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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar


WB SET Unit 2: Political Thought Part II

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1. Comparison of states on the basis of ideal/ corrupt was advocated by (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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2. According to Antonio Gramsci, civil society is primarily geared to the generation of the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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3. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer: (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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4. Match the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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5. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A); and the other, Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes below: (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

Assertion (A): Machiavelli differentiated between private morality and public morality

Reason (R): Machiavelli emphasised on the indispensibility of public morality in statecraft


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6. The first proponent of representative democracy was (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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7. "Will, not force, is the basis of the State." Who said this? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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8. Which of the following texts is not written by Marx? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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9. Who among the following did conceive society as a "Cooperative venture for mutual advantage, more or less self-sufficient, and necessary governed by rules"? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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10. Mary Wollstonecraft was an advocate of (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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11. Critique of the Gotha Programme was written by (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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12. Who amongst the following theorists talked about the 'right to rebellion'? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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13. Which of the following is not true?  (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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14. Match the following theorists with their respective theories: (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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15. Locke's view on 'state of nature' is (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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16. Which one of the following pairs is mismatched? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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17. Which innovative concept was coined by Hamza Alavi? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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18. The first political philosopher to have proposed a classification of Constitutions was  (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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19. Which of the following book has not been authored by Karl Marx? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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20. "The 'natural' man will be one in whom strong conscience and steadfast reason have successfully harmonized self-love and sympathy." Who advocated this? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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21. For Hobbes, 'felicity' means (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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22. Who said this: “ . . . equality is of two kinds, numerical and proportional; by the first I mean sameness or equality in number or size; by the second, equality of ratios.”? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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23. Who wrote: "Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign."? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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24. John Rawls 'theory of justice' combines (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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25. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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26. "Primitive or primary accumulation of capital" refers to (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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27. Who among the following considered ideology as a hegemonic project of articulating subject positions towards a common political project? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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28. Which one of the following concepts discussed by John Rawls tells us to rank alternatives by their worst possible outcome? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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29. Who among the following is not a communitarian critic of Rawls? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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30. Match the following Lists and identify the correct match from code below: (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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31. Match the following Lists and identify the correct one from the code below: (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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32. With reference to Karl Marx's position on the role of ideology, in a capitalist society, which assertion is incorrect? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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33. Who among the following wrote: "Laws are the rules of just and unjust; nothing being reputed unjust that is not contrary to some law"? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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34. Plato describes the working of the human mind by (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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35. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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36. The policy of protective discrimination seeks to promote (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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37. Which one of the following is not a good form of government for Aristotle? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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38. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other, Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the code below: (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

Assertion (A): G. W. F. Hegel symbolised the highest achievement of German Idealism in political thought.

Reason (R): Hegel disliked the abstract cosmopolitan idea and believed in the rationality of existing institutions.


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39. "The last shall be first and the first last". is the famous phrase associated with: (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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40. Marx, in his thoughts on bureaucracy, refuted (WB SET 2020)

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