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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar


WB SET Unit 2: Political Thought Part I

1 / 100

1. Which of the following statements is/are true? (WB SET 2024)

(I) Machiavelli espoused a republican notion of liberty.

(II) Hobbes understood liberty primarily in positive terms.

2 / 100

2. The view that 'there are no relations of power without resistances' is propounded by (WB SET 2024)

3 / 100

3. Which thinker saw civil servants as a universal class? (WB SET 2024)

4 / 100

4. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer & from the codes given below: (WB SET 2024)

Assertion (A): For John Stuart Mill, will is the basis of all institutions including the State

Reason (R): Will is not only dependent on number, it has a qualitative foundation and will which makes the institutions takes on the a form of a belief


5 / 100

5. Who represents the feminist perspective of political thought? (WB SET 2024)

6 / 100

6. Which concept was formulated by Mao? (WB SET 2024)

7 / 100

7. Which of the following statement (s) is / are true about hegemony? (WB SET 2024)

8 / 100

8. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer ą¦“ from the codes given below: (WB SET 2024)

Assertion (A): Aristotle is justifiably called the Father of Political Science

Reason (R): Aristotle criticized Plato's idealism


9 / 100

9. Who among the following wrote Democracy in America? (WB SET 2024)

10 / 100

10. Who has been described as a theorist of the superstructure? (WB SET 2024)

11 / 100

11. For Locke which of the following is not true in case of social contract? (WB SET 2024)

12 / 100

12. Organise the following philosophers according to their time sequence: (WB SET 2024)

(I) Jean Bodin

(II) Polybius

(III) St. Augustine

(IV) Marsilius de Padua

Choose from the following options:

13 / 100

13. Who among the following said: "The bureaucracy is a circle from which no one can escape." (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

14 / 100

14. Identify the correct sequence of the following writings of Marx: (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

(i) Contribution of the Critique of Political Economy

(ii) Poverty of Philosophy

(iii) Theses on Feuerbach

(iv) Communist Manifesto

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

15 / 100

15. Rawls rejects Marxism because (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

16 / 100

16. The concept of piecemeal social engineering is propounded by (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

17 / 100

17. Which formulation of the following is not accepted by Rousseau? (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

18 / 100

18. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below: (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

Assertion (A): Scientific socialism explains history in terms of class struggle.

Reasons (R): Class struggle takes place in the super-structure first.


19 / 100

19. Montesquieu's theory of separation of powers is related to (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

20 / 100

20. Which one of the following books is not written by Rawls? (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

21 / 100

21. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below: (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

22 / 100

22. Match ideas of List I one with names of List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

23 / 100

23. Locke was critical of patriarchy argument of: (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

24 / 100

24. "The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point, however, is to change it." Who said it? (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

25 / 100

25. The first congress of the International Workingmen's Association in which Marx took part was held in (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

26 / 100

26. Who, among the following, did advocate the concept of natural rights? (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

27 / 100

27. Match the following lists by identifying the correct code: (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

28 / 100

28. Rousseau's General Will stands for: (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

29 / 100

29. 'Great Leap Forward' is: (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

30 / 100

30. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below: (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

Assertion (A): Mahatma Gandhi's 'Swaraj' is a form of participatory democracy that empowers the masses.

Reason (R): He believed that under it, the weakest should have the same opportunity as the strongest.


31 / 100

31. The observation that 'consent is created and recreated by the hegemony of the ruling stratum in society', reflects the philosophical position of (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

32 / 100

32. Which of the following book is not authored by Karl Marx? (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

33 / 100

33. Which one of the following ideas of Aristottle influenced Machiavelli? (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

34 / 100

34. A government in which few people such as dominant clique have power is known as (WB SET 2017 Paper II)

35 / 100

35. The book ā€˜Subjection of Womenā€™ was written by (WB SET 2017 Paper II)

36 / 100

36. Match the following: (WB SET 2017 Paper II)

37 / 100

37. Who did comment that Civil Society and Political Society have been created by the capitalist class to discipline mind and body of the common man? (WB SET 2017 Paper II)

38 / 100

38. Who said that imperialism is the highest form of capitalism? (WB SET 2017 Paper II)

39 / 100

39. The term dialectic comes from the Greek word (WB SET 2017 Paper II)

40 / 100

40. Who wrote The Discourses? (WB PSC 2022)

41 / 100

41. Who wrote Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism? (WB PSC 2022)

42 / 100

42. Who wrote The Wretched of the Earth? (WB PSC 2022)

43 / 100

43. Who wrote the Discourse on Inequality? (WB PSC 2022)

44 / 100

44. Who gave the concept of ā€˜general willā€™? (WB PSC 2022)

45 / 100

45. Who said ā€˜greatest happiness for the greatest numberā€™? (WB PSC 2022)

46 / 100

46. Who was Mary Wollstonecraft? (WB PSC 2022)

47 / 100

47. Who propagated the concept of ā€˜original positionā€™? (WB PSC 2022)

48 / 100

48. Who propagated the concept of the ā€˜Leviathanā€™? (WB PSC 2022)

49 / 100

49. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

50 / 100

50. Who commented that unequal economic resources will mean unequal political resources? (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

