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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar


NET June 2010

1 / 50

1. Which theory of the State is expounded in Santhi Parva? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

2 / 50

2. According to Gandhi, (NET June 2010 Paper II)

3 / 50

3. “The public good ought to be the object of the Legislator.” – Who said it? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

4 / 50

4. Who said, “Men are equal by nature; society, through the institution of property, has made them unequal”? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

5 / 50

5. The method of proceeding from general to the particular is (NET June 2010 Paper II)

6 / 50

6. Who said that “the world at every stage is both a product and a prophecy”? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

7 / 50

7. One of the criticism for the theory of Natural Rights is that it (NET June 2010 Paper II)

8 / 50

8. The Entitlement Theory of Property has been propounded by (NET June 2010 Paper II)

9 / 50

9. The State is a necessary evil. This statement refers to (NET June 2010 Paper II)

10 / 50

10. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). (NET June 2010 Paper II)

Assertion (A): Democratic socialism values unity in diversity.

Reason (R): Cultural Pluralism hinders the functioning of democratic institutions.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?

11 / 50

11. Robert Merton’s concept of ‘Political Machine’ in a large city is associated with (NET June 2010 Paper II)

12 / 50

12. Who among the following is a proponent of the Theory of Underdevelopment? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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13. In which one of the following systems of Government is Bicameralism an essential feature? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

14 / 50

14. According to Max Weber, which one of the following types of authority is the basis of modern bureaucracy? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

15 / 50

15. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

16 / 50

16. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

17 / 50

17. Assertion (A): The Senate of U.S.A. is the most powerful second chamber in the world.

Reason (R): All States in U.S.A. enjoy equal representation in the Senate.

Select your answers to these questions using the codes given below: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

18 / 50

18. Assertion (A): Interest Groups compete for making their voice heard and interests protected by the decision makers in political systems.

Reason (R): Interest Groups extend support to political parties in a consistent manner.

Select your answers to these questions using the codes given below: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

19 / 50

19. What is the correct sequence of the following Presidents of the U.S.A. (NET June 2010 Paper II)

(i) Franklin D. Roosevelt

(ii) George Bush (Sr.)

(iii) Bill Clinton

(iv) John F. Kennedy

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

20 / 50

20. Write the following in the correct sequence: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

(i) The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly of India.

(ii) New Deal Legislation in U.S.A.

(iii) The Maastritch Treaty in Europe

(iv) Merger of Baltic States into Soviet Union

Choose the correct code:

21 / 50

21. Which of the following statements is correct about the Vice-President of India? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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22. The Dalit Panther Movement was launched in (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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23. The First Backward Classes Commission emphasized which of the following as a condition identifying social and educational backwardness? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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24. When the UPA Government was formed in 2004 at the Centre, the CPI(M) was (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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25. Match List – I and List – II and select the correct answer from codes given below: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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26. Match List – I and List – II and select the correct answer from codes given below: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

27 / 50

27. Identify the correct chronological sequence of the following: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

(i) 42nd Constitution Amendment Act

(ii) K. Gopalan Vs. State of Madras Case

(iii) Declaration of Internal Emergency

(iv) Kesavananda Bharti Vs. State of Kerala Case

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

28 / 50

28. Identify the correct chronological sequence in which the following became Prime Ministers of India: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

(i) Charan Singh

(ii) V. P. Singh

(iii) Lal Bahadur Shastri

(iv) Morarji Desai

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

29 / 50

29. Assertion (A): Fundamental Rights are enshrined in the Constitution for the people.

Reason (R): People can move Court for violation of Fundamental Rights.

In the context of the above two statements which is correct? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

30 / 50

30. Assertion (A): There are three lists dividing legislative authority between the Union and the States in India.

Reason (R): India has a federal system.

In the context of the two statements above, which is correct? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

31 / 50

31. Development Administration was defined as a ‘goal oriented’ and ‘change oriented’ Administration by (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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32. The concept of ‘Line and Staff’ Agencies in Public Administration is borrowed from (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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33. F.W. Taylor’s concept of ‘Scientific Management’ was criticised by (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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34. In India the Planning Commission was set up in the year (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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35. Recruitment to Civil Service in India is based on the recommendation of (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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36. The communication that passes across different departments refers to (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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37. The Contingency Fund in India has been placed at the disposal of (NET June 2010 Paper II)

38 / 50

38. Identify the correct sequence in which the following theories appeared? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

I. Decision-Making Theory

II. Human Relations Theory

III. Classical Theory

IV. Public Choice Theory


39 / 50

39. Match list – I with the list – II and select correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

40 / 50

40. Assertion (A): The institution of Lokpal has been established to in India.

Reason (R): The Political Parties in the Indian Parliament have been able to arrive at a consensus.

(NET June 2010 Paper II)

41 / 50

41. Who used first time the word “Cold War”? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

42 / 50

42. The General Assembly of U.N.O. passed the Declaration of Human Rights on (NET June 2010 Paper II)

43 / 50

43. The Headquarter of Economic Commission for Asia and Far East is situated at (NET June 2010 Paper II)

44 / 50

44. “One for all and all for one” is statement given by one of the following authors in regard to collective security. (NET June 2010 Paper II)

45 / 50

45. What is the correct chronological sequence of the below? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

Choose the right answers from codes:

(i) The Atlantic Charter

(ii) Bretton Woods Conference

(iii) Casablance Conference

(iv) Yalta Conference


46 / 50

46. What is the correct chronological sequence of the models given by Morton Kaplan? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

Choose the right answers from codes:

(i) Balance of Power

(ii) Universal International System

(iii) Tight Bi-polar system

(iv) Loose Bi-polar system


47 / 50

47. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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48. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

49 / 50

49. Assertion (A): For the realist the ruthless quest of power to promote National Interest is in the law of nature.

Reason (R): They firmly believe that moral and legal prescription are irrelevant at best convinces that may be discarded at will.

(NET June 2010 Paper II)

50 / 50

50. Assertion (A): The member of U.N.O. have committed to promote the respect for observance of Human Rights.

Reason (R): The Human Rights are inalienable, natural interdependent and indivisible. They are means to achieve human dignity.

(NET June 2010 Paper II)

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