' in the popular sense of that word"? (PUMDET 2024)

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8. Who formed the Satyasodhak Samaj? (PUMDET 2024)

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9. “The very ward ‘sannyasin’ means the divine outlaw” - who said this? (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2018)

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10. The Spiritual revolution of Shri Aurobindo was based on which philosophy? (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2018)

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11. Who said, “My notion of democracy is that under it the weakest should have the same opportunity as the strongest.” (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2018)

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12. Match between list A and list B: (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2018)

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13. Whose career is described as: “a most remarkable failure in the history of the Indian national movement.” (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2018)

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14. With which event(s) is Dr. Ambedkar associated: (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2018)

A. 3 temple satyagrohas, none supported by congress

B. Participation in Ganapati festivities

C. Mahad Conference of 1927

D. The Southborough conference on franchise

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15. Who wrote Hind Swaraj? (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2019)

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16. Who is known for the Saptanga theory? (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2019)

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17. Who said, “Nationalism is a menace to civilization”? (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2023 Paper IV)

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18. Gandhi’s idea behind ‘Sarvodaya’ was inspired by (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2023)

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19. Put the following events in the correct chronological sequence: (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2017)

(1) Dandi March

(2) Lahore session of the INC

(3) Second Round Table Conference

(4) The Gandhi-Irwin Pact

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20. Raja Rammohun Roy edited (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2017)

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21. Who is the author of 'Annihilation of Caste"? (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2017)

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22. Arrange the following incidents of Ambedkar's life in correct sequence. (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2017)

1. Participation in Mahad Satyagraha

2. Presentation before the Southborough Committee

3. Conversion to Buddhism

4. Presence in the Constituent Assembly

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23. Which of the following statements are not true?  (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2017)

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24. 'Fatwa-I-Jahandari' was written by  (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2017)

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25. In ancient Indian political thought the term "Vijigishu' refers to (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2017)

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26. Which of the following Gandhian Principles are reflected in the Directive Principles of State Policy?  (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2017)

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27. Who put forward the following argument? "The Caste System is not merely a division of labour. It is also a division of labourers. Civilized society undoubtedly needs division of labour. But in no civilized society is division of labour accompanied by this unnatural division of labourers into watertight compartments. The Caste System is not merely a division of labourers which is quite different from division of labour it is a hierarchy in which the divisions of labourers are graded one above the other. In no other country is the division of labour accompanied by this gradation of labourers." (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2017)

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28. Identify the political leader with his philosophy: (PUMDET 2019) 

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29. Who wrote the biographies of Mazzini, Garibaldi, Shivaji and Sri Krishna? (PUMDET 2019) 

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30. Who said, Phule's thought represented the "fulfilment of the renaissance desire for social transformation along revolutionary lines"?  (PUMDET 2019) 

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