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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar


WB SET 2020

1 / 100

1. The Institution of Lokayukta was created for the first time by which state? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

2 / 100

2. Constitutional safeguards to Civil Servants in India are ensured by (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

3 / 100

3. Which President of India declined to accept the advice of the Cabinet relating to the imposition of emergency in U.P. in 1997? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

4 / 100

4. Consider the following movements and choose the correct option which puts them in chronological order: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

(i) Swadeshi Movement

(ii) Civil Disobedience Movement

(iii) Quit India Movement

(iv) Home Rule Movement

5 / 100

5. Which of the following is a feature of the Government of India Act (1935)? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

6 / 100

6. The Constituent Assembly of India came into existence as a result of the recommendation of (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

7 / 100

7. What was the procedure followed for adoption of the Constitution of India? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

8 / 100

8. The Directive Principles have been taken from the Constitution of which of these countries? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

9 / 100

9. Which of the following is not specifically mentioned in Article 19 of the Indian Constitution? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

10 / 100

10. The ā€˜Basic Structureā€™ doctrine, as propounded by Supreme Court Judges, limits the amending power of (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

11 / 100

11. Which Amendment of the Indian Constitution puts restrictions on the number of Ministers in Government? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

12 / 100

12. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Judicial Review is a process to restrain the executive or the legislature from exercising power which may not be sanctioned by the Constitution.

Reason (R): The source of the power of judicial review in India is Article 13(2) of the Constitution.


13 / 100

13. The 73rd amendment of the Indian Constitution provided for which of the following? Choose the correct answer using the codes given below: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

(i) Reservation for Women

(ii) Constitution of State Finance Commission

(iii) Audit of the Accounts of Panchayati Raj Institutions

(iv) Committees for District Planning and Metropolitan Planning


14 / 100

14. Match the leaders (List-I) with associated movements (List-II) by identifying the correct code: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

15 / 100

15. ā€˜Towards Equalityā€™ Report (1974-75) dealt with the questions of (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

16 / 100

16. Who characterized Indian Union as ā€˜federation with a centralizing tendencyā€™? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

17 / 100

17. Under which section of the Representation of the Peopleā€™s Act does the Election Commission issue the symbolā€™s order? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

18 / 100

18. Who among the following scholars have published works on the role of Civil Society in Indiaā€™s Politics? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

19 / 100

19. The main argument made by Rajni Kothari in his book ā€˜Caste in Indian Politicsā€™ is that (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

20 / 100

20. Who among the following emphasized the emergence of a ā€˜market polityā€™ in India? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

21 / 100

21. Who among the following is considered to be proponent of structural functional approach in Comparative Politics? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

22 / 100

22. Match List-I with List-II and choose the correct answer using the codes given below: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

23 / 100

23. The author of the book Democracy and Discontent: Indiaā€™s Growing Crisis of Governability is (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

24 / 100

24. The concept of anomie was coined by (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

25 / 100

25. In which writing did Max Weber present ā€˜types of authorityā€™? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

26 / 100

26. The distinction between traditional and modern societies were derived from which sociologists? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

27 / 100

27. Who among the following used the Machiavellian analogy of Lion and Fox? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

28 / 100

28. Who advanced the idea of ā€˜World Systems Theoryā€™ signifying the arrival of international capitalist order in the 1970ā€™s? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

29 / 100

29. Robert Putnamā€™s work on ā€˜Social Capitalā€™ associated with political culture is with reference to which country? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

30 / 100

30. At the end of Cold War, Francis Fukuyama constructed the thesis ā€˜end of historyā€™ which meant the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

31 / 100

31. Liberal pluralist view of Constitution does not believe in the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

32 / 100

32. The term ā€˜new politicsā€™ associated with New Social Movements means the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

33 / 100

33. Neo-Marxists view economic globalisation as (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

34 / 100

34. The concept ā€˜institutionā€™ was replaced with the following by Gabriel Almond: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

35 / 100

35. Which one of the following books was authored by David Easton? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

36 / 100

36. Who said that Revolution meant a drastic sudden substitution of one group in charge of the running of a territorial political entity by another? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

37 / 100

37. Hegel viewed civil society as an embodiment of the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

38 / 100

38. The study of Comparative Politics till the end of Cold War was the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

39 / 100

39. According to Samuel Huntington, ā€˜Political Decayā€™ takes place when (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

40 / 100

40. Who among the following defined Political Culture as composed of attitudes, beliefs, emotions and values of society that relate to the political system and political issues? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

41 / 100

41. The term ā€˜filibusterā€™ means (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

42 / 100

42. Which one of the following identified bases of departmental organisation in terms of 4P Formula: Purpose, Process, Persons and Place? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

43 / 100

43. Marx, in his thoughts on bureaucracy, refuted (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

44 / 100

44. Which one of the following was not emphasised under New Public Management? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

