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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar



1 / 90

1. The process in which the dictatorial ruling elite introduces liberalizing reforms that ultimately lead to a democratic transition is known asĀ (NET DECEMBER 2023)

2 / 90

2. What is correct about the qualification and appointment of the Governor?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. He is a citizen of India

B. He has completed the age of 25 years

C. He is appointed by the Prime Minister

D. He holds the office of Governor for a term of 6 years.

E. He resigns from his office, by writing under his hand addressed to the Prime Minister.

3 / 90

3. Find out the different waves of democratic transition given below in ascending order:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. First reverse wave

B. First waves of democratization

C. Second wave of democratization

D. Second reverse wave

E. Third wave of democratization

4 / 90

4. Name the country that does not fall within the 'Asian Tiger' economies:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

5 / 90

5. Given below are two statements one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

Assertion A: It is plausible to think that autonomy involves a kind of skill that individuals must develop, exercise and maintain. This ongoing process of planning and managing is not automatic but requires efforts and resources that are secured by social and material conditions provided by the state

Reason R: However, the commitment to individual autonomy cannot force the liberal state to provide the social and material conditions by which citizens could come to be autonomous. It must depend on the individuals to strive independently for achieving their autonomy

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :

6 / 90

6. In his book Administration in Developing Countries: The Theory of Prismatic Society, Riggs mentioned the following points:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. The structures of a modern society are typically functionally specific

B. A structure is defined as any pattern of behaviour, which has become a standard feature of a social system

C. Industrial will move towards Agraria through the process of transition in the society

D. Although the "image" of Agraria resembles the 'model' of a fused society, the two constructions are by no means identical.

7 / 90

7. Who among the following has started the self-respect movement as part of social reform?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

8 / 90

8. According to Manu, which of the following is not the foundation of diplomacy and statecraft?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

9 / 90

9. Which one of the following is not a function of the estimates committee?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

10 / 90

10. Which of the subject is not the part of concurrent list?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

11 / 90

11. Match List I with List II: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

12 / 90

12. Which of the following aspects of Gandhi's theory of Satyagraha can help in the process of dialogue in plural societies threatened by mutual distrust?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Attention to the preconditions of dialogue helps to establish the moral standing of the participants.

B. Knowledge that our grasp over truth is partial inculcates self-restraint

C. The Satyagrahi is not responsible for creating and recreating dialogical space.

D. Commitment to non-violence dissipates feelings of alienation and otherness.

E. A readiness to compromise may negate the moral standing of participants

13 / 90

13. Match List I with List IIĀ (NET DECEMBER 2023)

14 / 90

14. Which of the following is a right characteristic of the composition of the Public Accounts Committee?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

15 / 90

15. Which of the following concepts are not related to John Rawls?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

16 / 90

16. Who found eight distinct meanings for the term "Balance of Power"?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

17 / 90

17. Given below are two statements one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

Assertion A: 'Ahimsa' was complementary to Gandhi's model of conflict resolution that was certainly the most original and creative model of social change and political action

Reason R: This was a theory of politics that gradually became the dominant ideology of a national political movement in which Gandhi reigned supreme.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.Ā 

18 / 90

18. The paper entitled "The study of administration', published in Political Science Quarterly in 1887, was written by:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

19 / 90

19. Who among the following thinkers is not associated with Feminist Theory?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

20 / 90

20. Arrange the following committees with regards to corruption and administrative reforms in India chronologically: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Gorwala committee

B. First Administrative Reforms Commission

C. Vohra committee

D. Shanthanam Committee

21 / 90

21. Arrange the following in their theoretical sequence, in keeping with the Marxist conception or the materialist conception of history.Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. The proletariat seizes political power and turns the means of production into state property.

B. Finally, the proletariat abolishes itself, abolishes all class distinctions and class antagonism and also abolishes the state as state

C. While the capitalist mode of production more and more transforms the great majority of the population into proletarians, it creates a power that is forced to accomplish a revolution against capitalism

D. The present structure of society is the creation of the current ruling class, the bourgeoisie

E. Steam, machinery and the making of machines by machinery transformed the older manufacture, carried out under feudalism, into modern industry.

