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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

NET Unit 7: Political Institutions in India Part III

1 / 100

1. Which of the following Amendments to the Indian Constitution has made Right to Education a Fundamental Right? (NET June 2012 Paper III)

2 / 100

2. Which of the following Articles of the Constitution shields legislation from being declared unconstitutional and void? (NET June 2012 Paper III)

3 / 100

3. Who said the following? 'India's Constitution was born more in fear and trepidation than in hope and inspiration' (NET June 2012 Paper III)

4 / 100

4. The Constituent Assembly was set up under the (NET June 2012 Paper III)

5 / 100

5. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Choose the correct answer from the codes. (NET June 2012 Paper III)

Assertion (A): Presidential system is suitable for meeting crises.

Reason (R): The President has a fixed tenure.


6 / 100

6. The Indian Federal System differs from the American Federal System in respect of the following: (NET June 2012 Paper III)

(1) Representation of the States in the Upper House of the Federal Legislature.

(2) Existence of a Written Constitution.

(3) Vesting of Residuary Powers.

(4) Dual Citizenship


7 / 100

7. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists: (NET June 2012 Paper III)

8 / 100

8. In which of the following forms of Government is the second chamber as indispensable part of legislature? (NET June 2012 Paper III)

9 / 100

9. To which of the following classes of job in the public service in India, merit-cum-seniority principle is adopted in promotion? (NET December 2013 Paper II)

10 / 100

10. The role of the Finance Commission in Centre-State fiscal relations has been undermined by the (NET December 2013 Paper II)

11 / 100

11. Which one of the following is not a sufficient ground for convening a joint sitting of both Houses of Parliament? (NET December 2013 Paper II)

12 / 100

12. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2013 Paper II)

13 / 100

13. Identify the correct chronological order of the following Prime Minister/ Chief Minister of J & K: (NET December 2013 Paper II)

14 / 100

14. Which one of the following States does not have a Bicameral Legislature? (NET December 2013 Paper II)

15 / 100

15. In which of the following case the Supreme Court of India held that, the power of amendment belonged to the Parliament, and this power was an unlimited one? (NET December 2013 Paper II)

16 / 100

16. Arrange the following in their chronological sequence: (NET December 2013 Paper II)

i. Nehru Committee Report

ii. Quit India Movement

iii. Civil Disobedience Movement

iv. Declaration of Complete Independence


17 / 100

17. Which of the following statements are not true? (NET June 2013 Paper II)

(i) The Election Commission of India has created a Special Election Expenditure Monitoring Division in the Commission.

(ii) The accounts of political parties are audited annually.

(iii) Paid news in connection with elections is an electoral offence.

(iv) Videography of the poll proceedings inside the polling stations is permissible.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

18 / 100

18. Which of the following statements about the Central Vigilance Commissioner is not true? (NET June 2013 Paper II)

19 / 100

19. The President can make a proclamation of Financial Emergency under Art. 360 (NET June 2013 Paper II)

20 / 100

20. What was the main findings of the Union Government administrative committee headed by Home Secretary N.N. Vohra in 1993? (NET June 2013 Paper II)

21 / 100

21. Which of the following statements are not correct? (NET June 2013 Paper II)

I. As per the provisions of the Constitution, the Council of Ministers is both collectively and individually responsible to the Lok Sabha.

II. A motion expressing lack of confidence in an individual minister is not admissible.

III. A no-confidence motion must set out the grounds on which it is based.

IV. If a no-confidence motion is passed by the Lok Sabha, the Council of Ministers is bound to resign.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

22 / 100

22. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R). (NET December 2013 Paper III)

Assertion (A): Planning Commission in India is neither a Statutory Body nor a Constitutional Body.

Reason (R): It was established by an Act of Parliament.


