NET Unit 5: International Relations Part II
1 / 100
1. Arrange the following Earth Summits held so far in chronological order from the code given below: (NET June 2011 Paper II)
(i) Rio-de-Jeneiro
(ii) Kyoto
(iii) Copenhagen
(iv) Bali
2 / 100
2. Arrange the following in chronological order and choose the correct answer from the code given below: (NET June 2011 Paper II)
(i) Treaty of Versailles
(ii) Treaty of Westphalia
(iii) Philadelphia Convention
(iv) Vienna Congress
3 / 100
3. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R): (NET June 2011 Paper II)
Assertion (A): Constructivism insists that international relations cannot be reduced to national action and interaction within material constraints as realism claims.
Reason (R): Because State interaction is not among fixed national interests but is to be understood as a pattern of action and shapes and is shaped by identities over time.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
4 / 100
4. The phrase āMilitary-Industrial Complexā was coined by (NET June 2011 Paper II)
The phrase āMilitary-Industrial Complexā was coined by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. He introduced this term in his farewell address to the nation on January 17, 1961. In his speech, Eisenhower warned of the potential dangers of the close relationship between the military and the defense industry, emphasizing that the influence of this partnership could threaten democratic governance and lead to excessive and unchecked spending.
5 / 100
5. Marxian view treats international politics as an extension of class war in (NET June 2011 Paper II)
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6. Nagorno Karabakh is a disputed territory between (NET December 2012 Paper II)
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7. Hans Blix was head of U.N. body for (NET December 2012 Paper II)
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8. What is the correct chronological order of the events listed below? (NET December 2012 Paper II)
i. US Policy of Containment of the Soviet Union.
ii. Dissolution of the former Soviet Union.
iii. Iran-Iraq War.
iv. US War on terrorism in Afghanistan.
9 / 100
9. The principle of reciprocity within WTO framework envisages (NET December 2012 Paper II)
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10. The Kyoto Protocol of 1997 adopted the programme for (NET December 2012 Paper II)
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11. The policy of containment formulated by the U.S. aimed at (NET December 2012 Paper II)
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12. Who of the following has coined the term under-development? (NET December 2012 Paper II)
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13. In the post-Soviet era Russia's outlook at global level is marked by (NET December 2012 Paper II)
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14. Unequal exchange is the formulation of (NET December 2012 Paper II)
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15. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (NET December 2012 Paper II)
16 / 100
16. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2012 Paper II)
17 / 100
17. Collective Security System of the UN is based on the principle of (NET June 2012 Paper II)
18 / 100
18. Assertion (A): WTO pleads that free trade brings prosperity for all and therefore should be promoted.
Reason (R): Integration of the countries with global economy through the system of trade helps them to export goods abroad as also import goods which they need.
(NET June 2012 Paper II)
19 / 100
19. What is the correct chronological order of the developments listed below? (NET June 2012 Paper II)
(i) Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship
(ii) India's First Nuclear Explosion at Pokhran
(iii) Cuban Missile Crises
(iv) Adoption of Structural adjustment programme of India
Select the correct answer from the following codes:
20 / 100
20. The major argument of Neo-realism of Kenneth Waltz is that (NET June 2012 Paper II)
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21. Russia has been given permanent seat on the UN Security Council by virtue of its being (NET June 2012 Paper II)
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22. Marshall Plan was meant for (NET June 2012 Paper II)
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23. Which of the following is not the basic principle of Hans J. Morgenthou's realism? (NET June 2012 Paper II)
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24. Which of the following resulted from Bretton Woods Conference? (NET June 2012 Paper II)
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25. Assertion (A): While declaring war on terrorism the US asserted that the states which were not on the side of the US were against it.
Reason (R): In the wake of war on terrorism the US denied states the liberty to be neutral.
