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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

University of Hyderabad

University of Hyderabad Unit 2: Political Thought

1 / 81

Category: Karl Marx

1. Marx understands class in terms of (University of Hyderabad M.A. 2011)

2 / 81

Category: Plato

2. In Plato's ideal state, communism is meant for: (University of Hyderabad M.A. 2012)

3 / 81

Category: Mao Ze Dong

3. "Cultural Revolution' is associated with (University of Hyderabad M.A. 2012)

4 / 81

Category: John Stuart Mill

4. On Liberty was written by (University of Hyderabad M.A. 2012)

5 / 81

Category: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

5. Rousseau propounded the idea of (University of Hyderabad M.A. 2012)

6 / 81

Category: Uncategorized

6. In Plato's Republic" Socrates engages with a dialogue on justice with (University of Hyderabad M.A. 2013)

7 / 81

Category: Uncategorized

7. Aristotle is notorious for defending (University of Hyderabad M.A. 2013)

8 / 81

Category: Uncategorized

8. According to Aristotle, 'polity' is the rule of (University of Hyderabad M.A. 2013)

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Category: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

9. Rousseau argued that the General Will is always right because it represents (University of Hyderabad M.A. 2013)

10 / 81

Category: Aristotle

10. According to Aristotle, when many well-off people rule for amassing wealth, the regime is a: (University of Hyderabad MA 2015)

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Category: Karl Marx

11. Who wrote A Contribution to the Critique of Potitical Economy? (University of Hyderabad MA 2015)

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Category: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

12. Rousseau's concept of 'general will' includes: (University of Hyderabad MA 2015)

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Category: Plato

13. Match the following books with their authors: (University of Hyderabad MA 2015)

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Category: Plato

14. Plato proposes the ideal form of rule to be that of: (University of Hyderabad MA 2015)

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Category: Jeremy Bentham

15. Utilitarians advocate the idea of: (University of Hyderabad MA 2015)

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Category: John Locke

16. The idea of tacit consent is formulated by: (University of Hyderabad MA 2015)

17 / 81

Category: Roman and Medieval Political Thought

17. The distinction between the City of God and the City of Man was made by (University of Hyderabad MA 2016)

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Category: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

18. The social contract theory holds that (University of Hyderabad MA 2016)

19 / 81

Category: Aristotle

19. The thinker who defined justice as treating equals equally was (University of Hyderabad MA 2016)

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Category: Miscellaneous of WPT

20. One of the following played no role in the unification of Italy: (University of Hyderabad MA 2016)

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Category: Miscellaneous of WPT

21. Munich Agreement was signed between (University of Hyderabad MA 2016)

22 / 81

Category: John Locke

22. According to John Locke, absolute monarchy is inconsistent with civil society because  (University of Hyderabad MA 2020)

I. There will be no protection from the violence by the ruler

II. It will be against the purpose for which civil society is formed

III. Absolute monarchy is always inefficient in its functioning

IV. Civil Society is supposed to remedy the defect arising out of a man being a judge in his  own case

23 / 81

Category: Karl Marx

23. Identify the name of the book in whose Preface Marx explains his materialist conception of  history: (University of Hyderabad MA 2020)

24 / 81

Category: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

24. ln which of the following texts does the lion and fox metaphor occur? (University of Hyderabad MA 2020)

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Category: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

25. What does the General Will represent according to Rousseau? (University of Hyderabad MA 2020)

26 / 81

Category: Aristotle

26. According to Aristotle, the rule by a few virtuous people is (University of Hyderabad MA 2020)

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Category: Thomas Hobbes

27. What does the following statement by Hobbes in Leviathan mean? "In the state of nature,  there is a war of every man against every man". (University of Hyderabad MA 2020)

28 / 81

Category: Aristotle

28. Arrange the following philosophers in a chronological order from the earliest to the latest.  Choose the correct option. (University of Hyderabad MA 2020)

29 / 81

Category: Friedrich Hegel

29. The first work by Hegel which discusses the master-slave dialectic is: (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2019)

30 / 81

Category: Karl Marx

30. "Reason has always existed but not in a reasonable form". Who says this? (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2019)

31 / 81

Category: Mao Ze Dong

31. Who among the following thinkers makes a distinction between antagonistic and non-antagonistic contradictions? (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2019)

32 / 81

Category: Gramsci

32. Gramsci's concept of hegemony refers to: (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2019)

33 / 81

Category: John Locke

33. Tacit consent is an idea proposed by: (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2019)

34 / 81

Category: John Locke

34. Thinkers like Hobbes and Locke are: (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2019)

35 / 81

Category: John Rawls

35. John Rawls's 'original position' refers to (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2020)

36 / 81

Category: Hannah Arendt

36. Who among the following distinguished between work, labour and action? (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2020)