22 / 90

22. Find out the correct one with regard to Atul Kohli's distinction between pro-market and pro-business state intervention in India in 1980s:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Pro-business strategy mainly supports established producers

B. Pro-business strategy supports new entrants and consumers

C. Pro-market strategy supports established producers

D. Pro-market strategy supports new entrants and consumers

23 / 90

23. Which of the following is not a principle of Nozick's entitlement theory"?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

24 / 90

24. Who of the following described Kabir as 'Muktidoot'?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

25 / 90

25. Arrange the following administrative thinkers/theorists chronologicallyĀ (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. W. Willoughby

B. Max Weber

C. David Easton

D. Elton Mayo

26 / 90

26. Find out the correct one with regard to constructivist argument on democracy: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Constructivist argument treats culture as something that is objective and inherited.

B. Constructivist argument states that culture exists prior to, and remains unchanged by political interaction.

C. Constructivist argument treats culture as something that is constructed or invented rather than inherited.

D. Constructivist argument claims that culture has a causal effect.

27 / 90

27. In which year did the UN climate change conference commonly known as Copenhagen summit hold?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

28 / 90

28. Which of the following observations are correct about deliberative democracy?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. A Deliberative democracy describes a normative ideal in which free and equal citizens publicly exchange reasons with one another.

B. They do with a view to reaching a consensus about some issue or policy or about the principles underlying the system as a whole.

C. The central claim is that a political decision or system is legitimate even if it cannot command free and reasoned agreement among equals

D. Clearly this is a practical conception, which contemporary political life- with partisan rivalries and messy compromises often conforms to.

E. E Underlying the deliberative ideal is a powerful moral instuition about the nature of truly democratic association

29 / 90

29. Who said that statesmen" think and act in terms of interest defined as power"?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

30 / 90

30. Which of the following statements is not associated with Mahatma Gandhi?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. "Non-violence is the law of our species as violence is the law of the brute".

B. ā€œA nation that is capable of limitless sacrifices is capable of rising to limitless height.

C. The injuction 'love your enemies' is not only the noblest idealism, it is also the most practical politics

D. 'To be same in a world of mad men is itself a form of madness'

E. 'My nationalism is intense internationalism'

31 / 90

31. Choose the correct statements given below:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Conflict in society and politics is inevitable

B. The usage of violence in conflicts cannot be eliminated by protests against such violence.

C. Non-violent action can be categorized into three methods: protests and persuasion, non-cooperation and non-violent intervention

D. Use of non-violent methods is a guarantee of success

32 / 90

32. Match List I with List II: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

33 / 90

33. Linguistic Provinces Commission that was formed to advise Constituent Assembly was popularly known as: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

34 / 90

34. Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) pioneered which movement in India: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

35 / 90

35. Choose the correct statements from the following: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Weapons of Mass Destruction, inter alia include atomic explosive Weapons.

B. Biological weapons are not included under the category of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

C. Chemical Weapons Convention outlaws the Weapons of Mass Destruction.

D. Chemical Weapons Convention entered into force in 1998.

36 / 90

36. Citizens' charter was first articulated and implemented in UK as a national programme in which year?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

37 / 90

37. Find out the correct statements:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. On 1st April 1950, India was the first non-socialist bloc country to establish diplomatic relations with China.

B. Prime Minister Nehru never visited China during his premiership.

C. A phase of improvement in bilateral relations began in 1988.

D. Rajiv Gandhi as the Prime Minister of India visited China in 1993.

38 / 90

38. Choose the correct statements given below:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. India is amongst the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with EEC.

B. The bilateral relationship was upgraded to strategic partnership in 2004

C. The EU is also one of the largest sources of FDI for India.

D. The EU is a member of UN General Assembly.

39 / 90

39. Find out the books written by Mahatma Gandhi given below:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Modern India

B. Constructive Programme

C. India's struggle for Independence

D. Why socialism

E. Hind Swaraj

40 / 90

40. Which year did Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visit China?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

41 / 90

41. What is true about the following statement related to Ram Manohar Lohia?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. He discusses seven types of revolution.

B. He talks about 'Partyless Democracy'

C. He is an author of the 'Aspects of socialist policy'

D. he did not give the concept of 'Four-Pillar State'

E. He said that the history of the growth of freedom is the history of the perfection of human relationship'

42 / 90

42. Which of the following statements explain Bhikhu Parekh's conception of human nature?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. All references to human nature should be subjected to the strictest scrutiny and viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism.

B. Human beings are culturally embedded, in the sense that they are born into, raised in and deeply shaped by their cultural communities

C. Regardless of their different cultural contexts, human beings behave more or less in a uniform manner when it comes to critical matters.

D. Although skin colour, gender, height and other physical features are universally shared, they are all differently conceptualized and acquire different meaning and significance in different societies.