45 / 100

45. Herbert Simon identified which model(s) of decision making? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

46 / 100

46. Who among the following remarked that ā€œThe essence of public administration is policy makingā€? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

47 / 100

47. Which one of the following is regarded as a bridge between Scientific Management era and Social Man era? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

48 / 100

48. The responsibility of conducting free and fair elections to the Panchayati Raj institutions is vested with (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

49 / 100

49. Atmiya Sabha was established in 1828 by (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

50 / 100

50. Sagar Mala project is related to (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

51 / 100

51. On which date Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was lunched? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

52 / 100

52. Match the books with respective authors: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

53 / 100

53. The idea of development administration as consisting of 4Ps : Plans, Policies, Programme and Projects was proposed by (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

54 / 100

54. The author(s) of the book In Pursuit of Lakshmi : Political Economy of Indian State is/are (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

55 / 100

55. Which one of the following made a distinction between ā€˜Traditionalā€™ and ā€˜Organicā€™ intellectuals? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

56 / 100

56. Which one of the following does not make a distinction between public and private administration? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

57 / 100

57. Match the lists of Communitarian authors with their books and select correct answer from the codes given below: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

58 / 100

58. Which one of the following is closely associated with neo-functionalisms? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

59 / 100

59. Match the books with respective authors: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

60 / 100

60. The term ā€˜soft powerā€™ was coined by (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

61 / 100

61. Hans Morgenthauā€™s Principles of Political Realisms: A Feminist Reformulation is a work by (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

62 / 100

62. Resolution 1267 of the UNSC is related to (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

63 / 100

63. Globalization is antithetical to (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

64 / 100

64. The Containment Thesis was propounded by (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

65 / 100

65. ā€˜Chennai Connectā€™ is related to informal summit between India and (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

66 / 100

66. Which of the following is not a part of Indiaā€™s nuclear doctrine? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

67 / 100

67. Which of the following is not an element of ā€˜Pancha Sheelaā€™? (WB SET 2020)

68 / 100

68. India became a member of the United Nations in (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

69 / 100

69. Which of the following is not correct? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

70 / 100

70. Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QSD) is a strategic dialogue between India and (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

71 / 100

71. What is Gujral Doctrine? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

72 / 100

72. The Rohingya refugees from Myanmar mainly hail from the (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

73 / 100

73. ā€˜Project Mausamā€™ aims at (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

74 / 100

74. Indiaā€™s maritime security policy is aimed at which of the following objectives? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

(i) Protecting Indiaā€™s sea-borne trade and commerce.

(ii) Monitoring the activities of external powers in the Indian Ocean region.

(iii) Protecting the Indian fishermen from foreign security forces.

(iv) Resolving transboundary river disputes with Bangladesh and Pakistan

75 / 100

75. Doklam Plateau is a disputed land between (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

76 / 100

76. Which is the nodal agency to secure Indiaā€™s critical information infrastructure and enhance its cyber security? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

77 / 100

77. What is the full form of Gandhiā€™s Hind Swaraj? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

78 / 100

78. Who has introduced the idea of ā€˜dictatorship of four classesā€™? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

79 / 100

79. Which one of the following books was not written by Karl Marx? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

80 / 100

80. Which of the following book(s) was/were written by Frantz Fanon? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

81 / 100

81. By Satyagraha, Gandhi meant (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

82 / 100

82. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India submits his report relating to the accounts of the Union Government to (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

83 / 100

83. Tagoreā€™s Nationalism is based on his lecture-tour in (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

84 / 100

84. Aristotleā€™s Nichomachaen Ethics primarily explores (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

85 / 100

85. Who among the following considered Hobbes a spokesman of bourgeois morality? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

86 / 100

86. St. Augustineā€™s chief political views find expression in his concept of (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

87 / 100

87. Which of the following books was not written by M. N. Roy? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

88 / 100

88. Theorists who believe that ā€˜state is an association of associationsā€™ are best described as (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

89 / 100

89. By the ā€˜Modern Princeā€™ Gramsci meant (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

90 / 100

90. Nehru wrote Whither India? in support of (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

91 / 100

91. Identify the odd pair from the below: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

92 / 100

92. Who among the following Sultans, tried to curb the powers of Amirs and Ulemas? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

93 / 100

93. Which of the following books was written by Machiavelli? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

94 / 100

94. In which chapter of Mahabharata are the duties of the king enunciated? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

95 / 100

95. Who wrote City of God? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

96 / 100

96. The monthly magazine Rashtra Dharma was started by (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

97 / 100

97. ā€œIt is better to be . . . Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfiedā€. ā€” Who said this? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

98 / 100

98. Who gave the concept of ā€˜graded inequalityā€™? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

99 / 100

99. Rawls arranges the principles of justice in ā€˜lexical priorityā€™ in this order: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

100 / 100

100. Who among the following mooted the idea that India was a ā€˜soft stateā€™ and was ill-equipped to carry out its promises? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

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