NET Unit 6: India's Foreign Policy Part I
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1. Arrange the following events of Indian Foreign Policy in order of their occurrence (NET November 2021 Shift II)
A. Lahore Bus Diplomacy
B. Look East Policy
C. Gujral Doctrine
D. PokhranāII Nuclear Explosion
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
2 / 100
2. According to the passage, during which period Tibet enjoyed de-facto independent status? (NET August 2024 Shift II)
3 / 100
3. In which year, Panchsheel Agreement was signed? (NET August 2024 Shift II)
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4. When was the Seventeen-point Agreement signed? (NET August 2024 Shift II)
5 / 100
5. Who facilitated the Tibetan delegation to proceed through India to Peking to formally accept to be an autonomous part of China? (NET August 2024 Shift II)
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6. According to the passage, which one of the following helped China to consolidate its hold on Tibet? (NET August 2024 Shift II)
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7. Match the List-I with List-II (NET August 2024 Shift II)
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8. Identify the correct statements- (NET August 2024 Shift II)
A. Eightth SAARC Summit held at New Delhi in 1995.
B. 1989 was designated as SAARC year of Combating Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking.
C. There was an assassination attempt on US President- Barack Obama while he was in office.
D. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari became Prime Minister of Pakistan in March, 2024.
E.. The Agreement on SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement was signed on 11 April, 1993.
9 / 100
9. Arrange the following designated SAARC years in the chronological order: (NET August 2024 Shift II)
A. SAARC year of the Youth
B. SAARC year of Girl-Child
C. SAARC year of Environment
D. SAARC year of Disabled Persons
E. SAARC year of Poverty Eradication
10 / 100
10. Arrange the following Treaties and Agreements in the chronological order: (NET August 2024 Shift II)
A. India and Bangladesh signed the Farakka Treaty for sharing of the Ganga water.
B. India and Pakistan signed the Shimla Agreement.
C. India and Pakistan signed the Indus Water Treaty.
D. Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee under took bus journey to Lahore and signed a declaration.
E. India and Pakistan signed the Tushkant Agreement.
11 / 100
11. Which of the following statements are correct? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) China has blocked India's membership to NSG (Nuclear Suppliers Group)
(B) India has refused to be part of China promoted BRI (Belt and Road Initiative)
(C) Gujral doctrine believes in reciprocity
(D) India and China cooperate with each other in climate change talks
(E) Sino-Indian trade is an example of balanced trade
12 / 100
12. Arrange the following events related to India's Foreign Policy in ascending order. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Indo-US Nuclear Deal
(B) Gujral Doctrine
(C) Panchasheel
(D) Panchamrit
(E) Look East Policy
13 / 100
13. From among the following, India is not a member of: (NET December 2004)
14 / 100
14. At the SAARC conference in Islamabad (2004) it was agreed upon: (NET December 2004)
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15. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2005)
The Six-Nation Disarmament Initiative was a diplomatic effort launched in the late 1980s by six countries to promote nuclear disarmament and reduce global tensions during the Cold War. The initiative was spearheaded by the following nations:
Although the initiative did not directly lead to immediate disarmament agreements, it contributed to global disarmament debates and efforts, complementing other disarmament treaties like the INF Treaty (1987) between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
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16. The SAARC Conference 2004 at Islamabad agreed upon the creation of: (NET December 2005)
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17. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2007)
18 / 100
18. Identify the correct chronological sequence of the following: (NET December 2007)
(i) Dismemberment of Soviet Union
(ii) NAM
(iii) NATO
(iv) Indian Ocean Rim
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19. Match List-I with List-II in context of the events and regimes of the Prime Ministers. Select correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2008)
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20. Which is the largest trade partner of India? (NET December 2008)
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21. SAARC Secretariat is located (NET December 2008)
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22. Which one of the following countries is not signatory to the NPT? (NET December 2008)
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23. Arrange the following in chronological order as these emerged: (NET December 2008)
(i) NAM
(ii) WTO
(iii) New International Economic Order
(iv) SAPTA
To arrange these organizations and concepts in chronological order as they emerged:
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24. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below: (NET June 2008)
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25. Match List-I with List-II and choose the correct answer from the code given below: (NET June 2008)
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26. Given below are two statements one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R): (NET June 2008)
Assertion (A): In the changed world scenario, non-alignment in its traditional form is not relevant.
