34. Passage IV: Read the passages given below and answer the questions No. 85-92
The Minnowbrook Conference made a significant contribution in transforming the complexion of public administration by advocating client orientation, social sensitivity and normative concerns. The normative approach called for government's role to reduce economic and social disparities, and enhance life opportunities for everyone in society. The conference attempted to introduce new ideas in the administration by making it comprehend real life situations rather than being dehumanizing in nature. New Public Administration aimed at making the administration sensitive to political values. New Public Administration is, according to Frederickson (1971), what could be best described as 'second generation behaviouralism.' Unlike its predecessor progenitor, the second generation behavouralist emphasizes the 'public' part of public administration. He is less 'generic' and more 'public' than his forebear; less 'descriptive' and more 'prescriptive,' less 'institution- oriented' and more 'clientimpact oriented,' less 'neutral,' more 'normative' and is hoped to be no less scientific. Public administration, as we have just discussed, has been experiencing transformation since the 1960s in tune with socio- economic and environmental pressures. The
circumstances in the beginning of the 1970s globally pushed or gave impetus especially in the Western world- to embark upon some radical administrative reforms. The relevance of the classical public administration model with emphasis on hierarchy, structure, rationality, centralization, etc. was being questioned. Rational behavior, the hallmark of public administration, was being contemplated, as not relevant and feasible in the contemporary scenario. The post- Weberian approach to the discipline of public administration gives significance to public policymaking with emphasis on flexible organization structure, decentralization, goal achievement, efficiency and effectiveness. Public administration, which all along has given prominence to processes, procedures and public service orientation, seems to be giving way to efficiency, economy and effectiveness in the achievement of results. Managerial improvements aimed at ushering in business management techniques and market mechanisms, competition and client orientation began gaining importance within the rubric of NPM. (Source: Medury, U (2010). Public Administration in the Globalisation Era- The New Public Management Perspective. Orient Blackswan.)
Q. Expand NPM. (University of Hyderabad MA 2018)