51 / 100

51. The differentiation between antagonistic contradictions and non-antagonistic contradictions is made by (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

52 / 100

52. The assertion of autonomy of politics is enunciated by (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

53 / 100

53. Who is the author of the book, "The Philosophy of J. S. Mill'? (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

54 / 100

54. Corporatism is the major focus in the political philosophy ofĀ  (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

55 / 100

55. For Hobbes, which one, among the following, is true? (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

56 / 100

56. Who, among the following, separated politics from religion and ethics and treated religion and ethics as instrumental value? (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

57 / 100

57. For Aristotle, who among the following, is aĀ  citizen?Ā  (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

58 / 100

58. Who said "Plato's communism is a half- communism"? (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

59 / 100

59. The following thinker made the statement that 'Accumulation of legislative, executive and judicial powers in one hand is the very definition of tyranny'. (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

60 / 100

60. Identify the book, which was not written by Hegel. (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

61 / 100

61. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was initiated by (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

62 / 100

62. In which book did Bentham develop his idea of Utilitarianism? (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

63 / 100

63. Martin Luther launched the Reformation Movement against (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

64 / 100

64. When was Rousseau's The Social Contract published? (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

65 / 100

65. Who among the following is not a proponent of the 'End of Ideology' theory? (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

66 / 100

66. Arrange the following thinkers in chronological order: (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

67 / 100

67. Jeremy Bentham is associated with: (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

68 / 100

68. Match the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

69 / 100

69. Which of the following books is not written by John Stuart Mill? (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

70 / 100

70. The Doctrine of Two Swords believes thatĀ  (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

71 / 100

71. T. H. Green is known as (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

72 / 100

72. The 'Original Position' of Rawls is based on the qualities of (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

73 / 100

73. Who wrote Discourses on Livy? (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

74 / 100

74. Who of the following has not authored a book titled The Art of War? (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

75 / 100

75. Consider the following statements: (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

(i) Authority is broader than power.

(ii) Power is capacity to act, authority provides right to act.

(iii) Relations of authority are hierarchical.

(iv) Legitimacy and legality are the same.

Which of the above statements is not true?

76 / 100

76. Rawls arranges the principles of justice in ā€˜lexical priorityā€™ in this order: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

77 / 100

77. ā€œIt is better to be . . . Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfiedā€. ā€” Who said this? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

78 / 100

78. Who wrote City of God? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

79 / 100

79. Which of the following books was written by Machiavelli? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

80 / 100

80. Identify the odd pair from the below: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

81 / 100

81. By the ā€˜Modern Princeā€™ Gramsci meant (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

82 / 100

82. St. Augustineā€™s chief political views find expression in his concept of (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

83 / 100

83. Who among the following considered Hobbes a spokesman of bourgeois morality? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

84 / 100

84. Aristotleā€™s Nichomachaen Ethics primarily explores (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

85 / 100

85. Which of the following book(s) was/were written by Frantz Fanon? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

86 / 100

86. Which one of the following books was not written by Karl Marx? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

87 / 100

87. Who has introduced the idea of ā€˜dictatorship of four classesā€™? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

88 / 100

88. Which one of the following made a distinction between ā€˜Traditionalā€™ and ā€˜Organicā€™ intellectuals? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

89 / 100

89. Match the books with respective authors: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

90 / 100

90. Marx, in his thoughts on bureaucracy, refuted (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

91 / 100

91. Who said that Revolution meant a drastic sudden substitution of one group in charge of the running of a territorial political entity by another? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

92 / 100

92. At the end of Cold War, Francis Fukuyama constructed the thesis ā€˜end of historyā€™ which meant the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

93 / 100

93. Who among the following used the Machiavellian analogy of Lion and Fox? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

94 / 100

94. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

95 / 100

95. "The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation." (Bentham) In which book it has written? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

96 / 100

96. Hegel's thoughts on slavery are contained in his work (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

97 / 100

97. In which of the following works Thomas Hobbes developed the case for absolutism? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

98 / 100

98. Rousseau's concept of 'General Will' avows which one of the following? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

99 / 100

99. In his concept of the 'Ideal State' Plato employs the term 'appetite' which refers to (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

100 / 100

100. Match the books with respective authors: (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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