Reason (R): India can be considered as an upcoming economic power.
In the context of these two statements which one of the following is correct?
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27. Which one of the following countries has been recently made member of the SAARC? (NET June 2008)
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28. Which one of the following is not considered an element of National Power? (NET June 2008)
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29. Assertion (A): India is a nuclear weapon state.
Reason (R): India has not Signed NPT.
(NET June 2009)
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30. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2009)
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31. Which of the following is an example of an Inter Governmental organisation with regional membership and general purpose? (NET June 2009)
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32. Assertion (A): India seeks permanent membership of Security Council.
Reason (R): India wants to legitimise its nuclear weapon state status through India-US Civilian Nuclear Agreement.
Select your answers to these items using the codes given below: (NET December 2009 Paper II)
33 / 100
33. Identify the correct chronological order in which the following events occurred. (NET December 2009 Paper II)
(i) Death of Fakharuddin Ali Ahmed.
(ii) First split in the Congress after Independence.
(iii) Arrest of Shaikh Md. Abdullah as the Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir.
(iv) Signing of Indo-Soviet Treaty.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
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34. A State which dominates and subordinates neighbouring States without taking them over is (NET December 2009 Paper II)
A suzerain state refers to a sovereign power that exercises control over another state, known as a vassal or tributary state, without formally annexing it. In this relationship, the suzerain state has authority over the vassal's foreign policy and often provides military protection, while the vassal maintains autonomy over its internal affairs, such as domestic governance.
The concept of suzerainty was common in historical empires and feudal systems, where stronger powers would dominate weaker ones but allow them a degree of self-rule. For example:
Suzerainty differs from sovereignty in that the suzerain does not completely absorb the subordinate state, but rather exerts indirect control, especially over its international relations.
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35. Identify the following events in correct chronological order: (NET December 2010 Paper II)
(i) P.T.B.T. (Partial Test Ban Treaty)
(ii) Pokhran Nuclear Explosion ā I
(iii) N.P.T. (Non Proliferation Treaty)
(iv) C.T.B.T (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty)
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36. Identify following events in correct chronological order: (NET December 2010 Paper II)
(i) Chinaās Invasion on India.
(ii) Bangladesh Liberation War.
(iii) Rajeev-Jayawardene Accord.
(iv) Kargil War.
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37. Match the List ā I with List ā II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2010 Paper II)
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38. Panchsheel which became guiding principle in the relationship between India and China was signed in the year (NET December 2010 Paper II)
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39. Identify the correct chronological sequence of the following: (NET December 2010 Paper II)
(i) Shankari Prasad Vs. Union of India
(ii) Mandal Commission
(iii) Formation of Bangladesh
(iv) Lal Bahadur Shastri as Prime Minister
40 / 100
40. Match List ā I with List ā II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2010 Paper II)
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41. India has not signed the NPT because it (NET December 2011 Paper II)
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42. Match List ā I with List ā II and select the correct answer from thecodes given below: (NET June 2011 Paper II)
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43. āLook East Policyā was formulated by which one of the following Prime Ministers? (NET June 2011 Paper II)
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44. 14th SAARC Summit held in New Delhi in 2007, stressed (NET June 2012 Paper II)
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45. What is the correct chronological order of the developments listed below? (NET June 2012 Paper II)
(i) Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship
(ii) India's First Nuclear Explosion at Pokhran
(iii) Cuban Missile Crises
(iv) Adoption of Structural adjustment programme of India
Select the correct answer from the following codes:
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46. Non-reciprocity principle of India's policy towards neighbouring countries envisages (NET June 2012 Paper II)
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47. Identify which of the following are correct statements: (NET December 2012 Paper III)
(i) India is a member of the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation [IOR- ARC].
(ii) [IOR-ARC] helps better relations with Pakistan.
(iii) It defines the Exclusive Economic Zones.
(iv) Indian Ocean has no sea piracy.