23 / 100

23. Who is the Chairperson of the National Council of Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM)? (NET December 2013 Paper III)

24 / 100

24. Which one of the following is the Cadre-controlling authority for the Indian Police Service? (NET December 2013 Paper III)

25 / 100

25. Which one of the following was the largest Opposition party in the Eighth Lok Sabha (1984)? (NET December 2013 Paper III)

26 / 100

26. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2013 Paper III)

27 / 100

27. Which of the following Committees of the Constituent Assembly was chaired by Jawaharlal Nehru? (NET December 2013 Paper III)

28 / 100

28. The Sikhs got special electorates in which of the following Acts? (NET December 2013 Paper III)

29 / 100

29. Which among the following pertains to the sixty first Constitutional Amendment? (NET December 2013 Paper III)

30 / 100

30. Which one of the following is not applicable to Public Interest Litigation? (NET December 2013 Paper III)

31 / 100

31. Given below are two statement, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Choose the correct answer from the codes. (NET December 2013 Paper III)

Assertion (A): Over the years, the Supreme Court of India has failed to demonstrate a commitment to preserving constitutional liberty, and expanding and protecting human rights.

Reason (R): The Supreme Court has played and continues to play a critical role in shaping India's constitutional democracy far beyond that which the drafters of the Constitution envisaged or what courts in other countries play.


32 / 100

32. Who among the following called Jayaprakash Narain, Ram Manohar Lohia and other Socialists as Japanese agents during 1942 movement? (NET December 2013 Paper III)

33 / 100

33. Which of the following Articles cannot be suspended during National Emergency? (NET December 2013 Paper III)

34 / 100

34. Who made the following statement in the Constituent Assembly in connection with the Amendment Procedure of the Constitution of India? (NET December 2013 Paper III)

'That while we want this Constitution to be solid and as permanent as a structure we can make it, nevertheless there is no permanence in Constitutions. If you make anything rigid and permanent, you stop the Nation's growth, the growth of a living, vital organic people'.

35 / 100

35. With which approach would one associate the following statement? Economic globalization is an uneven, hierarchical process and benefits only a tiny minority? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

36 / 100

36. What is a "Quasi-State"? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

37 / 100

37. Assertion (A): The District Collector is the most important functionary at the apex of the district administration.

Reason (R): After independence, his role has become increasingly multidimensional.


(NET June 2013 Paper III)

38 / 100

38. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

39 / 100

39. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

40 / 100

40. Which of the following is not within the jurisdiction of the State High Court? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

41 / 100

41. Who among the following had favoured Panchayati Raj System by giving the following statement in the Indian Constituent Assembly? " the interest of democracy, the villages may be trained in the art of self-government... We must be able to reform the villages and introduce democratic principles of government there..." (NET June 2013 Paper III)

42 / 100

42. Who said the following: (NET June 2013 Paper III)

"New light has been poured on us, teaching us the new lesson that Kings are made for the people and not the people for the Kings."

43 / 100

43. Match List-I with List-II and choose the correct answer with the help of the code given below: (NET December 2014 Paper II)

44 / 100

44. Money received by the government of India under the State Provident Fund is credited to (NET December 2014 Paper II)

45 / 100

45. What is the bill called that contains all the demands voted by the Lok Sabha and the consolidated fund charges? (NET December 2014 Paper II)

46 / 100

46. Which one of the following statements about the disadvantages of territorial principle of administrative organization is wrong? (NET December 2014 Paper II)

47 / 100

47. Which of the following kinds of special provisions are made for the Scheduled Tribes in India? (NET December 2014 Paper II)

  1. Reservation of seats in Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies.
  2. Central Government to give special grants for welfare.
  3. Reservation of seats in public services and in employment.
  4. Reservation of seats in educational institutions.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

48 / 100

48. Which one of the following, bearing names of Chief Election Commissioners of India, is arranged in chronological order? (NET December 2014 Paper II)

49 / 100

49. Which one of the following does not qualify for curtailing the freedom of speech and expression under Indian Constitution? (NET December 2014 Paper II)

