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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

University of Hyderabad Unit 7: Political Institutions in India Part II

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1. Which of the following is an advantage of a federal constitutional system? (University of Hyderabad MA 2018)

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2. President can remove a member of Union Cabinet on the advice of (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

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3. President of India is elected by the members of (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

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4. Whether Presidential Proclamation under Article 356 was justiciable and if so to what extent? Whether the dissolved Legislature can be revived if the proclamation is set aside? Whether the validity of the Proclamation can be challenged after it has been approved by Parliament? In which of the following court cases were these questions asked? (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

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5. "Such articles will never be called into operation and they would remain a dead letter. Ifat all they are brought into operation, I hope the president, who is endowed with these powers, will take proper precautions before actually suspending the administration of the provinces." Ambedkar. Which Article of the Indian Constitution does this speech refer to? (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

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6. Who is the Chairman of the Fifteenth Finance Commission? (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

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7. The 102 Constitutional Amendment Act provides constitutional status to: (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

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8. According to the author of this passage, Indian federalism in recent years has becomeĀ  moreĀ  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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9. In which case the Supreme Court of India gave the verdict that the power of the PresidentĀ  10 dismiss a state government is not absolute?Ā  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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10. A judge of the Supreme Court of India can be removed from office byĀ  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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11. The Parliament of India consists ofĀ  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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12. Statement A: Vital statistics including registration of births and deaths is in List II: StateĀ  List of the Seventh Schedule

Statement B: Social security and social insurance, employment and unemployment are inĀ  List III: Concurrent List of the Seventh ScheduleĀ  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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13. The Sixth Schedule which deals with the administration of tribal areas is applicable toĀ  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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14. The minimum age for a person to be eligible for appointment as Governor isĀ  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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15. Statement A: According to An 51A: It shall be the duty of every citizen of India toĀ  protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life,Ā  and to have compassion for living Creatures.

Statement B: The Supreme Court in some judgments has ruled that as the FundamentalĀ  Duties are obligatory on Citizens, the Stare should' also observe them.Ā  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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16. Bicameralism is an essential characteristic of _____ system of government. (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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17. Statement A: The Model Code of Conduct (MCC) was framed in 1968 by the ElectionĀ  Commission of India in consultation with political parties and is today an integral part ofĀ  conducting free and fair elections.

Statement B: The MCC has the force of law and only the Supreme Court of IndiaĀ  adjudicates disputes and contestations arising from its implementation.Ā  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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18. Statement A: The Election Commission of India is a multi-member commission with aĀ  Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) and two additional Election Commissioners. TheĀ  CEC is the pre eminent head of the election machinery.

Statement B: The power of the Election Commissioners are coordinate and co-equal since all decisions, in principle and in practice, are to be taken by consensus or majorityĀ  vote.Ā  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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19. Who among the following was the temporary chairman of the Constituent Assembly?Ā  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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20. The Objectives Resolution in the Constituent Assembly was moved by (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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21. Statement A: The Public Accounts Committee has members only from the Lok Sabha

Statement B: Since 1967, a member of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha is appointed asĀ  Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee by the Speaker. (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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22. 'Ethics in Governance' is one of the reports of theĀ  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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23. The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 and National Disaster Management Act, 2005 areĀ  being cited to controlĀ  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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24. Which of the following Constitutional Amendment Act provides the rotation system of reservations in local body elections?Ā  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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25. 103rd Constitutional Amendment is related toĀ  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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26. On writ jurisdiction of the Courts, which of the following holds true?Ā  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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27. On 'prorogation' and 'dissolution' of the Parliament consider the following statementsĀ  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

I. The President and the Speaker of the Lok Sabha have the sole power to prorogue and dissolve the Parliament.

II. The Speaker and not the President has the sole power to prorogue and dissolve the Parliament.

III. Bills already introduced and awaiting passage .do not lapse when the Parliament isĀ  prorogued but get lapsed in case of dissolution.

IV. Bills already introduced and awaiting passage get lapsed when the Parliament is prorogued and dissolved.

In light of the above" which of the following is true?

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28. Which of the following is true about "double jeopardy" in India"s penal system? (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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29. Match the following Articles with their explanation in the Indian ConstitutionĀ  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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30. Consider the following statements and choose the correct codeĀ  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

I. The President of India is eligible for fe-election

II. The President of India can be a member of either House of the Parliament

III. The Vice- President of India is elected by the electoral college of both Houses ofĀ  Parliament

IV. Vice-President of India acts as the Chairperson of the Council of Stales.

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