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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar


NET December 2004

1 / 50

1. According to Aristotle, the best constitution should adopt the principle of: (NET December 2004)

2 / 50

2. According to John Locke one of the following is not a natural right: (NET December 2004)

3 / 50

3. Who wrote that the state is "perfected rationality"? (NET December 2004)

4 / 50

4. Gandhian concept of Satyagraha is a: (NET December 2004)

5 / 50

5. B.R. Ambedkar found solace in the tea (NET December 2004)

6 / 50

6. One of the following kinds of liberty is not acceptable in a modern State: (NET December 2004)

7 / 50

7. Match the following form the correct pairs: (NET December 2004)

8 / 50

8. Behaviorism is an attack upon: (NET December 2004)

9 / 50

9. Match List I (concept) with List II (thinker) and give the answer by using the codes given below: (NET December 2004)

10 / 50

10. Which one of the following is not a component of Easton's definition of a political system? (NET December 2004)

11 / 50

11. According to Almond and Powell, the capabilities of a political system are: (NET December 2004)

  1. Administrative
  2. Regulative
  3. Extractive
  4. Distributive

12 / 50

12. According to Lucian Pye, the key elements of political development are: (NET December 2004)

13 / 50

13. Who among the following believes that corruption is inseparable from modernization? (NET December 2004)

14 / 50

14. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below: (NET December 2004)

15 / 50

15. A Constitutional Govemment stands for: (NET December 2004)

16 / 50

16. Who among the following made a systematic study of pressure groups in the first decade of the twentieth century? (NET December 2004)

17 / 50

17. Which one of the following is not a essential feature of the parliamentary form of Government? (NET December 2004)

18 / 50

18. The 'due process of law is the characteristic of the judicial system of: (NET December 2004)

19 / 50

19. Give bellow are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R): (NET December 2004)

Assertion (A): Presidential Government is more suitable than Parliamentary Government for meeting crisis

Reason (R): All executive powers rest in the President

In the context of the above two statements which one of the following is correct?

20 / 50

20. Which one of the following amendments has added the word 'Secular to the Preamble of Indian Constitution? (NET December 2004)

21 / 50

21. The guardian of the Indian Constitution is: (NET December 2004)

22 / 50

22. In which chapter of the Indian Constitution there is a mention of uniform civil code? (NET December 2004)

23 / 50

23. The Lok Sabha was first constituted in: (NET December 2004)

24 / 50

24. Under which article of the Indian Constitution can Parliament legislate on any subject in the State List? (NET December 2004)

25 / 50

25. Who was the first Vice-President of India? (NET December 2004)

26 / 50

26. Which of the following is not the right of the Attomey General for India? (NET December 2004)

27 / 50

27. Which one of the following subjects is not included in the Union List? (NET December 2004)

28 / 50

28. The first Finance Commission was constituted in: (NET December 2004)

29 / 50

29. The Anti-Defection Law was enacted in: (NET December 2004)

30 / 50

30. Who is regarded as an exponent of ecological approach in the study of Public Administration? (NET December 2004)

31 / 50

31. The New Public Administration lays emphasis on: (NET December 2004)

32 / 50

32. Hawthorne experiments were conducted during: (NET December 2004)

33 / 50

33. Informal organisation is generally: (NET December 2004)

34 / 50

34. Which school has laid down ‘seven proverbs' in the field of Public Administration? (NET December 2004)

35 / 50

35. The principle of the span of control has been elaborated by: (NET December 2004)

36 / 50

36. Implement any new programme in administration, the first essential requirement is: (NET December 2004)

37 / 50

37. The initial idea of recruitment based on merit can be traced to the: (NET December 2004)

38 / 50

38. Match the following, form the correct pairs: (NET December 2004)

39 / 50

39. The creation of the institution of Lok Pal was first recommend by: (NET December 2004)

40 / 50

40. Given below are two statements, one labelled Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R): (NET December 2004)

Assertion (A): Collective Security mirage

Reason (R): Nations are guided by self interest

In the context of the above two statements which one of the following is correct?

41 / 50

41. Alliances are essential components of: (NET December 2004)

42 / 50

42. The author of the Anarchical Society is: (NET December 2004)

43 / 50

43. WTO (World Trade Organisation) makes an attempt to regulate: (NET December 2004)

44 / 50

44. Green Peace Movement has played a significant role in the field of: (NET December 2004)

45 / 50

45. Which one of the following statements is not correct? (NET December 2004)

46 / 50

46. Which one of the following countries has proposed No War Treaty to India? (NET December 2004)

47 / 50

47. Realists regard the international system as: (NET December 2004)

48 / 50

48. At the SAARC conference in Islamabad (2004) it was agreed upon: (NET December 2004)

49 / 50

49. From among the following, India is not a member of: (NET December 2004)

50 / 50

50. Plato's Republic demonstrates that democratic form of Government is essentially: (NET December 2004)

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