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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar


NET December 2019 Paper II

1 / 90

1. Arrange the following of UN system in their chronological order: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(i) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

(ii) Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

(iii) International Finance Corporation

(iv) International Development Association

Choose the correct option:

2 / 90

2. Which of the following are the salient features of Draft National Water Policy 2012? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(i) Setting up of Water Regulatory Authority

(ii) Incentivisation of recycle and re-use

(iii) Community participation in managing the water resources projects

(iv) Water users association should be given statutory powers

Choose the correct option from below:

3 / 90

3. Who had differentiated between natural and conventional inequality? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

4 / 90

4. Who had condemned utilitarianism in his Theory of justice? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

5 / 90

5. The book "Aspects of Political Development" is written by (NET December 2019 Paper II)

6 / 90

6. Match List-I with List-II: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

7 / 90

7. Who is not a supporter of Libertarianism? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

8 / 90

8. Which of the following statements are true regarding the composition of Rajya Sabha? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(A) Not more than 238 members represent States and Union territories in Rajya Sabha

(B) Representatives of Puducherry in the Rajya Sabha are elected

(C) Third Schedule of the Constitution deals with the allocation of seats in Rajya Sabha to States

(D) Fourth Schedule of the Constitution deals with the allocation of seats in Rajya Sabha to states

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

9 / 90

9. Which of the following two state- ments regarding World Trade Organization are correct? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(A) It is the only international organization dealing with global trade rules between nations

(B) It was established in 1996

(C) Its Headquarters is in Geneva

(D) It employs some 650 staff

Choose the correct options:

10 / 90

10. Rigg's Fused model is based on: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(A) dependence on agriculture

(B) attainment value in society

(C) domination of royal family

(D) economic system based on barter system

Choose the right option:

11 / 90

11. When did International Labour Organization become a specialized agency of the United Nations Organization? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

12 / 90

12. Which of the following freedoms was not mentioned by Roosevelt? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

13 / 90

13. Who is the author of the book "Escape from Freedom"? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

14 / 90

14. Under which constitutional provision, elections to Panchayati Raj Bodies are conducted in India? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

15 / 90

15. Arthashastra is known as (NET December 2019 Paper II)

16 / 90

16. Given below are the two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A), and the other labelled as Reason (R): (NET December 2019 Paper II)

Assertion (A): According to Plato, human soul consists of three elements - Reason, spirit and aptitude

Reason (R): The state is the individual writ large

Choose the correct option:

17 / 90

17. Agganna Sutta deals with: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Origin of life.

(2) Origin of social order and castes

(3) Origin of secularism

(4) Origin of sixfold policy

Select the correct answer from the code given below:

18 / 90

18. Which of the following two are correct? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Plato laid more emphasis on duties than rights

(2) His ideal state was merely an idea not reality

(3) He was not a feminist

(4) He did speak about class state

Choose the correct option:

19 / 90

19. In which year UNESCO was set up? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

20 / 90

20. Two statements are given below. One is Assertion (A) and other is Reason (R): (NET December 2019 Paper II)

Assertion (A): Herbert Simon rejected Principles of Administration

Reason (R): For Simon, these are merely proverbs

Choose the correct options:

21 / 90

21. Which of the following statements about the powers of the President is correct? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

22 / 90

22. Which of the following statements about National Health Policy, 2017 are correct? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) It aims to ensure 2 beds per 1000 population

(2) It proposes free drugs, free diagnostics and free emergency health care services in all public hospitals

(3) Reduction of total fertility rate to 2.1 at national and sub- national level by 2025

(4) Reduce mortality rate of children under 5 years of age to 23 (per 1000) by 2020

Choose the correct option from below:

23 / 90

23. Which of the following statements about the significance of public policy is correct? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Public policies help in achieving socio-economic development

(2) Public policies help maintain national unity and integrity

(3) It's basic purpose is to serve individual interest and solve public problems

(4) Public policy aims at shaping the society for its betterment

Choose the correct option from below:

24 / 90

24. Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides power to the President to promulgate ordinances? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

25 / 90

25. The term "Sanskritisation" was coined by (NET December 2019 Paper II)

26 / 90

26. Ram Manohar Lohia was opposed to: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Capitalism

(2) Communism

(3) Socialism

(4) Decentralisation of powers

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

27 / 90

27. Two statements are given below. One is a Assertion (A) and the other is Reason (R): (NET December 2019 Paper II)

Assertion (A): United Nations Organisation was established on 24 October 1945

Reason (R): Its main object is to establish world peace and security Choose the correct options:

28 / 90

28. Which one of the following is incorrect statement? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

29 / 90

29. Which of the following two statements are true regarding Indo- Pak relations on Kashmir? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) The Security Council first discussed the issue of Jammu and Kashmir in 1948