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48. Which of the following statements are correct? (NET December 2012 Paper III)
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49. Arrange the following treaties and agreements in a chronological order. (NET December 2012 Paper III)
(i) Indo-US Nuclear Treaty
(ii) Indo-Soviet Friendship Treaty
(iii) Tashkent Agreement
(iv) Shimla Agreement
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50. Bandung Conference held in 1955 had the participation of representatives from (NET December 2012 Paper III)
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51. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum (NET June 2012 Paper III)
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52. The main purpose of the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord was (NET June 2012 Paper III)
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53. "Indira Doctrine" is considered an important aspect of India's foreign policy for it defines (NET June 2012 Paper III)
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54. What is the correct sequence of the following Ministers of External Affairs of India? (NET June 2012 Paper III)
(i) M. Krishna
(ii) B. Vajpayee
(iii) Pranab Mukherjee
(iv) Swarna Singh
Arrange the following chronologically from who came first:
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55. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R): (NET June 2012 Paper III)
Assertion (A): India is for nuclear disarmament at the global level and for a credible minimum deterrence at the regional level.
Reason (R): India's nuclear policy has dual objectives.
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56. Non-alignment as India's foreign policy meant (NET June 2012 Paper III)
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57. When did India and Nepal sign the revised Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA)? (NET December 2013 Paper II)
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58. Where is India's Hi-Tech Naval Base "Project Varsha" located? (NET December 2013 Paper II)
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59. The CEPA (Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) was officially endorsed in October 2010 between (NET June 2013 Paper II)
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60. Which among the following States least influences India's Foreign Policy? (NET December 2013 Paper III)
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61. As part of a regional initiative, India initiated the 2004 Tokyo Agreement. Name the organization which emerged as a result. (NET December 2013 Paper III)
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62. Which one of the following is not a Indo-Pak dispute? (NET June 2013 Paper III)
63 / 100
63. Which one of the following countries is not a member of BIMSTEC that started in 1997? (NET December 2014 Paper III)
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64. Who defined Non-alignment as a "Policy of keeping out of alliances"?(NET December 2014 Paper III)
65 / 100
65. Which of the following statements are correct? (NET December 2015 Paper II)
(A) The convening of Bandung conference, 1955 was suggested by Sri Lanka.
(B) The immediate provocation to convene this conference was conclusion of a treaty between Taiwan and the United States, and creation of SEATO and Baghdad Pact.
(C) The idea of holding this conference was welcomed by USSR and China.
(D) Bandung is a city of Indonesia.
Select the correct answers from the code given below:
66 / 100
66. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of non- alignment? (NET December 2015 Paper II)
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67. Recently France has agreed to set up atomic power plant in India at:Ā (NET June 2015 Paper II)
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68. Which of the following is not included in the Doctrine of Panchsheel, 1954? (NET December 2015 Paper III)
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69. The Principal purpose of India's foreign policy vis-a-vis the UN is to pursue three closely related goals. Which of the following is not included among them? (NET December 2015 Paper III)
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70. Which of the following countries is not a member of SAARC? (NET June 2015 Paper III)
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71. Who condemned Non-alignment as a selfish policy? (NET June 2015 Paper III)
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72. Which of the following has not been incorporated into Indian law, either fully or partially? (NET July 2016 Paper II)
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73. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET July 2016 Paper II)
Assertion (A): Some departments are concerned not only with purely administrative work but some authority to make rules and regulations is also delegated to them by the legislature.
Reason (R): John M. Pfiffner prefers single head of the department under certain circumstances.
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74. The renaming of European Community (EC) to European Union resulted from the signing of (NET January 2017 Paper II)
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75. Consider the following statements with regard to Non aligned movement. (NET November 2017 Paper II)
(A) Julius Nyerere was one of the founding members of NAM
(B) India hosted seventh NAM summit
(C) The seventeenth NAM summit was held in Venezuela
(D) The headquarters of NAM is in Belgrade
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
76 / 100
76. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the code given below: (NET November 2017 Paper II)
Assertion (A): India is seeking permanent membership of Security Council of UNO.
Reason (R): India is a nuclear power.
