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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

Background of Indian Constitution

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By which of the following Acts, the Imperial Services were split into All India Services and Central Services ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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Which one of the following is not a provision of the Government of India Act, 1919? (SLET 17th March 2024)

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Who among the following is remembered for the annulment of the Partition of Bengal? (SLET 17th March 2024)

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Name the first woman to preside over the Indian National Congress? (SLET 17th March 2024)

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Who is regarded as the Father of Civil Services in British India? (SLET 17th March 2024)

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Who among the following was the first President of the All India Trade Union Congress that was established in 1920? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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During whose Viceroyalty was the ‘Repressive Act’ also known as the ‘Gagging Act’ enacted? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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The Simon Commission envisaged for India (Bihar PGT 2023)

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Which one of the following Acts deprived the Presidencies of Bombay and Madras of their law-making power? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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In which year was the Pitt’s India Act enacted that provided setting up of a Board of Control in Britain to exercise control over the East India Company in India? (Bihar PGT 2023)

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The Governor-General of Bengal became the Governor-General of India by the (Bihar PGT 2023)

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The theory of 'Anushilan' or the concept of practice was developed by (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2017)

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Who authored Poverty and Un-British Rule in India? (DU MA 2022)

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Whom did Subhash Chandra Bose defeat for the Congress Presidency in 1939? (PUMDET 2019) 

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8. Select the correct statement(s) :

1. The Factories Act, 1881 was supported by the early nationalists.

2. The nationalists felt that the Government initiative went against Indian manufacturing interests.

3. Factories Act, 1991 was against the 1881 Act.

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Who wrote the biographies of Mazzini, Garibaldi, Shivaji and Sri Krishna? (PUMDET 2019) 

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Who said, Phule's thought represented the "fulfilment of the renaissance desire for social transformation along revolutionary lines"?  (PUMDET 2019) 

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2. In British India the "covenanted Civil Service" referred to the:

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Myanmar was part of British India till - (Current Affairs)

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Dadabhai Naoroji declared in the Calcutta session of the Congress in 1906 that his aim was self-government or Swaraj like that of the United Kingdom or colonies. This idea was vehemently opposed by: (JNU MA 2020)

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Who coined the phrase "permit-license-quota Raj" to describe the system of state-directed economic development planning in India? (DU MA 2021)

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Which amongst these resolutions were not concerned with minority rights? (NET June 2023 Shift I)

A.    Nehru's constitutional Draft, 1928

B.     Karachi resolution, 1931

C.     The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce Act), