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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar


NET December 2015 Paper III

1 / 75

1. Who among the following referred to the 'decline' of political theory? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) David Easton and Alfred Cobbon

(B) Lasslett and Robert Dahl

(C) Will Durant

(D) Nathenial Hawthorn

2 / 75

2. Which of the following statements are true regarding Political theory? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) It accepts scientism and repudiates the normativism.

(B) It synthesises political philosophy and scientific enquiry of political phenomenon.

(C) It is structural and institutional and examines the logic and basis of political institutions and organizations.

(D) Political theory is philosophical as well as scientific, normative as well as empirical evaluative as well as explanatory; historical as well as analytical.

Choose the correct answers from the below:

3 / 75

3. Which of the following is true of modern liberalism? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Freedom of the individual as against the authority of the state.

(B) Recognise the importance of group.

(C) Supports the limited role of the state.

(D) Supports the state regulation to safeguard the weak.

Choose the correct answer:

4 / 75

4. Which of the following statements relating to Maos theory of contradictions are true? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Contradictions are universal in all times and in all societies.

(B) Antagonistic contradictions exist among the hostile classes in terms of ownership of productive forces.

(C) Non-antagonistic contradictions could exist among people which could be resolved without resorting to violence.

(D) Contradictions have no place in a socialist system.

Choose the correct answer from the below:

5 / 75

5. Given below are two statements one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). (NET December 2015 Paper III)

Assertion (A): For John Locke, Natural Rights are a product of nature.

Reason (R): State has to protect and safeguard these rights.


6 / 75

6. Which of the following is not true of Aristotle's theory of state? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Organic conception of State.

(B) State as a magnified individual.

(C) Rights of the individual can exist only as a member of the state.

(D) There is no conflict between the end of the individual and end of the state.

Choose the correct answer:

7 / 75

7. Machiavelli is regarded as the first modern political thinker because of: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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8. Which one of the following statements of Hobbes was wrong? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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9. John Lockes contribution chiefly lies in his: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Consent theory.

(B) Limited Government.

(C)Theory of state as a corporate body.

(D) Organic conception of state.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

10 / 75

10. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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11. "Man must eat before he thinks. To eat he must produce. Production is a basic activity". Who said this? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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12. Which of the following thinkers held the view that the probable mischiefs of obedience are less than the probable mischiefs of resistence. (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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13. Dialectical materialism of Karl Marx postulates that: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Matter is in a state of motion.

(B) Motion in the matter is due to the pressure of environment.

(C) Law of transformation is both quantitative and qualitative.

(D) Conflict in matter is continuous and endless.


14 / 75

14. Which of the following statement is correct regarding J. S. Mill? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) State is justified in confirming itself to limited functions

(B) Welfare policies are more important.

(C) State intervention into 'self- regarding' action.

(D) State intervention into 'other regarding action' is justified.

Choose the correct answer:

15 / 75

15. Which of the following is true regarding Gandhian concept of 'Sarvodaya'? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Welfare of the majority of people

(B) Government by the majority party

(C) Protection of the minorities

(D) Welfare of all sections of the society

Choose the correct answer from the below:

16 / 75

16. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

17 / 75

17. Who presided over the All-Party Conference (1928)? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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18. Which of the following statements are correct? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) The Union of India has power to issue directions to a state to ensure compliance with the laws.

(B) In case of failure, the President may assume to himself all the functions of the Government of that state.

(C) The Governor of a state is appointed by the President and holds office during his pleasure.

(D) The Governor is not responsible to state.


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19. Which of the following is not recognised as a 'tension' area in Indian federation? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Inter-State Council

(B) Article 356

(C) Role of the Governor

(D) Union-State Financial Relations

Choose the correct answer:

20 / 75

20. 74th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992 does not apply to the scheduled areas in the states of: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Rajasthan

(B) Haryana

(C) Uttar Pradesh

(D) Odisha

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

21 / 75

21. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

22 / 75

22. Arrange the following Vice-Presidents of India in chronological order and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) R. Narayanan

(B) Gopal Swarup Pathak

(C) Krishan Kant

(D) Justice Mohammad Hidayatullah


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23. Which of the following pairs showing the state and dominant caste is not correct? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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24. Who among following classifies regional movements in India in terms of 'ethnic' and 'nativist' movements? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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25. When was Inter-State Council under Article 263 of the constitution of India set up in India? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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26. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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27. Since when consensus has emerged in India that the post of Deputy Speaker should go to opposition party? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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28. Match the following and select the correct pairs: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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29. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

30 / 75

30. Which one of the following Acts has been made under Article 34 of the Indian Constitution? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