(2) A summit meeting took place in 2004 in Islamabad between A.B. Vajpayee and Pervez Musharraf

(3) A bus service across the ceasefire line was inaugurated in 2006

(4) Terrorist attack on Samjhauta Express was made in 2007

Choose the correct options:

30 / 90

30. Match the following: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

31 / 90

31. Which constitutional provision provides for formation of a Gram Sabha? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

32 / 90

32. Which of the following two statements are correct regarding Chinese policy of "Theory of Palm and five fingers"? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) It includes Bhutan and Nepal

(2) It includes Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Laddakh

(3) It includes Mizoram and Manipur

(4) It includes Tripura and Nagaland

Choose the correct options:

33 / 90

33. Make a sequence of Decision- making approach: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Search for information

(2) Problem recognition

(3) Selection of alternative

(4) Definition of alternative Select the right option:

34 / 90

34. "Distributive Justice is mainly concerned with distribution of honours or wealth". Who said it? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

35 / 90

35. Two statements are given below. One is Assertion (A) and other is Reason (R): (NET December 2019 Paper II)

Assertion (A): Simla Pact was signed by India and Pakistan in 1972

Reason (R): It provides that the two countries will solve their disputes through mediation of other countries

Choose the correct options:

36 / 90

36. Which incident made Periyar an Atheist? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

37 / 90

37. Who said, "Every state is known by the rights that it maintains"? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

38 / 90

38. Which among the following is the full title of the book written by Mary Wollstonecraft? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

39 / 90

39. The best propounder of Pluralist Theory of Citizenship was (NET December 2019 Paper II)

40 / 90

40. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India can undertake evaluation studies on the basis of which of the following? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) On its own initiative

(2) The request of financial committees

(3) Directive in legislation

(4) The request of the Organization and Methods division of a Ministry

Choose the correct option from below:

41 / 90

41. The sequencing of communication process in organisation is: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

42 / 90

42. Who had formed the "Society for right to die with dignity"? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

43 / 90

43. Match List-I with the List-II regarding terrorism: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

44 / 90

44. Which statements are true about an Election Commissioner? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) He is appointed by President

(2) He can be removed from office on same grounds as a Judge of Supreme Court

(3) He can be removed by the President only on recommendations of Chief Election Commissioner

(4) His term of office is six years or upto the age of 65 whichever is earlier

Choose the correct answer:

45 / 90

45. Arrange the following four reports of Second Administrative Reforms Commission in their sequential order: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Right to Information

(2) Unlocking Human capital

(3) Crisis Management

(4) Ethics in Governance

Choose the correct option:

46 / 90

46. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) John Rawls - Egalitarian

(2) Plato - Idealist

(3) Mary Wollstonecraft - Communist

(4) Gramsci - Feminist

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

47 / 90

47. Who defined leadership as "the ability of a manager to induce subordinates to work with zeal and confidence"? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

48 / 90

48. Match List-I with List-II: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

49 / 90

49. When was Jaiprakash Narayan awarded Bharat Ratna? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

50 / 90

50. The author of the book "Nation and Nationalism" is (NET December 2019 Paper II)

51 / 90

51. Arrange the following Institutions/ Organizations in chronological order: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(i) BRICS Development Bank

(ii) IBSA

(iii) G-7

(iv) G-20

Choose the correct option:

52 / 90

52. Kyoto Protocol was enforced in: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

53 / 90

53. On which of the following grounds Writ of Certiorari can be issued by the Judiciary? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Lack of jurisdiction

(2) Locus Standi

(3) Excess of jurisdiction

(4) Error of law

Choose the correct option from below:

54 / 90

54. Match the following: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

55 / 90

55. Match List-I with List-II: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

56 / 90

56. Arrange these in a chronological order: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Benn and RS Peters' Social Principles and Democratic State

(2) John Rawls' A Theory of Justice

(3) Susan Mollerokin's Justice Gender and Family

(4) Rousseau's Social Contract

Choose the correct option from below:

57 / 90

57. Which of the following two are correct? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) According to August Comte, the principal methods are observation, experiment and comparison

(2) According to Bluntschli, the true methods are philosophical and historical

(3) Very few thinkers are pragmatic and inductive methods in contemporary times

(4) John Rawls had used deductive and dogmatic methods

Choose the correct options:

58 / 90

58. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R): (NET December 2019 Paper II)

Assertion (A): Aristotle was the first thinker to adopt inductive method but it was accidental

Reason (R): In case of Machiavelli use of Inductive method was intentional

Choose the correct option:

59 / 90

59. On which of the following date, India joined as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

60 / 90

60. Which of the following writers are from Italy? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(i) Vilfredo Pareto

