NET August 2024 Shift I
1 / 100
1. Human Rights are also criticised for: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
2 / 100
2. The Third Wave of Feminism reflected the influence of: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
3 / 100
3. Cosmopolitans argue that citizenship should extend to the: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
4 / 100
4. What do political parties, pressure groups, public opinion, popular movements have in common? They are: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
5 / 100
5. Arrange the following political philosophers in the chronological order: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Karl Popper
(B) John Rawls
(C) B. Macpherson
(D) Robert Dahl
(E) Herbert Marcuse
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
6 / 100
6. Which of the following statements are correct regarding conservatism? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Conservatism postulates collective leadership, promotes treaties to achieve peace and order
(B) Sympathises with free-market ideology, greater emphasis on nationalism and the authority of the state
(C) A disposition or an 'attitude of mind' placing their faith in pragmatism, tradition and history
(D) Provides a model for change, improves freedom of thought and take steps to improve happiness of masses
(E) Conservatives believe in equality and they work towards reducing various kinds of inequalities
7 / 100
7. Deliberative Democracy Champions: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Informal debate
(B) Direct participation of citizens
(C) Public use of reason
(D) Impartial pursuit of truth
(E) Monism as well as Dualism
8 / 100
8. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
9 / 100
9. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
10 / 100
10. Who observed that intellectuals "are the dominant groups 'deputies' exercising the subaltern functions of social hegemony and political government"? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
The Italian Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci observed that intellectuals "are the dominant groups' deputies exercising the subaltern functions of social hegemony and political government."
This idea is part of Gramsci's theory of cultural hegemony, where he argued that intellectuals play a crucial role in maintaining the dominance of the ruling class by helping to shape and propagate the dominant ideology. According to Gramsci, intellectuals serve as intermediaries who help secure the consent of the subordinate classes, not just through coercive means, but through cultural and ideological influence.
11 / 100
11. A thinker of anti-colonial struggle and revolutionary action: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
12 / 100
12. Hannah Arendt analyses the Vita activa via three categories which corresponds to the three fundamental activities of our being in the world. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
13 / 100
13. Application of the laws of dialectics in social life is demonstrated through the principle of: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
14 / 100
14. Arrange John Rawls writings in chronological order which indicates his evolution as a philosopher of eminence? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Political Liberalism
(B) A Theory of Justice
(C) Justice as Fairness
(D) The Law of Peoples
15 / 100
15. Match List – I with List – II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
16 / 100
16. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
17 / 100
17. Chronologically arrange the classical works of western political philosophers. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) A Vindication of Rights of Women with strictures on Moral and Political Subjects
(B) The Social Contract
(C) Elements of Philosophy of Right
(D) On Liberty
(E) The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts
18 / 100
18. Key elements of Machiavelli include: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Classification of political regimes
(B) Critique of classical philosophical ideas
(C) Criticism of Liberty
(D) Ideas on Republicanism
(E) Analysing power
19 / 100
19. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
20 / 100
20. Ambedkar was a multifaceted personality. Which of the facts and opinion are true? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Ambedkar defined social justice as a means for giving equal opportunity to all
(B) Jyotiba Phule was his ideal
(C) He was the first Attorney General of India
(D) He contested election
(E) He was PhD in Economics
21 / 100
21. Who had organised the Abhinava Bharat, a Secret Society of Revolution? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
22 / 100
22. Who propounded the concept of 'Total Revolution'? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
23 / 100
23. Who wrote "Hindu Theory of International Relations"? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
24 / 100
24. Who has given the concept of Integral Humanism? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
25 / 100
25. Who founded the All India Harijan Sangh? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
26 / 100
26. Who had envisioned the evolution of human life into a divine life in a divine body? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
27 / 100
27. Indian National Movement had many streams. One of them was Extremist From the following identify which is correct. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(B) Lala Lajpat Rai
(C) Bipin Chandra Pal
(D) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(E) Dada Bhai Naoroji
