Common University Entrance Test (CUET)
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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

Central Universities Entrance Test

CUET UG 2023

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1. In which year was the concept of first-past-the post (FPTP) as a form of electoral system adopted in the Indian sub-contient? (CUET UG 2023)

2 / 50

2. This logo belongs to which party. (CUET UG 2023)

3 / 50

3. "Tomorrow we shall be free from the slavery of the British domination, but at midnight India will be partitioned. Tomorrow will thus be day of rejoicing as well as of mourning". Who made the above statement? (CUET UG 2023)

4 / 50

4. Match List I with List II. (CUET UG 2023)

5 / 50

5. P. C. Mahalanobis focused on which aspects of the Indian economy during the framing of the Second Five Year Plan? (CUET UG 2023)

6 / 50

6. The idea of the Planning Commission in India was derived from: (CUET UG 2023)

7 / 50

7. Arrange the following in their chronological order: (CUET UG 2023)

A. The Tashkant Agreement

B. The Panchsheel Agreement

C. The Treaty of peace and friendship with The Soviet Union

D. The Shimla Agreement

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

8 / 50

8. The Afro-Asian conference of 1955 is also popularly known as. (CUET UG 2023)

9 / 50

9. Arrange the following in their chronological order:- (CUET UG 2023)

A. The students' agitation in Gujarat against the rising prices of food grain, cooking oil and other essential commodities.

B. Indo-Pakistan war (Bangladesh crisis).

C. Bihar students protested against food scarcity, unemployment and corruption.

D. Peasant uprising took place in Naxalbari police station area of Darjeeling hill district in West Bengal.

E. Railway strike.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

10 / 50

10. Name the Indian President who proclaimed emergency in 1975. (CUET UG 2023)

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11. Match List I with List II. (CUET UG 2023)

12 / 50

12. E. V. Ramasami Naicker, also popularly known as Periyavar is primarily known for his ideas on: (CUET UG 2023)

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13. In which year was the state of Nagaland created? (CUET UG 2023)

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14. Match List I with List II. (CUET UG 2023)

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15. Medha Patkar is associated with. (CUET UG 2023)

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16. Who is the founder of The Bahujan Samaj Party? (CUET UG 2023)

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17. Developments given made a long lasting impact on the politics of India in late 1980s and early 1990s. Arrange them in their chronological order. (CUET UG 2023)

A. The Defeat of the Congress Party

B. New economic Reforms

C. The Demolition of the disputed structure at Ayodhya

D. The Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi

E. The Rise of Mandal issue

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

18 / 50

18. Who was the founder of The Sikkim Praja Mandal? (CUET UG 2023)

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19. The 14th Lok Sabha Elections were convened in the year: (CUET UG 2023)

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20. Who was the Chairman of Second Backward Classes Commission? (CUET UG 2023)

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21. Match List I with List II. (CUET UG 2023)

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22. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) formed in 1949, was an association of how many states? (CUET UG 2023)

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23. Match List I with List II. (CUET UG 2023)

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24. Which among the following statements with reference to The Shock Therapy are incorrect? (CUET UG 2023)

A. Privatisation led to new disparities. Russia was divided between rich and poor regions

B. The value of the rouble the Russian currency declined

C. Private farming was to be replaced by collective farming

D. The valuable industries were undervalued and sold at throwaway prices

E. The restructuring of the industries was carried out by the Russian Government

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

25 / 50

25. Match List I with List II. (CUET UG 2023)

26 / 50

26. Who hailed the emergence of The New World Order? (CUET UG 2023)

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27. Match List I with List II U.S. Dominance in world Politics. (CUET UG 2023)

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28. Which country was the founder member of The ASEAN? (CUET UG 2023)

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29. Which of the following is not a pillar of The ASEAN community? (CUET UG 2023)

30 / 50

30. Match List I with List II. (CUET UG 2023)

31 / 50

31. "India and Pakistan are not in agreement over the demarcation line in "Sir Creek". The line in Sir Creek exists in which state of India? (CUET UG 2023)

32 / 50

32. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was established to promote. (CUET UG 2023)

33 / 50

33. Amnesty International, an NGO, campaigns for the: (CUET UG 2023)

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34. The concept 'deterrence' refers to: (CUET UG 2023)

35 / 50

35. Match List I with List II. (CUET UG 2023)

36 / 50

36. What does 'res communis humanitatis' means? (CUET UG 2023)

37 / 50

37. The Rio Summit produced conventions dealing with climate change, biodiversity, forestry, and recommended a list of development practices called: (CUET UG 2023)

38 / 50

38. Which one of the following is incorrect? (CUET UG 2023)

39 / 50

39. Match List I with List II. (CUET UG 2023)

40 / 50

40. In which year did the entire country shift to the EVM? (CUET UG 2023)

41 / 50

41. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. (41-45)

Shastri was the country's Prime Minister from 1964 to 1966. During Shastri's brief Prime Ministership, the country faced two major challenges. While India was still recovering from the economic implications of the war with china, failed monsoons, drought and serious food crises presented a grave challenge. As discussed in the previous chapter, the country also faced a war with Pakistan in 1965. Shastri's famous slogan Jai Jawan Jai Kisan, symbolised the country's resolve to face both these challenges. Shastri's Prime Ministership came to an abrupt end on 10 January 1966, when he suddenly expired in Tashkent.

Why Lal Bahadur Shastri resigned from the position of Railway Minister. (CUET UG 2023)

42 / 50

42. Who coined the famous slogan Jai Jawan Jai Kisan. (CUET UG 2023)

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43. What was the tenure of Shastri Ji as a Prime Minister of India. (CUET UG 2023)

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44. In shastri Ji tenure India faced a war with country. (CUET UG 2023)

45 / 50

45. Lal Bahadur Shashtri was a minister in union Cabinet from. (CUET UG 2023)

46 / 50

46. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. (46-50)

The Syndicate was the informal name given to a group of Congress leaders who were in control of the party organisation. It was led by K. Kamraj, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and the President of the Congress party. It included powerful State leaders like S. K. Patil of Bombay city (later named Mumbai), S. Nijalingappa of Mysore (later Karnataka), N. Sanjeeva Reddy of Andhra Pradesh and Atulya Ghosh of West Bengal. Both Lal Bahadur Shastri and later Indira Gandhi owed their position to the support received from the Syndicate. This group had a decisive say in Indira Gandhi's first Council of Ministers and also in The policy formulation and implementation. After the Congress split the leaders of the syndicate and those owing allegiance to them stayed with the Congress (O), since it was Indira Gandhi's Congress (R) that won the test of popularity, all these big and powerful men of Indian politics lost their power and prestige after 1971.

The Syndicate refers to. (CUET UG 2023)

47 / 50

47. Match List I with List II Match the leaders with their states. (CUET UG 2023)

48 / 50

48. The Congress Syndicate was led by. (CUET UG 2023)

A. N. Sanjeeva Reddy

B. Atulya Gosh

C. S. K. Patil

D. K. Kamaraj

E. S. Nijalingappa

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

49 / 50

49. Who was the leader of Congress (R)? (CUET UG 2023)

50 / 50

50. All the popular and powerful leaders of Indian politics lost their prestige after the split in Congress after: (CUET UG 2023)

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