31 / 75

31. Which of the following statements is not correct? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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32. Which one of the following statements is not correct? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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33. Which one of the following is not a feature of United Kingdom judiciary? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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34. The Magna Carta, the Glorious Revolution and the writings of John Locke all contributed to the strengthening of Great Britain: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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35. Which one of following is correct? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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36. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

37 / 75

37. Political institutionalisation involves: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Political mobilisation

(B) Political integration

(C) Political representation

(D) Political Fragmentation

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

38 / 75

38. Which countries were the basis of the study of Almond and Verba's 'Civic Culture'? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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39. The five stages of economic growth proposed by W.W. Rostow are: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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40. Which world leader gave a special concept of 'Development' after the Second World War? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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41. What are the three types of political culture according to Almond and Verba's study 'Civic Culture"? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

42 / 75

42. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) the candidates are arranged in order of the votes they receive.

(B) each party puts up a list of candidates equal to the number of seats being fought.

(C) the leftover votes, or remainder votes are divided up between the candidates.

(D) Lists can be closed or open, open lists allow votes to indicate individual candidate preferences and vote for individual candidates.

Arrange the steps in the working of the general system of Proportional Representation in the correct sequence:

43 / 75

43. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reasoning (R). Choose the correct answer using the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

Assertion (A): Only when power combined with authority does it have legitimacy.

Reasoning (R): Power is the use of force over others.

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44. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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45. Tick the correct option from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

The theories of modernisation were criticised by:

(A) dependency theories

(B) liberal theories

(C) underdevelopment theories

(D) world-systems theories


46 / 75

46. Who among the following do not make a distinction between public and private administration? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Henri Fayol

(B) P. Follet

(C) Luther Gulick

(D) Urwick

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

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47. Who among the following laid down 'Seven principles of organisation'? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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48. Which one of the following is not a principle of organisation? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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49. The literature on new public administration lays emphasis on: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Relevance

(B) Values

(C) Equity

(D) Change

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

50 / 75

50. In an informal organisation, authority always flows: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

51 / 75

51. Garbage Can Model was developed by: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Michael D. Cohen

(B) James G. March

(C) Peter Drucker

(D) Johan P. Olsen

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

52 / 75

52. The traditional home of patronage bureaucracy is: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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53. Who among the following coined the term 'representative bureaucracy'? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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54. Which one of the following was the first country to enact a Law- Freedom of the Press Act-as early as in 1766? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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55. Which of the following statements about Gender Budgeting are correct? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) It is a separate budget.

(B) It is passed along with the general budget.

(C) It seeks to translate gender commitments into budget commitments.

(D) It addresses the needs of women in the areas of education, health, employment, etc.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

56 / 75

56. Which of the following are the compulsory provisions of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act (1992)? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Indirect election to the post of Chairperson of Panchayats at the intermediate level.

(B) Reservation of one-third seats for women.

(C) Reservation of seats for backward classes.

(D) Constitution of a state Finance Commission.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

57 / 75

57. Which of the following statements is not correct? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

58 / 75

58. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes given below. (NET December 2015 Paper III)

Assertion (A): The ambit of RTI Act needs to be widened.

Reason (R): At present, there is trend toward privatisation and outsourcing of many erstwhile government activities.

59 / 75

59. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes given below. (NET December 2015 Paper III)

Assertion (A): Authority and responsibility are the two sides of the same coin.

Reason (R): Authority is divisible, responsibility is not.


60 / 75

60. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

Assertion (A): The concept of development administration is of recent origin.

Reason (R): Many countries became independent after World War II.


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61. Which of the following terms of International Relationships was coined by Nicholas Onuf in his book-World of our Making? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

62 / 75

62. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

63 / 75

63. Which of the following is not correct regarding W.T.O? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

64 / 75

64. Which country is the example of Latent Nuclear Capacity? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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65. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

66 / 75

66. Who is given credit to coin the term-Soft Power? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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67. Marshall Plan, 1947 was also formally known as: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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68. According to K.J. Holsti, which one of the following is not a feature of the contemporary state system? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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69. The Principal purpose of India's foreign policy vis-a-vis the UN is to pursue three closely related goals. Which of the following is not included among them? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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70. Which of the following is not included in the Doctrine of Panchsheel, 1954? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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71. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

72 / 75

72. The roots of newly emerging forces of globalisation have been traced in specific economic and political developments in the late 1980s or early 1990s. Which of the following can not be included in this category? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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73. Who among the following is associated with Democratic Peace Theory? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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74. In which country did Saudi Arabia militarily intervene in March, 2015? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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75. Which of the following are organs of organisation of American States? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) Secretariat

(B) The Inter-American Conference

(C) The treaty of consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs

(D) The Council

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

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