28 / 100
28. Who has given the concept of "Iron law of Oligarchy"? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
29 / 100
29. Who has propounded the concept of "Power Elite"? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
30 / 100
30. Who has given the concept of "Managerial Revolution"? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
31 / 100
31. Who has given the concept of "Political Decay"? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
32 / 100
32. Which of the following statement is not correct about Constitutionalism? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
33 / 100
33. Different countries have different kinds of Political Party System. Identify the right answer from the given options. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) China is a Communist country, therefore it has single party system
(B) India enjoys multi party system
(C) Britain has two party system
(D) Japan enjoys two party system
(E) South Africa has single party system
34 / 100
34. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
35 / 100
35. Which among the following statement related to CBDR (Common But Differentiated Responsibilities) is not correct: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
36 / 100
36. Arrange the following International Relations Thinkers in the chronological order: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Kenneth Waltz
(B) Hans Morgenthan
(C) Thucydides
(D) Alexander Wendt
(E) E.H. Carr
37 / 100
37. Arrange the following international events in ascending order: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Demise of Communism in East Europe
(B) Unification of Germany
(C) Disintegration of Soviet Union
(D) Assumption of Presidency by Mikhail Gorbachev
(E) INF Treaty
38 / 100
38. Arrange chronologically the following International Organisations: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) World Trade Organisations (WTO)
(B) North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
(C) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
(D) G-20
(E) South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
39 / 100
39. Which of the following statements are associated with the theory of International Realism? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Domestic politics is characterised by hierarchy and international politics by anarchy
(B) Power is both means and end
(C) Believes in relative gain rather than absolute gain
(D) Anarchy is what states make of it
(E) Like all politics, international politics is the struggle for power
40 / 100
40. Which of the following are variants of International Liberalism? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Complex Interdependence
(B0 Institutional Liberalism
(C) Republican/Democratic Liberalism
(D) Neoliberalism
(E) Classical Liberalism
41 / 100
41. Choose the correct statements given below: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) NATO is a security pact created for the defence of US led Western Countries
(B) Warsaw pact was created by Soviet Union and its allies in response to NATO
(C) SAARC was created for the security of South Asia
(D) ASEAN is a Security Organisation
(E) European Union was created for the security of Europe
42 / 100
42. Peaceful rise of China is a myth rather than a reality. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) China's nibbling of neighbours territory through "Slami Slicing" strategy is against its claim of peaceful rise
(B) China's massive aid to Asian and African Countries undermines its claim to peaceful rise
(C) China's support to non-democratic and authoritarian countries violates its claim to peaceful rise
(D) China's assertion of 9 dash-lines is against its claim of peaceful rise
(E) China's pursuit of "Wolf-Warrior Diplomacy" contradicts its claim to peaceful rise
43 / 100
43. United States of America is still the "Sole Super Power" of the world. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Best and brightest of the world prefer to migrate to America
(B) American dream is still intact
(C) USA is the most indebted country of the world
(D) Global surplus capital gets accumulated in the USA
(E) USA still is the Global leader in the development of new innovative technology
44 / 100
44. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
45 / 100
45. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
46 / 100
46. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
47 / 100
47. Which among the following is not correct about India's Nuclear Policy? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
48 / 100
48. Arrange the following events/incidents related to India-Pakistan Relations chronologically. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Kargil War
(B) Shimla Agreement
(C) Pulwama Incident
(D) Indus Water Treaty
(E) Uri Incident
49 / 100
49. Arrange the following events/incidents related to Sino-India relations chronologically. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Chinese Invasion of India
(B) Wuhan Spirit
(C) Galwan Valley Incident
(D) Chennai Connect
(E) Nathu La Skirmishes
50 / 100
50. Arrange the following events related to India's Foreign Policy in ascending order. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Indo-US Nuclear Deal
(B) Gujral Doctrine
(C) Panchasheel
(D) Panchamrit
(E) Look East Policy
51 / 100
51. Choose the correct statements from the following. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) India has signed RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership)
(B) India has refused to sign NPT because it is a discriminatory treaty
