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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar


NET June 2013 Paper III

1 / 75

1. Who among the following said that Political theory contains factors of three kinds-the factual, the causal and the valuational? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

2 / 75

2. Who among the following said that political theory is in the doghouse in the 1950's? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

3 / 75

3. Who among the following said, "We can not shed our values in the way we remove our coats"? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

4 / 75

4. Who among the following is associated with the resurgence of political theory? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

5 / 75

5. Which one of the following statements are false? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

6 / 75

6. Whose ideas are sometimes referred as 'Manchester Liberalism'? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

7 / 75

7. Who said, "My own existence is a social activity and mind are social in their context as well as in their origin, they are social activity and social mind"? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

8 / 75

8. From whom did Hobbes borrow the principle of resolutive composite? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

9 / 75

9. Who said, "J. J. Rousseau is the Father of Jacobin despotism, of Caesarian dictatorship and the inspirer of the absolute doctrines of Kant and of Hegel"? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

10 / 75

10. Who among the following made the State a moral institution with a moral end? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

11 / 75

11. Who among the following formed “The League of Radical Congressmen”? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

12 / 75

12. Which one among the following is not written by Aurobindo? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

13 / 75

13. Identify the correct sequence of the events undertaken by Mahatma Gandhi. (NET June 2013 Paper III)

(i) Organised the industrial workers in Ahmedabad for higher wages.

(ii) Protest against the Indigo planters at Champaran.

(iii) Satyagraha movement in Kaira against the collection of land revenue.

(iv) Protest against the Asiatic Registration Act.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

14 / 75

14. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

15 / 75

15. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). (NET June 2013 Paper III)

Assertion (A): For Daniel Bell there is the 'end of ideology'.

Reason (R): This is to validate a single ideology and to discredit every other ideology.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

16 / 75

16. Structuration as a concept is a way of analyzing the relationship between structures and actors was suggested by (NET June 2013 Paper III)

17 / 75

17. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

18 / 75

18. According to Almond, which one is not a condition for political development? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

19 / 75

19. Corporatism is an approach that is centrally concerned about (NET June 2013 Paper III)

20 / 75

20. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

21 / 75

21. The term "Cooperative Federalism" emerged after (NET June 2013 Paper III)

22 / 75

22. Which one of the following is not a feature of the Bipolar Party System? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

23 / 75

23. In the electoral studies, rational choice models have been the most popular which is developed by (NET June 2013 Paper III)

24 / 75

24. Conveyance theory between advanced capitalism and developed by (NET June 2013 Paper III)

25 / 75

25. Who among the following elite theorists said, "A man is effective in society as a whole, not so much because of his individual qualities as because of the social energies which have been deposited in him by the mass"? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

26 / 75

26. What is the correct chronological sequence of Edward Shils' categories of political system? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

(i) Political Democracy

(ii) Tutelary Democracy

(iii) Modernizing Oligarchy

(iv) Totalitarian Oligarchy

(v) Traditional Oligarchy

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

27 / 75

27. Assertion (A): Samir amin argued that Marx foresaw that no colonial power would be able to continue for long the local development of capitalism.

Reason (R): This was because of a dearth of knowledge of non- European societies.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

28 / 75

28. Which of the following statements about the US President are true? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

(i) The US President can seek re- election only once.

(ii) He can be impeached for treason, bribery and other crimes.

(iii) At the impeachment trials the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides.

(iv) Both the President and the Vice- President can be from the same state.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

29 / 75

29. The politics of sex is no longer on the fringe of politics, but it is a central concern for policy and law makers. Which category will this issue be placed under? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

30 / 75

30. Who holds the view that bureaucracy as an organisation cannot correct its behaviour by learning from its errors? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

31 / 75

31. Who said the following: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

"New light has been poured on us, teaching us the new lesson that Kings are made for the people and not the people for the Kings."