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26. Martin Wight emphasized three philosophical traditions of International politics, they are (NET December 2012 Paper III)
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27. The Axis of evil is a phrase deliberately used by President George W. Bush in January 2002 to characterize (NET December 2012 Paper III)
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28. Expand SORT. (NET December 2012 Paper III)
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29. Who said, "Thus far the chief purpose of our military establishment has been to win wars. From now on its chief purpose must be to avert them."? (NET December 2012 Paper III)
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30. Structural adjustment programmes require that (NET December 2012 Paper III)
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31. Why is reform of the Security Council problematic? (NET December 2012 Paper III)
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32. What does Raison d'etat mean? (NET December 2012 Paper III)
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33. What does RMA stand for? (NET December 2012 Paper III)
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34. Arrange the following international politics theorists in a chronological order from the codes given below: (NET December 2012 Paper III)
(i) Reinhold Niebuhr
(ii) Immanuel Kant
(iii) Antonio Gramsci
(iv) Rebert W. Cox
35 / 100
35. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes below: (NET December 2012 Paper III)
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36. What is neorealism? (NET December 2012 Paper III)
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37. The US approach to the Cold War was originally set out in (NET June 2012 Paper III)
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38. The United Nations Charter is mainly (NET June 2012 Paper III)
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39. Which of the following countries are included in ASEAN Plus Three? (NET December 2013 Paper II)
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40. "Atoms for Peace" was a disarmament plan put forward by which world leader? (NET December 2013 Paper II)
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41. Partha Chatterjee has commented that the latest phase of the globalization of capital will witness an emerging opposition between (NET June 2013 Paper II)
42 / 100
42. Name the person who headed the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Com- mission (UNMOVIC) to Iraq in 2002? (NET December 2013 Paper III)
43 / 100
43. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). (NET December 2013 Paper III)
Assertion (A): Regimes represent an important feature of globalization.
Reason (R): The onset of dƩtente, the loss of hegemonic status by the USA and the growing awareness of environmental problems sensitized social scientists.
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44. The Panel on United Nations Peace Operations was set up by the earlier Secretary General Kofi Annan. Name the report (NET June 2013 Paper III)
45 / 100
45. With which approach would one associate the following statement? Economic globalization is an uneven, hierarchical process and benefits only a tiny minority? (NET June 2013 Paper III)
46 / 100
46. Who among the following used the phrase - The United Nations is 'sharing in the name of solidarity' for underlining the necessity of the U.N.? (NET December 2014 Paper II)
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47. Which one of the following is not correct about Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)? (NET December 2014 Paper II)
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48. The United Nations Conference well known as Copenhagen, COP 15 dealt with the issue of (NET June 2014 Paper II)
49 / 100
49. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). (NET June 2014 Paper II)
Assertion (A): Globalization is a multidimensional process.
Reason (R): It involves economic, political, social and cultural globalizations.
50 / 100
50. What is not true about ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations)? (NET December 2014 Paper III)
51 / 100
51. Read the following statements about South-South Co-operation: (NET December 2014 Paper III)
Select your answer from the codes given below:
52 / 100
52. Arrange the following in their chronological sequence and choose your answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2014 Paper III)
i. Churchill's Fulton Speech
ii. Launching of the African Union
iii. A treaty to create South East Asian Nuclear weapon free zone
iv. Recognition of South Sudan as a sovereign State and 193rd member of the U.N.
53 / 100
53. Which of the following article of charter of United Nations provides that "all the members of the UN undertake to make available to the security council, on its call and in accordance with special agreements, armed forces, assistance and facilities, including rights of passage, necessary for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security". (NET December 2015 Paper II)
54 / 100
54. Which of the following statements are correct? (NET December 2015 Paper II)
(A) According to Article 3 of the charter, the countries that attended the San Francisco conference, June 1945 and those who signed the United Nations Declaration on 1st January 1942 became original members of United Nations.
(B) Switzerland became a member of United Nations in 2003.
(C) The regular session of General Assembly commences in September and usually goes on till the end of the year.
(D) The retiring members of economic and social council are eligible for immediate re-election also.
