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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

WB SET Unit 7: Political Institutions in India Part II

1 / 68

1. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India submits his report relating to the accounts of the Union Government to (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

2 / 68

2. Atmiya Sabha was established in 1828 by (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

3 / 68

3. The responsibility of conducting free and fair elections to the Panchayati Raj institutions is vested with (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

4 / 68

4. The term ‘filibuster’ means (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

5 / 68

5. Under which section of the Representation of the People’s Act does the Election Commission issue the symbol’s order? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

6 / 68

6. Who characterized Indian Union as ‘federation with a centralizing tendency’? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

7 / 68

7. The 73rd amendment of the Indian Constitution provided for which of the following? Choose the correct answer using the codes given below: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

(i) Reservation for Women

(ii) Constitution of State Finance Commission

(iii) Audit of the Accounts of Panchayati Raj Institutions

(iv) Committees for District Planning and Metropolitan Planning


8 / 68

8. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Judicial Review is a process to restrain the executive or the legislature from exercising power which may not be sanctioned by the Constitution.

Reason (R): The source of the power of judicial review in India is Article 13(2) of the Constitution.


9 / 68

9. Which Amendment of the Indian Constitution puts restrictions on the number of Ministers in Government? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

10 / 68

10. The ‘Basic Structure’ doctrine, as propounded by Supreme Court Judges, limits the amending power of (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

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11. Which of the following is not specifically mentioned in Article 19 of the Indian Constitution? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

12 / 68

12. The Directive Principles have been taken from the Constitution of which of these countries? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

13 / 68

13. What was the procedure followed for adoption of the Constitution of India? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

14 / 68

14. The Constituent Assembly of India came into existence as a result of the recommendation of (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

15 / 68

15. Which of the following is a feature of the Government of India Act (1935)? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

16 / 68

16. Consider the following movements and choose the correct option which puts them in chronological order: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

(i) Swadeshi Movement

(ii) Civil Disobedience Movement

(iii) Quit India Movement

(iv) Home Rule Movement

17 / 68

17. Which President of India declined to accept the advice of the Cabinet relating to the imposition of emergency in U.P. in 1997? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

18 / 68

18. Constitutional safeguards to Civil Servants in India are ensured by (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

19 / 68

19. Which Committee on Electoral Reforms proposed a Multi-Member Election Commission?  (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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20. Which of the following articles under the Indian Constitution guarantees protection against arbitrary arrest and detention? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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21. Under the PESA (Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Area) 1996 Act, Gram Sabhas are given the authority to stop land acquisition by the following body:  (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

22 / 68

22. In which of the following states does the Governor enjoy discretionary powers with regard to administration of tribal areas? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

23 / 68

23. Who described the Indian Constitution as 'Quasi-federal'? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

24 / 68

24. The Indian federal system differs from the American federal system in respect of the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

(i) Representation of states in the upper house of the national legislature

(ii) Existence of a written constitution

(iii) Dual citizenship

(iv) Parallel existence of states' and federal judiciary

Select the correct answer from the following options.

25 / 68

25. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

Assertion (A): Judicial activism emerged in India as an extra constitutional development through Judicial prouncements and judgements.

Reason (R): Judicial activism fills the gap, since the existing law is not clearly pronounced.

In the context of the above two statements which one of the following is correct?

26 / 68

26. Which of the following articles under the Indian Constitution exempts the President and Governor from answerability to any court of law? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

27 / 68

27. Which of the following statements regarding 'Right to Education' in India is correct? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

28 / 68

28. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

29 / 68

29. The Constituent Assembly of India, as proposed by the Cabinet Mission, consisted of which of the following? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

(i) Representatives of the princely states

(ii) Members elected by the Provincial Legislative Assemblies without communal representation

(iii) Members elected from General, Muslim and Sikh category seats by Provincial Assemblies

(iv) Members nominated by the main political parties of India

Which of the above options are correct?

30 / 68

30. Which of the following is not a feature of the Government of India Act (1935)? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

31 / 68

31. Who among the following Presidents of India was associated with the Trade Union Movement? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

32 / 68

32. The District Treasury comes under the control of the (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

33 / 68

33. The 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act added the following words to the Constitution: (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

34 / 68

34. Which one of the following is/are Constitutional bodies? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

(I) National Commission for Scheduled Tribes.

(II) National Commission for Minorities.

(III) National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights.

(IV) National Human Rights Commission.