37 / 81

Category: Plato

37. Who among the following is a famous sophist? (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2020)

38 / 81

Category: John Locke

38. The doctrine of tacit consent in Locke refers to (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2021)

39 / 81

Category: Friedrich Hegel

39. For Hegel, civil society is (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2021)

40 / 81

Category: John Stuart Mill

40. Passage 2: Read the passages given below and answer the questions No. 28-31

J S Mill's ideas have been described as the 'heart of liberalism'. This is because he provided a 'bridge 'between classical and modern liberalism.... Mill suggested that, over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign', a conception of liberty that is essentially negative as it portrays freedom in terms of the absence of restrictions on an individual’s self regarding' actions. Mill believed this to be a necessary condition for liberty, but not in itself a sufficient one. He thought that liberty was a positive and constructive force. It gave individuals the ability to take control of their own lives, to gain autonomy or achieve self-realization. .... Mill believed passionately in individuality. The value of liberty is that it enables individuals to develop, to gain talents, skills and knowledge and to refine their sensibilities. He was clearly not concerned with simple pleasure-seeking, but with personal self-development, declaring that he would rather be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied'.

....... Individuals, according to Green, have sympathy for one another; their egoism is therefore constrained by some degree of altruism. The individual possesses social responsibilities and not merely individual responsibilities, and is therefore linked to other individuals by ties of caring and empathy. Such a conception of human nature was clearly influenced by socialist ideas......

....... If the minimal state was typical of the 19m century, during the 20th century modern states became welfare states. .... Modern liberals defend welfarism on the basis of equality of opportunity. If particular individuals or groups are disadvantaged by their social circumstances, then the state possesses a social responsibility to reduce or remove these disadvantages to create equal, or at least more equal, life chances. ........ Welfare rights are positive rights because they can only be satisfied by the positive actions of government,. through the provision of state pensions, benefits and, perhaps, publicly funded health and education services. During the 20th century, liberel parties and liberal governments were therefore converted to the cause of social welfare......

..... In addition to providing social welfare, 20th century western governments also sought to deliver prosperity by 'managing' their economies. This once again involved rejecting classical liberal thinking, in particular its belief in a self-regulating free market and the doctrine of laissezfaire. ....... Classical economists had argued that there was a grarket solution to the problem of unemployment and, indeed, all other economic problems. Keynes argues, however that the level of economic activity, and therefore of employment, is determined by the total amount of demand - aggregate demand - in the economy. .... Government spending is, in this sense, an injection of demand into the economy. .... Keynesian demand management thus promised to give governments the ability to manipulate employment and growth levels, and hence to secure general prosperity and harmony in civil society.

....... How has liberalism been affected by the forces of globalisation? Has western liberalism been transformed into global liberalism? The first 'face' of global liberalism is neoliberalisrn, which is so closely linked to economic globalisation that many commentators treat neoliberalism and globalisation as if they are part of the same phenomenon: "neoliberal globalisation". The link occurs for a variety of reasons. In particular, intensified international competition encourages governments to de-regulate their economies and reduce tax levels in the hope of attracting inward investment and preventing transnational corporations from relocating elsewhere. ........The secondoface'of global liberalism is liberal democracy, which has now developed beyond its western heartland and become a worldwide force. ..... This was demonstrated, moreover, by the process of democratisation that was under way in Africa, Asian and Latin America, which involved the spread of competitive party systems and a growing enthusiasm for market reforms. By 2000, about two-thirds of the states in the world had political systems that exhibited significant liberal-democratic feature, with democratic movements springing about in more and more parts of the world. For liberals, this provided further optimism about the prospects of international pea@. In a tradition of republican liberalism that can be traced back to Woodrow Wilson, if not to Kant, liberals have argued that autocratic or authoritarian states are inherently militaristic and aggressive, while democratic states are naturally peaceful, especially in their dealings with other democratic states. .. The 'third face' of global liberalism arises from the fact that the advance of globalisation has had an important ethical dimension. This reflects the fact that widening global interconnectedness, especially as facilitated by the new media and the information and communications revolution, has strengthened that idea that justice now extends 'beyond borders'. ... Such cosmopolitan thinking often linked to the idea of global justice, has typically drawn on liberal principles and assumptions, the most important being the doctrine of human rights.

[Source: Andrew Heywood. 2014. Political ldeologies, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 52-53.]