E. Skin colour is given a deep metaphysical meaning and made the basis of a differential distribution of power and status in all societies

43 / 90

43. Match List I with List II: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

44 / 90

44. Who among the following thinkers are associated with participatory democracy?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Carole Pateman

B. lan Shapiro

C. Benjamin Barber

D. Jurgen Habermas

E. B. Macpherson

45 / 90

45. Match the past interventions with the year in which they took place: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

46 / 90

46. Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

Assertion A: India has historically been deemed a safe heaven for refugees

Reason R: India has no refugee law and has not signed the 1951 Refugee Convention

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.Ā 

47 / 90

47. Find out the agreements/accords signed between Indian government and its provincial regional organisations given below in ascending order:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Assam Accord

B. Anandpur Sahib Resolution

C. Rajiv Gandhi-Longowal Accord

D. Shillong Agreement

E. Mizo Peace Accord

48 / 90

48. Match the following organization with the year it was established inĀ (NET DECEMBER 2023)

49 / 90

49. Arrange the following Director Generals of WTO who held office in ascending order.Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Mike Moore

B. Pascal Lamz

C. Supachai Panitchpakdi

D. Robert Azvedo

50 / 90

50. Who among the following vice-president of India later became the president of the country?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan

B. V. Giri

C. Shankar Dayal Sharma

D. D. Jatti

E. Venkataraman

51 / 90

51. Aristotle criticized popular rule on the ground that masses would resent the wealth of the few, and too easily, fall under the sway of the following: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

52 / 90

52. Match List I with List II: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

53 / 90

53. Which amendment overrode the Golaknath case decided in 1967?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

54 / 90

54. The true beginning of the modern state system marked the end of:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

55 / 90

55. Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

Assertion A. Contracting out and public private partnerships are now part of the reality of public services and decision making in many countries

Reason R. There is a divorce between the complex reality of decision making associated with governance and the normative codes used to explain and justify government.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.Ā 

56 / 90

56. Which of the following arguments can we associate with 'right wing political forces?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. To what extent are people poor because of their own choices as opposed to unequal opportunities?

B. Are we helping the victims of unequal circumstances if we redistribute money to the poor?

C. Has the welfare state helped the poor overcome their disadvantage and participate in society?

D. Has the welfare state created a class of welfare dependants caught in a poverty trap?

E. Are the sources of social ills like poverty, homelessness, high school drop-out rates, and so on so complex that state attempts to solve them will generally fail, and often worsen the problem?

57 / 90

57. With which country India signed the declaration to promote the building of a harmonious world of durable peace and common prosperity through developing the strategic and cooperative partnership for peace and prosperity"Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

58 / 90

58. Choose the correct statement from the following: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. A Under chapter-VII of the UN Charter, the Security Council can take action to maintain or restore international peace and security.

B. Under Art. 41 sanction measures do not involve the use of armed force.

C. Sanctions can be withdrawn by the UN General Assembly.

D. Sanctions have been applied by the Security Council to support peaceful transitions, to deter non-constitutional changes etc.

59 / 90

59. What is the main argument of philosophical anarchism?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

60 / 90

60. Match List I with List II: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

61 / 90

61. Which two countries' navies are jointly patrolling the Malacca Straits?Ā  (NET DECEMBER 2023)

62 / 90

62. Which of the following statements are correct in the arena of administrative theories:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Ideal type bureaucracy was formulated by Max Weber.

B. Frederick Taylor is considered as the father of Scientific Management Theory.

C. Henry Fayol is considered to be the father of Human Relations Theory.

D. The Hawthorne experiment is associated with Bureaucratic theory.

63 / 90

63. Which of the following is not, according to Bhikhu Parekh, a question usually ignored by Indian political thought?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

64 / 90

64. Match List I with List II: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

65 / 90

65. Arrange chronologically India's association with the following international organization: (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. United Nations

B. G77


D. G20

66 / 90

66. Which one of the following is not the key element of direct democracy?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

67 / 90

67. The concept of accountability has got the following characteristics:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Accountability exists in a relationship when for the performance of functions an individual or a body is subject to another oversight, direction or request that the individual or the body should provide justification for their actions

B. There are various types of accountability like legal accountability, social accountability, political accountability and so on

C. Accountability can be found only in the institutions and processes of the developed countries

D. The effectiveness of public officials cannot be evaluated through the process of accountability

68 / 90

68. Which of the following statements is/are not correct regarding the ICT based e-governance?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. E-governance reduces the cost of government.