77 / 100
77. Consider the following statements with regard to MTCR: (NET November 2017 Paper II)
(A) China is not a member of MTCR
(B) India is a member of MTCR
(C) Aims at restricting complete rocket systems
(D) Pakistan is a member of MTCR
78 / 100
78. Consider the following statements with regard to Security Council: (NET November 2017 Paper III)
(A) India became member of Security Council seven times
(B) Japan became a member of Security Council eleven times
(C) It appoints non permanent members
(D) It appoints Secretary General
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79. Which one of the following statements is correct (NET November 2017 Paper III)
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80. Consider the following statements about India's role in United Nations. Which of the statements are correct? (NET November 2017 Paper III)
(A) India is a major contributor to UN Democracy Fund
(B) Indian delegation to San Francisco Conference of 1945 was led by Vijayalakshmi Pandit
(C) In 2001, India piloted a draft comprehensive convention on International Terrorism
(D) India submitted along with other countries an Action Plan for phased elimination of nuclear weapons 1996-2020
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81. Which one of the following is/are incorrect statement/s: (NET November 2017 Paper III)
(A) The 'Neemrana Dialogue' is on India China Relations
(B) The 'Ottawa Dialogue' is on India - Pakistan Relations
(C) Shangri-La Dialogue is on India - Singapore Relations
(D) Raisina Dialogue is India's flagship conference of geopolitics and geoeconomics
82 / 100
82. Consider the following statements about National Security Council (NSCI) of India: (NET November 2017 Paper III)
(A) It's a three tier organisation consisting of strategic policy group, joint intelligence committee and National Security Advisory Board.
(B) Ministers for External Affairs, Defence, Home, Finance and Commerce are its members
(C) It was formed in the year 1998
(D) The former National Security Advisers were Brajesh Mishra, J.N. Dixit, K.P. Singh.
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83. Which of the following have emphasis in India's nuclear deterrent: (NET November 2017 Paper III)
84 / 100
84. Which of the following statements are true about SAARC? (NET July 2018 Paper II)
(A) Australia, America, Japan and Russia are observers.
(B) Promote and strengthen collective defense among member states.
(C) Indian become Secretary General of SAARC twice.
(D) The Second Summit of SAARC was held in India.
Choose the correct statement from code given below:
85 / 100
85. Two statements are given below. One is Assertion (A) and other is Reason (R): (NET December 2019 Paper II)
Assertion (A): Simla Pact was signed by India and Pakistan in 1972
Reason (R): It provides that the two countries will solve their disputes through mediation of other countries
Choose the correct options:
86 / 100
86. Which of the following two statements are correct regarding Chinese policy of "Theory of Palm and five fingers"? (NET December 2019 Paper II)
(1) It includes Bhutan and Nepal
(2) It includes Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Laddakh
(3) It includes Mizoram and Manipur
(4) It includes Tripura and Nagaland
87 / 100
87. Which of the following freedoms was not mentioned by Roosevelt? (NET December 2019 Paper II)
88 / 100
88. The term 'flying bees' got associated with which of the following associations? (NET June 2019 Paper II)
89 / 100
89. Look West Policy of India advocated expansion and extension of India's relations with (NET June 2019 Paper II)
90 / 100
90. With which country has India signed a long-term agreement for Sukhoi Su-30MKI combat aircraft fleet? (NET June 2019 Paper II)
91 / 100
91. India has signed Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with which of the following countries? (NET June 2019 Paper II)
92 / 100
92. The Anti-Satellite Missile Test conducted by India on 27th March 2019 is known as (NET June 2019 Paper II)
93 / 100
93. India and EU have established which mechanism for furthering trade ties? (NET June 2019 Paper II)
94 / 100
94. Under the "Indus Water Treaty with Pakistan, India has the exclusive rights over the rivers (NET June 2019 Paper II)
95 / 100
95. Given below are two statements: (NET June 2020 Paper II)
Statement I: A country's foreign policy is the product of its history.
Statement II: Core values of Indian national movement constituted the building blocks of Indian foreign policy.
In the light of the above statements. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
96 / 100
96. Arrange the following foundational elements of Indian foreign policy in order of their appearance: (NET June 2020 Paper II)
(A) Gujaral doctrine
(B) Panchasheel
(C) Look East policy
(D) Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship
97 / 100
97. Match List-I with List-II: (NET June 2020 Paper II)
98 / 100
98. In which of the following countries did India participate in the peace keeping operations? (NET June 2020 Paper II)
(A) Korea
(B) Gaza strip
(C) Cyprus
(D) Lebanan
99 / 100
99. Who gave the idea of 'the New Northern Concert of Power' (NNCP) to analyse the relevance of non-aligned movement in post- cold war era? (NET June 2020 Paper II)
100 / 100
100. The concept of 'credible minimum deterrent' relates to which of the following types of weapons? (NET June 2020 Paper II)
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