(C) India has signed CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty)
(C) India has signed PTBT (Partial Test Ban Treaty)
(D) India Supports CBDR (Common But Differentiated Responsibilities) in climate change negotiations
52 / 100
52. Which of the following statements are correct? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) China has blocked India's membership to NSG (Nuclear Suppliers Group)
(B) India has refused to be part of China promoted BRI (Belt and Road Initiative)
(C) Gujral doctrine believes in reciprocity
(D) India and China cooperate with each other in climate change talks
(E) Sino-Indian trade is an example of balanced trade
53 / 100
53. Which of the following statements are correct? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) India will not use its nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states
(B) India is committed to no-first use of nuclear weapons
(C) India will transfer nuclear technology to friendly countries
(D) India will extend its nuclear umbrella to its friendly neighbouring countries in South Asia
(E) India will develop credible nuclear deterrent capability
54 / 100
54. India believes in and practices strategic autonomy in its foreign policy. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) India refused to be a party to any military alliance during cold war
(B) India procured its weapons from all possible sources
(C)India yielded to American pressure to reduce its oil import from Iran
(D) India refused to yield to Western pressure to not to import oil from Russia because of its Ukraine invasion
(E) India refused to sign NPT and CTBT to protect its strategic autonomy
55 / 100
55. India's diaspora is a strategic asset for the country. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) India receives largest volume of remittances
(B) Illegal Indian migrants have given a bad name to India
(C) Indian Americans played key role in the passing of Indo-US nuclear deal
(D) India trained Engineers were instrumental in ushering in IT revolution in the US and then bringing it to India
(E) Indian Diaspora is a source of soft power for India
56 / 100
56. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
57 / 100
57. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
58 / 100
58. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
59 / 100
59. When the Reserve Bank of India was established? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
60 / 100
60. Which does not come under All India Service? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Indian Administrative Services
(B) Indian Police Service
(C) Indian Foreign Service
(D) Indian Forest Service
(E) Indian Custom Service
61 / 100
61. The cornerstone of the ECI's mandate derives from Article 324 of the Constitution. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Article 324 mandated that the commission is to be led by a Single Chief Election Commissioner (CEC)
(B) The president can appoint additional commissioners
(C) Judiciary is barred from interference in the election process
(D) Election Commission also conducts the elections of Panchayats
(E) During the Election Period CEC acts as Chief Executive Officer of Government of India
62 / 100
62. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
63 / 100
63. Which among the following statements are not correct about the Parliamentary System of Government in India? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) All parties in the parliament are represented in the government
(B) The Government is responsible to the Parliament and can be removed by it
(C) Government is elected for a fixed term
(D) The Government is chosen by the Parliament and cannot be removed before completion of its fixed term
(E) An independent body is established by the constitution for free and fair election
64 / 100
64. Among the following challenges to Indian Democracy, which one is not related to Globalization: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) De-politicisation
(B) Roll back of welfare state
(C) Politics of defection
(D) Decay of nation-state
(E) Crony capitalism
65 / 100
65. According to the Election Commission for being considered as a national party, a political party should atleast have which of the following qualification? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) It should be recognised as a state-level party in four or more states
(B) In General Elections the party must manage to win six percent of the votes and win atleast four Lok Sabha seats
(C) It has to win a minimum of two percent of the seats in the Lok Sabha from atleast three different states
(D) The state party plays a vital role in regional political system in India
(E) It should be recognised as local level party in seven or more states
66 / 100
66. Which of the following statements are true? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) The constitution of India allows the state to intervene in matters of religion in order to ensure equality among religious communities
(B) Constitution prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion
(C) The Constitution provides to all individuals and communities freedom to profess, practice and propogate any religion or not to follow any
(D) The Constitution of India advocates the titles of military or academic distinction for the citizen of India
(E) Fundamental Rights are non-justiciable rights
67 / 100
67. Which statement are incorrect with reference to the Election Campaign in India? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Government provides resources for the election campaign.