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55. Originally what was the total strength of security council of United Nations? (NET June 2015 Paper II)
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56. Which of the following country is not a member of ASEAN:Ā (NET June 2015 Paper II)
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57. Which of the following Articles of the charter of United Nations Organisation are related to Regional Organisations?Ā (NET June 2015 Paper II)
(A) Article 51
(B) Article 52
(C) Article 53
(D) Article 54
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:Ā
58 / 100
58. The roots of newly emerging forces of globalisation have been traced in specific economic and political developments in the late 1980s or early 1990s. Which of the following can not be included in this category? (NET December 2015 Paper III)
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59. Which member State of ASEAN had joined this regional organisation in 1999? (NET June 2015 Paper III)
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60. Article 25 of the Charter of the United Nations provides that (NET July 2016 Paper II)
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61. Who among the following declared that the state is retreating in the face of the superior power of globalization? (NET July 2016 Paper II)
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62. How many Asian countries are members of G-20? (NET July 2016 Paper III)
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63. Which one of the following peace keeping operations of the United Nations is not an example of first generation peacekeeping operations? (NET July 2016 Paper III)
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64. Which of the following is not a specialized agency of the United Nations? (NET January 2017 Paper II)
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65. The renaming of European Community (EC) to European Union resulted from the signing of (NET January 2017 Paper II)
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66. Which of the events mentioned below is taken as signaling the end of Cold War? (NET January 2017 Paper II)
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67. NATO's partnership for peace programme was aimed at (NET January 2017 Paper II)
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68. At the end of cold war Francis Fukuyama constructed the thesis of 'end of history' which meant: (NET January 2017 Paper II)
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69. Which leader of the USSR introduced the policy of 'peaceful coexistence'? (NET January 2017 Paper II)
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70. Which country/countries refused to accept legally binding emission cuts following Kyoto Protocol? (NET January 2017 Paper II)
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71. Which one of the following is not a major assumption of balance of power? (NET January 2017 Paper II)
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72. The notion of 'Balance of Terror' is related to (NET January 2017 Paper II)
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73. Who of the following belongs to British School of Realism? (NET January 2017 Paper II)
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74. Which one of the following is not part of 'Three Pillars' of R2P (Responsibility to Protect)? (NET November 2017 Paper II)
75 / 100
75. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below: (NET November 2017 Paper II)
76 / 100
76. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the code given below: (NET November 2017 Paper II)
Assertion (A): India is seeking permanent membership of Security Council of UNO.
Reason (R): India is a nuclear power.
77 / 100
77. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answers from the code given below: (NET November 2017 Paper II)
78 / 100
78. A unipolar condition to which George W Bush Jr referred as a balance of power that favours: (NET November 2017 Paper II)
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79. Whose Presidency in America was marked by 'war on terrorism? (NET November 2017 Paper II)
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80. Which one of the following is not a criteria of just war? (NET November 2017 Paper II)
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81. Consider the following statements with regard to MTCR: (NET November 2017 Paper II)
(A) China is not a member of MTCR
(B) India is a member of MTCR
(C) Aims at restricting complete rocket systems
(D) Pakistan is a member of MTCR
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
82 / 100
82. Which of the following combination game theory utilizes to analyse strategic interaction among decision makers? (NET November 2017 Paper II)
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83. Who among the following statesmen described USSR as an 'evil empire'? (NET January 2017 Paper III)
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84. The US stopped cultivating ties with Taliban regime in Afghanistan after (NET January 2017 Paper III)
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85. Match the List-I with List-II and select correct answer from the codes given below: (NET January 2017 Paper III)
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86. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET January 2017 Paper III)
87 / 100
87. Under Bush Doctrine, the USA held states responsible for activities inside their territories and thus acquired the right to (NET January 2017 Paper III)
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88. The Washington consensus did not stand for (NET January 2017 Paper III)
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89. Sir John Chilcot Commission has indicated (NET January 2017 Paper III)
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90. As per United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea (UNCLOS) states are entitled for Jurisdiction over sea water as under: (NET January 2017 Paper III)
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91. Which of the following Republic/ Republics was/were supported by Russia in Georgian war of 2008? (NET January 2017 Paper III)
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92. 'Common but differentiated' responsibility principle on climate mitigation agenda emerged from (NET January 2017 Paper III)
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93. Which one of the following was not the basis invoked by the US for attacking Iraq in March, 2003? (NET January 2017 Paper III)
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94. In 1999 NATO acted against Serbia accusing of indulging in act of 'ethnic cleansing' in Kosovo. To this, other major powers such as Russia and China reacted as under: (NET January 2017 Paper III)
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95. Which one of the following is not the technique of the balance of power? (NET January 2017 Paper III)
96 / 100
96. Which one of the following arrangements was not visualized by Morton Kaplan? (NET January 2017 Paper III)
97 / 100
97. Match List-I with List-II and identify the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET January 2017 Paper III)
98 / 100
98. Which one of the following statements is correct (NET November 2017 Paper III)
99 / 100
99. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below: (NET November 2017 Paper III)
100 / 100
100. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET November 2017 Paper III)
Assertion (A): States continue to exist as sovereign states.
Reason (R): Globalization has weakened the Westphalian state system.
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