Choose the correct answer from the options below:

35 / 68

35. Which one of the following Fundamental Rights was described as 'the heart and soul of the Constitution' by B. R. Ambedkar? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

36 / 68

36. The Constituent Assembly that enacted the Constitution of India was set up (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

37 / 68

37. In Anuradha Bhasin V. Union of India (2020), what did the Supreme Court of India declare? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

38 / 68

38. The Basic Structure Doctrine about the Constitution was enunciated by the Supreme Court of India in (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

39 / 68

39. Planning Commission was (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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40. What is the purpose of the writ jurisdiction provided for the higher judiciary in the Constitution of India? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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41. What are the reasons behind India's characterisation as a quasi-federation? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

(I) Unified judicial system.

(II) Institution of transversal power sharing.

(III) The absence of territorial integrity of constituent units.

(IV) The governor is the appointee of the President of India.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

42 / 68

42. The doctrine governing the term of office of the Governor of an Indian State is: (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

43 / 68

43. Sarkaria Commission reported on:  (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

44 / 68

44. As per the Constitution of India, the appointment of Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court is spelt out in: (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

45 / 68

45. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? List-I indicates the Chief Minister of West Bengal and List II Governors of West Bengal. Choose the right one - (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

46 / 68

46. The total number of judges in the Supreme Court of India can be increased by which of the following? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

47 / 68

47. Which one of the following is not within the jurisdiction of State High Court in India? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

48 / 68

48. Who among the following holds her/his office at the pleasure of the President? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

49 / 68

49. Arrange the following in the chronological order of their establishment: (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

(i) National Commission for Scheduled Castes

(ii) National Commission for Women

(iii) National Commission for Scheduled Tribes

(iv) National Human Rights Commission

Choose the right code from the following:

50 / 68

50. Which one of the following federal systems was identified as a model by K. C. Whare for judging other federal systems? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

51 / 68

51. In Panchayati Raj Institutions, women have been given 1/3rd of the seats reservation vide (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

52 / 68

52. Which statements are true regarding the functions of UPSC? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

1. It is consulted for principles to be followed during promotions and appointments.

2. Advising the Government on any matter referred to the commission by the President of India.

3. An individual ministry or department can reject advices tendered by UPSC.

4. If the Government fails to consult UPSC in regards to personnel management, then the aggrieved public servant can go to Supreme Court.

Choose the right answer using the code below:

53 / 68

53. Who among the following is known as the father of 'local self-government' in India? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

54 / 68

54. Which of the following are Executive Powers of President? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

1. Every executive action done by the Indian Government has to be in his name.

2. He appoints and compensates the Attorney General of India.

3. He appoints administrators of Union Territories.

4. He has the authority to declare any region a scheduled area and has administrative authority over scheduled and tribal territories.

Choose the correct statement (s) from codes given below:

55 / 68

55. Which one of the following institutions is responsible for Social Audit? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

56 / 68

56. When did West Bengal emerge as a separate Indian state? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

57 / 68

57. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct answer using the code given below: (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

Assertion (A): Central Information Commission is an independent constitutional body.

Reason (R): It is constituted under the provisions of Right to Information Act, (2005).


58 / 68

58. Who appoints the Inter-State Council? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

59 / 68

59. Who among the following was not a member of Constituent Assembly of India? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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60. Which of the following pertains to the 61st Constitutional Amendment? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

61 / 68

61. A new All India Service can be created by (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

62 / 68

62. The First Amendment of the Constitution of India made several changes to the provisions regarding (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

63 / 68

63. Which of the following members of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly of India said that the Governor of a State nominated by the President of India will be the agent of the Union Government? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

64 / 68

64. Which of the following is not a Directive Principle of State Policy? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

65 / 68

65. The discretionary powers of the Governor in Indian states is limited to which of the following functions? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

(i) The appointment of the Chief Minister

(ii) The dismissal of the Ministry

(iii) The dissolution of the Legislative Assembly

(iv) Assent to Bills

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

66 / 68

66. Who among the following holds his office at the pleasure of the President of India? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

67 / 68

67. Who moved the objectives resolution in the Constituent Assembly? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

68 / 68

68. Consider the following Executive Powers of President. (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023) 

1. Every executive action done by the Indian government has to be in his name.

2. He appoints and compensates the Attorney General of India.

3. He appoints administrators of union territories.

4. He has the authority to declare any region a scheduled area and has administrative authority over scheduled and tribal territories.

Choose the correct statement (s) from the codes given below.


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