Q. What are the necessary and sufficient conditions of freedom according to J S Mill? (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2021)

41 / 81

Category: Karl Popper

41. The concept of falsifiability is associated primarily with (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2021)

42 / 81

Category: Uncategorized

42. In The Prince, Machiavelli argued that (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2022)

43 / 81

Category: John Rawls

43. John Rawls is a (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2022)

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Category: Aristotle

44. Aristotle departs from Plato's thought because of his (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2022)

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Category: Thomas Hobbes

45. In Hobbes' method, 'laws of nature' are (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2022)

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Category: Friedrich Hegel

46. G W F Hegel's philosophical method involved developing Ideas rather than mere concepts because (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2022)

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Category: Uncategorized

47. Carole Pateman's feminist interpretation of Hobbes's social contract is unique because (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2023)

48 / 81

Category: John Stuart Mill

48. According to J S Mill, liberty of opinion is valuable and no opinion may be suppressed because (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2023)

i. If the opinion is right, we are deprived of exchanging error for truth

ii. If the opinion is wrong, we are deprived of a clearer perception of truth

iii. We attain infallibility through expressing diverse opinions

iv. We attain greater clarity when true and false opinions clash

49 / 81

Category: Uncategorized

49. When it is argued that Hobbes 's social contract situation is not 'like a single shot prisoner's dilemma but more like a self-interested agreement where the optimal strategy is to fulfill the agreement,' the interpretive method stems from (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2023)

50 / 81

Category: Karl Popper

50. Who distinguished science from non-science based on falsification? (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2023)

51 / 81

Category: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

51. Rousseau's 'state of nature' is an example of (University of Hyderabad M.Phil 2020)

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Category: Immanuel Kant

52. 'Categorical Imperative' of Immanuel Kant enjoins us to: (University of Hyderabad M.Phil 2019)

53 / 81

Category: Uncategorized

53. Aristotle's Polity excludes the following from political participation: (University of Hyderabad M.Phil 2019)

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Category: John Locke

54. Locke uses the description "white paper, void of all characters" to describe: (University of Hyderabad M.Phil 2019)

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Category: Karl Marx

55. Marx improves Hegel's dialectical method by adding the:  (University of Hyderabad M.Phil 2019)

56 / 81

Category: Tocqueville

56. Who among the following described democracy as the "tyranny of the majority"? (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

57 / 81

Category: Plato

57. At what age Plato's Philosopher King completes education to be able to govern the state? (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

58 / 81

Category: Hannah Arendt

58. Who is famous for the critique of totalitarianism? (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

59 / 81

Category: Karl Marx

59. Which of the following is not said by Marx? (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

60 / 81

Category: John Locke

60. With the help from the following code, find out the proper sequence in which Locke's social contract is established: (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

(i) Civil Society

(ii) State of Nature

(iii) Government

(iv) Social Contract

61 / 81

Category: Montesquieu

61. The doctrine of separation of powers is attributed to (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

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Category: Jeremy Bentham

62. Which political ideology claims, 'greatest happiness of greatest number is the measure of right and wrong'? (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

63 / 81

Category: John Stuart Mill

63. Who is the author of The Subjection of Women? (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

64 / 81

Category: Karl Marx

64. Who is the author of The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844? (University of Hyderabad MA 2018)

65 / 81

Category: John Rawls

65. The term 'veil of ignorance' is to be found in the work of (University of Hyderabad MA 2018)

66 / 81

Category: Aristotle

66. Identify the thinker who uses the term 'phronesis'. (University of Hyderabad MA 2018)

67 / 81

Category: John Locke

67. Which of the following is/are TRUE about the Glorious Revolution? (University of Hyderabad MA 2018)

I. It established the Parliament as the primary ruling power

II. It established the King as the primary ruling power

III. It is also called the bloodless revolution

IV. It led to the deposition of James II and the accession of Mary II

68 / 81

Category: John Locke

68. Locke uses the description "white paper, void of all characters" to describe: (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

69 / 81

Category: Uncategorized

69. Hobbes describes one of the following as "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short": (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

70 / 81

Category: Uncategorized

70. According to Aristotle, when many well-off people rule for greater wealth accumulation, the regime is a: (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

71 / 81

Category: John Stuart Mill

71. Who wrote the tract On the Subjection of women? (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

72 / 81

Category: John Locke

72. Which of the following thinkers held that ‘he who mixes his labour removes a thing from its natural state and thus acquires a property right over that thing’? (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

73 / 81

Category: Uncategorized

73. Which natural right, according to Hobbes, must not be surrendered to the state? (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

74 / 81

Category: Aristotle

74. According to Aristotle, polity means: (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

75 / 81

Category: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

75. In his book, Social Contract, Rousseau propounded the idea of: (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

76 / 81

Category: Aristotle

76. Who among the following ancient Greek thinkers said that the state comes to be for the sake of life, and exists for the sake of the good life? (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

77 / 81

Category: Plato

77. At what age Plato’s Philosopher King competes education and training to be able to  govern the state?  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

78 / 81

Category: John Locke

78. John Locke's concept of natural rights includes (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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Category: Thomas Hobbes

79. Match the following thinkers and idea (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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Category: Plato

80. In which text does the ' divided line' analogy occur?  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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Category: Niccolo Machiavelli

81. Which of the following figures serves as an exemplar of heroic virtu in Machiavelli's  Prince?  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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