(B) No party or candidate can bribe or threaten voters
(C) No party or candidate can use any place of worship for election propaganda
(D) No party or candidate can appeal to voters in the name of caste or religion
(E) Once elections are announced, ministers shall not lay the foundation stone of any project or make any promise to the voters
68 / 100
68. When the President of India resigns he/she addresses resignation letter to: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
69 / 100
69. "Basic Structure" is outcome of: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
70 / 100
70. Which among the following is a justiciable right? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
71 / 100
71. Arrange the Commissions or Committees for improving Centre State relations in India in ascending order. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
(B) Sarkaria Commission
(C) Punchhi Commission
(D) Bhore Committee
(E) Rajmannar Committee
72 / 100
72. Arrange the following states with respect of their year of formation in ascending order. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Bihar
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Nagaland
(D) Gujrat
(E) Himachal Pradesh
1. Bihar – 1912 British province and then 1950 Independent India
2. Rajasthan – 1949
3. Gujrat – 1960
4. Nagaland – 1963
5. Himachal – 1971
73 / 100
73. With the reference to Indian Political System, consider the following statements. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) One salient feature of Indian Political System is the combination of centralisation and decentralisation
(B) Indian political system throughout the British period was very much dominated by religion
(C) In Indian Political System the real executive power is with the President
(D) The Government System is based on three organs, Legislative, Executive and Judiciary
(E) The Bureaucracy plays a minimalistic role in Government System
74 / 100
74. Consider the statements about Constitutional Government. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) It is a form of limited government
(B) One where Constitution is the basis of public authority
(C) One where Prime Minister is the formal head of the state
(D) One where there is always universal adult franchise
(E) One where there is always limited adult franchise
75 / 100
75. Which is/are group of people who come together to contest election and hold power in the government? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Pressure Group
(B) Political Party
(C) Interest Group
(D) Business Lobby
(E) Religious Group
76 / 100
76. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
77 / 100
77. Which is the nodal agency to achieve Sustainable Development Goals in India? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
78 / 100
78. System Theory focuses on the study of organisation as a: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
79 / 100
79. Management by objectives was the key idea put forward by Peter Drucker in: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
80 / 100
80. Who contended that "we are concerned only with finding a choice mechanism that will lead it to pursue a "satisficing" path, a path that will permit satisfaction at same specified level of all of its needs"? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
81 / 100
81. Merton's criticism of bureaucratic theory: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Displacement of goals
(B) Trained incapacity
(C) Non conformity
(D) Depersonalisation of relationships
(E) Inadequate accountability and responsibility
82 / 100
82. Rational Choice Theory's impact on Public Administration has been strongly felt in the areas such as: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Organization Behaviour
(B) Local Government
(C) Public Service Delivery
(D) Theory of Democratic Administration
83 / 100
83. Development Administration encompasses: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Activities relating to Centralization and limiting the number of agencies that deal with development to be undertaken
(B) New management agencies and systems must be devised
(C) Introduction of competent planning and monitoring delivery
(D) Appointing trained personnel to give specialized support
(E) Regulating the agencies that deal with commercial activities
84 / 100
84. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
85 / 100
85. Match List - I with List - II. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
86 / 100
86. A person who is in the know of things and is willing to alert the controlling authority by disclosing the corrupt act or practice that takes place. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
87 / 100
87. Which organisation provides a robust communication system and effective support for e-governance in India? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
88 / 100
88. Advantages of social audit. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
89 / 100
89. Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India has initiated measures to make the Panchayats vibrant. Arrange the following in sequential order, from earlier to later time. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) SVAMITVA Scheme, Property Survey
(B) Multi Bijli Yojana to install rooftop solar and provide free electricity upto 300 monthly units
(C) Revamped Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA) with focus on localization of Sustainable Development Goals
(D) Release of a standard operating procedure (SOP) regarding e-gram Swaraj to bring in better transparency
90 / 100
90. New provisions under the Consumer Protection Act include: (NET August 2024 Shift I)
(A) Strict Norms for misleading advertisements
(B) Establishment of Central Consumer Protection Authority
(C) Inclusion of E-Commerce, Direct selling
(D) Alternate Dispute Resolution through Mediation
(E) Powers of Consumer to complain have been restricted
91 / 100
91. Who has written the book 'Man, the State and war? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
92 / 100
92. What was the time frame of the evolution of Neorealists? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
93 / 100
93. According to Waltz which system is better to prevent the war. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
94 / 100
94. According to Waltz what does he mean by system. (NET August 2024 Shift I)
95 / 100
95. Who is not realist? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
96 / 100
96. Who proclaimed that the Directive Principles of State Policy is an attempt to import Fabian Socialism without Socialism? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
97 / 100
97. Which article of Directive Principles was brought into fundamental rights through 86th amendment of the Constitution? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
98 / 100
98. The Chairman of the Drafting Committee Dr. Ambedkar observed about directive principles, “If any government ignores them, they will certainly have to answer for them before the electorate at the time of election.” (NET August 2024 Shift I)
What does he mean by this observation:
99 / 100
99. Who said “Directive Principles are merely furthering the goal of Social Revolution”? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
100 / 100
100. Which Article instructs the government to incorporate directions given under the Directive Principles in formulating the policies? (NET August 2024 Shift I)
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