(ii) Gaetano Mosca

(iii) Robert Michels

(iv) Wright Mills


61 / 90

61. 73rd Amendment of the Constitution seeks to provide which of the following to the Panchayati Raj Institutions? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Constitutional status

(2) Financial autonomy

(3) Empowerment of marginalized sections of the rural population

(4) Decentralised planning

Choose the correct option from below:

62 / 90

62. Vandana Shiva is known as (NET December 2019 Paper II)

63 / 90

63. Match the following: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

64 / 90

64. Which of the following statements about the definition of Welfare State are correct? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) It is a state that provides for its citizens a wide range of social services

(2) It is a compromise between communism on the one side and unbridled individualism on the other

(3) Welfare state sets a pattern for any humane and progressive society

(4) Welfare state guarantees a minimum standard of subsistence without removing incentives to private sector

Choose the correct option from below:

65 / 90

65. Which of the following are the arguments for women's equality? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Inferiority of women to men is socially constructed and has no legal justification

(2) Non-application of the princip- les of liberty and equality to the conditions of women is paradoxical

(3) Women are naturally inferior to men

(4) Women's inequality survived because it was justifiable

Choose the correct option from below:

66 / 90

66. Which are the themes of New Public Management? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Adoption of private sector practices

(2) Improved reporting and monitoring mechanism

(3) Performance targets

(4) Adoption of public sector practices

Choose the correct option:

67 / 90

67. Arrange the formation of following states in chronological order: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Sikkim

(2) Goa

(3) Gujarat

(4) Telangana

Choose the correct option:

68 / 90

68. The positive impact of Liberalisation are: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Foreign investment

(2) Increased production

(3) Increased unemployment

(4) Technological advancement

Choose the right answer:

69 / 90

69. Which of the following is not correct? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

70 / 90

70. Arrange the following Ashrams/ Institutions founded by Gandhi in chronological order: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Phoenix Settlement

(2) Kochrab Ashram

(3) Sevagram Ashram

(4) Tolstoy Farm

Select the correct answer from the options as given below:

71 / 90

71. Match List-I with List-II: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

72 / 90

72. Arrange the following in an ascending chronological order: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Right to Education Act

(2) Consumer Protection (Amendment) Act

(3) Food Security Act

(4) Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act

Choose the correct option from below:

73 / 90

73. Arrange the following books as per the year of their publication in chronological order: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Modern Democracies

(2) Constitutional Government and Democracy

(3) Public Opinion and Popular Government

(4) The American Commonwealth

Choose the correct option from below:

74 / 90

74. Theory of form and allegory of caves is related with (NET December 2019 Paper II)

75 / 90

75. In which year, Government of India decided to observe the birthday of Swami Vivekananda as the National Youth Day? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

76 / 90

76. According to G.A. Almond com- paratively "Homogenous culture" is found in (NET December 2019 Paper II)

77 / 90

77. Match List-I with List-II: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

78 / 90

78. Which one of the following is not a function of political parties? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

79 / 90

79. In which year did Rabindranath Tagore surrender the knighthood as a protest against Jallianwala Bagh Massacre? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

80 / 90

80. The book "Political Order in Changing Societies" is written by: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

81 / 90

81. From legal point of view which of the following is called a "soft law"? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

82 / 90

82. Which of the following types of policy evaluation lays emphasis on determining the success level in achieving its basic objectives? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

83 / 90

83. Who defined Public Administration as "the art and science of management applied to the affairs of the state"? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

84 / 90

84. Name the editor of the book, "Towards a New Public Administration Minnowbrook": (NET December 2019 Paper II)

85 / 90

85. Which of the following two state-ments are correct regarding Preamble of Indian Constitution? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Justice-social, economic and political

(2) Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship

(3) Equality of status, character and of opportunity

(4) Fraternity assuring the dignity and respect of the individual

Choose the correct option:

86 / 90

86. Which of the following is not related to Kabir? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

87 / 90

87. Which of the following two are correct regarding the adoption of inductive method? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Plato

(2) Machiavelli

(3) Thomas Aquinas

(4) Thomas Hobbes

Choose the correct options:

88 / 90

88. Match List-I with List-II: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

89 / 90

89. Arrange the following in their chronological order: (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Jalianwala Bagh Massacre

(2) Report Submission by Hunter Committee

(3) Chauri-Chaura incident

(4) Establishment of Swaraj Party

Choose the correct option:

90 / 90

90. Which of the following two are correct regarding Right to Development? (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) The Declaration on the Right. to Development was adopted by General Assembly in 1986

(2) This is an inalienable human right

(3) It found no place in the 1993 Vienna Declaration and Programme of action

(4) In 1990 the Commission on Human Rights established a working group to monitor its progress

Choose the correct options:

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