B. E-governance reduces the transparency of government.

C. E-governance increases citizen's input into government.

D. E-governance increases bureaucratic red tapism.

69 / 90

69. B. R. Ambedkar demanded a separate electorate for the depressed classes in which of the following events?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

70 / 90

70. Under which of the following article of Indian constitution, the state legislature has power to make provision with respect to elections to such legislature? (NET DECEMBER 2023)

71 / 90

71. Which event led George W. Bush to transform his foreign policy into one of global power projection and interventionism?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

72 / 90

72. Who wrote the book- Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

73 / 90

73. Given below are two statements:Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

Statement I: The transformation of India's economy has not been as dramatic as that of post-communist countries in Eastern Europe

Statement II: India has produced growth rates as high as those of China in 2010s

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given belowĀ 

74 / 90

74. Satyashodhak samaj was founded byĀ (NET DECEMBER 2023)

75 / 90

75. The book 'Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy' is authored byĀ (NET DECEMBER 2023)

76 / 90

76. Arrange the following in a sequence that historically and conceptually presents the concepts of civil society.Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. It can be understood as a collective entity that springs from society and exists for specific and limited purposes

B. The concept was part of the economic and political liberalism that arose with John Locke and was celebrated by Scottish enlightenment.

C. Civil society is one among many spheres of the larger society along with family, economy, polities etc

D. The concept found a significant place in the writings of Hegel and Marx in the 19th century

E. The first articulation of the concept took place in the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe.

77 / 90

77. Which of the following did not feature as a matter of debate between Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindra Nath Tagore?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

78 / 90

78. The present political regime in the Central Asia republic of Tajikistan falls under which of the following category?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

79 / 90

79. The theory that argues, "countries are more likely both to become democratic and to stay democratic as they develop economically", is known asĀ (NET DECEMBER 2023)

80 / 90

80. Who introduced to organizations the concepts of the 40-hour week, time and motion studies and piece-rate compensation systems, as well as a 'fair day's work for a fair day's pay"?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

81 / 90

81. Arrange the organizations in chronology according to the year of their establishmentĀ (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Tolstoy Farm

B. Abhinav Bharat Society

C. Ramkrishna Mission

D. Sharda Sadan

E. Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha

82 / 90

82. Who has stated that, religion is the real criterion of Manu's state-polity?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

83 / 90

83. Which of the following thinker is associated with 'syncretism'?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

84 / 90

84. Who among the following came out with an innovative idea of 'constructive conflict'?Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

85 / 90

85. Find out the correct one with regard to Failed state".Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Sierra Leone is a failed state.

B. A failed state is unable to provide the functions that define them as states.

C. A failed state is able to coerce the inhabitants.

D. A failed state is able to successfully control the inhabitants.

86 / 90

86. Find out the correct definition of different scholars on party systemsĀ (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Modern democracy is a party democracy (Katz)

B. Democracy is unthinkable save in terms of parties (Schumpeter)

C. Parties are the core institutions of democratic politics (Lipset)

D. The existence of political parties is often as a necessary condition for the existence of modern democracy (Robert Dahl)

87 / 90

87. Match List I with List IIĀ (NET DECEMBER 2023)

88 / 90

88. 73rd constitution Amendment Act, 1992 has stipulated the following major provisions regarding PanchayatĀ (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. A Gram Sabha may exercise such powers and perform such functions at the village level as the legislature of a state may, by law, provide

B. A Finance Commission to be constituted every fifth year by the Governor of a state to review the financial position of the Panchayat and to make recommendations to the Governor

C. The legislature of a state cannot endow the Panchayat with any more powers and authority for their functioning as institutions of self- Government

D. An election to constitute a Panchayats shall be completed before the expiration of a period of six months from the date of its dissolution.

89 / 90

89. Arrange these life events of Aurobindo" in a chronological order (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Attended the Banaras session of the Congress.

B. Became the vice-principal of Baroda college

C. Moved to England

D. Arrested for the Alipore bomb case

E. Cleared the ICS exam

90 / 90

90. Find out the correct one with regard to 108th Amendment Bill, 2008Ā (NET DECEMBER 2023)

A. Reservation of seats reserved for scheduled caste shall be for women shall cease to exit 15 years after the commencement of this Bill

B. It seeks to reserve one-third of all seats for women in the Lok Sabha only

C. One-third of the total number of seats reserved for scheduled castes shall be reserved for women of this group in legislative assemblies only

D. Reserved seats may be allotted by rotation to different constituencies in the state or UTS.

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