50 / 100

50. In India, 'Collegium System' was first introduced in relation to (NET December 2014 Paper II)

51 / 100

51. Who of the following is associated with the concept "Congress System"? (NET December 2014 Paper II)

52 / 100

52. Who was the protem speaker of the 16th Lok Sabha? (NET December 2014 Paper II)

53 / 100

53. Which one of the following writs is issued against an inferior tribunal which has declined to exercise its jurisdiction? (NET December 2014 Paper II)

54 / 100

54. Khilafat Movement in India was started to show solidarity with the Sultan of (NET December 2014 Paper II)

55 / 100

55. What is the correct chronological sequence of the following reports? (NET June 2014 Paper II)

  1. A.D. Gorwala Report
  2. Paul H. Appleby Report
  3. Santhanam Committee Report
  4. First Administrative Reforms Commission Report

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

56 / 100

56. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2014 Paper II)

57 / 100

57. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). (NET June 2014 Paper II)

Assertion (A): Bulk of the provisions of the constitution of India were adopted from the Government of India Act of 1935.

Reason (R): The congress party passed a resolution adopting the government of India Act of 1935 as the basis of the constitution.


58 / 100

58. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). (NET June 2014 Paper II)

Assertion (A): A federal arrangement aims at reconciling freedom with unity and diversity of political cultures and identities with effective collective action.

Reason (R): India opted for a pluralistic model of nation building.


59 / 100

59. Which one of the following was denounced by congress as "inadequate, unsatisfactory and disappointing"? (NET June 2014 Paper II)

60 / 100

60. Arrange the following in their chronological sequence: (NET June 2014 Paper II)

i. Cripps Mission

ii. Montague Chelmsford Report

iii. Simon Commission

iv. Morley - Minto Reforms


61 / 100

61. Arrange the following writs in the correct sequence as given in the Indian Constitution: (NET June 2014 Paper II)

i. Certiorari

ii. Habeas Corpus

iii. Quo Warranto

iv. Prohibition Mandamus

v. Mandamus


62 / 100

62. Which one of the following is mainly associated with Panchayati Raj in tribal areas? (NET June 2014 Paper II)

63 / 100

63. What is the percentage fixed by the constitution regarding the strength of the Ministers including the chief minister in a state? (NET June 2014 Paper II)

64 / 100

64. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer with the help of the code given below: (NET December 2014 Paper III)

65 / 100

65. Which one of the following was not recommended for Panchayatiraj by Thungon Committee? (NET December 2014 Paper III)

66 / 100

66. Public Service Commissions for the Union and States in India are created under which Article of the Constitution? (NET December 2014 Paper III)

67 / 100

67. Which one of the following institutions was established in India on the recommendations of Paul A. Appleby? (NET December 2014 Paper III)

68 / 100

68. Desk Officer System in the ministries of government of India had the following advantages: (NET December 2014 Paper III)

  1. Speedy disposal of cases
  2. Dual records were available Reduced expenditure
  3. Reduced expenditure
  4. Qualitative improvement

Choose the correct answer from the code given below:

69 / 100

69. 'Rule of Lapse' is essential for the effective financial control by the (NET December 2014 Paper III)

70 / 100

70. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). (NET December 2014 Paper III)

Assertion (A): The Courts follow the principle of natural justice while deciding cases.

Reason (R): Justice should not only be done but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.


71 / 100

71. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2014 Paper III)

72 / 100

72. Which one of the following principles did not emerge out of Bommai case in relation to Article 356? (NET December 2014 Paper III)

73 / 100

73. On which date National Integration Day is celebrated in India? (NET December 2014 Paper III)

74 / 100

74. Which one of the following is not the function of the Election Commission of India? (NET December 2014 Paper III)

75 / 100

75. In which of the following Acts the provincial subjects were divided into transferred and reserved subjects? (NET December 2014 Paper III)

76 / 100

76. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2014 Paper III)

77 / 100

77. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2014 Paper III)

78 / 100

78. The Judges of the US Supreme Court hold office (NET December 2014 Paper III)

79 / 100

79. Which of the following statements about the Vice-President of India and Vice-President of America are true? (NET December 2014 Paper III)