32 / 75

32. Who among the following had favoured Panchayati Raj System by giving the following statement in the Indian Constituent Assembly? " the interest of democracy, the villages may be trained in the art of self-government... We must be able to reform the villages and introduce democratic principles of government there..." (NET June 2013 Paper III)

33 / 75

33. Which of the following is not within the jurisdiction of the State High Court? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

34 / 75

34. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

35 / 75

35. Who characterized India as "A million mutinies" in 1990? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

36 / 75

36. "Roses in December" is the autobiography of (NET June 2013 Paper III)

37 / 75

37. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

38 / 75

38. Who among the following is Editor/ Author of the book "The New Regional Politics of Development". (NET June 2013 Paper III)

39 / 75

39. Who among the following has described India as "weak-strong state"? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

40 / 75

40. Who has called India a Democratic Developmental State? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

41 / 75

41. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

42 / 75

42. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

43 / 75

43. Who has termed India as an example of "Polycentric Nationalism"? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

44 / 75

44. Who is the author of the book "India after Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy"? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

45 / 75

45. Which of the following was the first all Indian women's organization which came into force in 1926? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

46 / 75

46. Which one of the following Gullick has not covered under administrative functions of the Chief Executive? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

47 / 75

47. Which of the following principles figure in the list of fourteen principles propounded by Henry Foyal? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

(i) Subordination of individual interest to general interest.

(ii) Appointment on the basis of a contract.

(iii) Espirit de corps

(iv) Equity


48 / 75

48. Under the code developed by workers at the Western Electric Company, one who passes unfavourable information about his colleagues to his superior is called (NET June 2013 Paper III)

49 / 75

49. According to Herbert Simon, a decision is usually compounded of (NET June 2013 Paper III)

50 / 75

50. Which one of the following principles of organisation has not been enunciated by Mooney and Reiley? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

51 / 75

51. Which one of the following books contains the most comprehensive enunciation of the classical theory? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

52 / 75

52. According to Max Weber which one of the following is not a feature of bureaucracy? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

53 / 75

53. Which one of the following is not an element of decision making? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

54 / 75

54. Who among the following are called staff officials? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

55 / 75

55. Which of the following concepts of administration is action oriented rather than structure oriented? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

56 / 75

56. Point out from the following the uncommon factor between public and private administrations (NET June 2013 Paper III)

57 / 75

57. The Fiscal Five-Year Plan was started in India after independence in the year (NET June 2013 Paper III)

58 / 75

58. Assertion (A): The District Collector is the most important functionary at the apex of the district administration.

Reason (R): After independence, his role has become increasingly multidimensional.


(NET June 2013 Paper III)

59 / 75

59. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

60 / 75

60. Performance Budgeting became popular in the (NET June 2013 Paper III)

61 / 75

61. Who builts on Kenneth Waltz's argument concerning the stability of bipolar system as compared to multipolar system? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

62 / 75

62. Democratic Peace Theory is placed under which theoretical approach of International relations? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

63 / 75

63. Which of the following statements are not true? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

(i) Security dilemma is an important paradox of the state system.

(ii) Arms race increases insecurity of states.

(iii) Arms control is a solution.

(iv) Standing armies contribute to security of all.


64 / 75

64. The "Clash of Civilizations and New World Order" predict an ideological shift in the Post-Cold War period from (NET June 2013 Paper III)

65 / 75

65. Assertion (A): Modern technology enhances the importance of war and threats of war.

Reason (R): War no longer is just a contest of strength. It is more a contest of nerve and risk taking.


(NET June 2013 Paper III)

66 / 75

66. What is a "Quasi-State"? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

67 / 75

67. With which approach would one associate the following statement? Economic globalization is an uneven, hierarchical process and benefits only a tiny minority? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

68 / 75

68. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

69 / 75

69. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

70 / 75

70. The Panel on United Nations Peace Operations was set up by the earlier Secretary General Kofi Annan. Name the report (NET June 2013 Paper III)

71 / 75

71. Indian troops, military observers and civilian police personnel served in U.N.O. peace keeping operation in (NET June 2013 Paper III)

72 / 75

72. Match the List-I with List-II and select answer from code given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

73 / 75

73. Which one of the following is not a Indo-Pak dispute? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

74 / 75

74. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

75 / 75

75. Recently there were tensions between Cambodia and Thailand. What is the issue in conflict? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

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