  1. Both the Vice-Presidents are elected.
  2. Both of them are the presiding officers of their respective upper Houses.
  3. Both the Vice-Presidents are not the members of their respective Houses.
  4. Both of them do not have a casting vote in case of a tie.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

80 / 100

80. Match the following and select the correct pairs: (NET December 2015 Paper II)

81 / 100

81. Who among the following was not the speaker of the Lok Sabha? (NET December 2015 Paper II)

82 / 100

82. Rearrange the following in chronological order: (NET December 2015 Paper II)

(A) Punchhi Commission

(B) Anandpur Sahib Resolution

(C) Administrative Reforms Commission

(D) Rajamannar Committee

Choose the correct code:

83 / 100

83. How many functional items have been placed within the purview of municipalities by the Twelfth Schedule to the Constitution? (NET December 2015 Paper II)

84 / 100

84. In which one of the following cases the Supreme Court of India has laid down exhaustive guidelines for preventing sexual harassment of working women in place of their work? (NET December 2015 Paper II)

85 / 100

85. "India has a hallowed place in discussions of democracy . . . . . . .But it has become less tolerant, less secular, less law-abiding, less liberal. And these two trends - democratization and illiberalism - are directly related." Who writes this? (NET December 2015 Paper II)

86 / 100

86. "The Supreme Court of India is at long last becoming, after thirty-two years of the Republic, the Supreme Court for Indians". Who said this? (NET December 2015 Paper II)

87 / 100

87. Which one of the following Acts has not been passed under Article 34 of the Indian Constitution? (NET December 2015 Paper II)

88 / 100

88. In whose description Maulana Azad, Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel and Rajendra Prasad formed 'an oligarchy within the (Constituent) Assembly'? (NET December 2015 Paper II)

89 / 100

89. Which constitutional amendment provided for the setting up of Administrative Tribunals in India? (NET June 2015 Paper II)

90 / 100

90. Any resolution passed by the Parliament for removing a Judge of the Supreme Court has to be investigated by a Committee comprising of: (NET June 2015 Paper II)

91 / 100

91. Which of the following is not a condition for Parliament to legislate on the subjects mentioned in the State List? (NET June 2015 Paper II)

92 / 100

92. Which of the following statements are not true about the process of constitutional Amendment in India? (NET June 2015 Paper II)

(A) The Parliament can amend the Constitution with a special majority.

(B) State Assemblies can propose amendment in the Constitution.

(C) A Bill for Constitutional Amendment can be introduced only in the Lower House of the Parliament.

(D) Deadlock between the two Houses of Parliament over a Bill for Constitutional Amendment can be removed by a joint session of the Parliament.

(E) The President of India enjoys the veto power over Constitutional Amendment Bills passed by the Parliament.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

93 / 100

93. The maximum period of the President's Rule in a state under Article 356 can be: (NET June 2015 Paper II)

94 / 100

94. Who among the following Governor - appointees can be removed only by the Governor? (NET June 2015 Paper II)

(A) Advocate - General

(B) Members of the State Finance Commission

(C) Members of the State Public Service Commission

(D) Vice - Chancellor of a State University

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:Ā 

95 / 100

95. Which one of the following cannot be dissolved but can be abolished?Ā (NET June 2015 Paper II)

96 / 100

96. Who is the First Law Officer of the Government of India? (NET June 2015 Paper II)

97 / 100

97. Which of the following rights are available to foreigners living in India? (NET June 2015 Paper II)

(A) Equality before law

(B) Right to education

(C) Freedom of speech

(D) Freedom of movement

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

98 / 100

98. What is the correct order in which the following terms are enshrined in the Preamble to the Constitution of India? (NET June 2015 Paper II)

(A) Equality

(B) Liberty

(C) Justice

(D) Fraternity

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

99 / 100

99. Which one of the following Acts has been made under Article 34 of the Indian Constitution? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

100 / 100

100. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2015 Paper III)

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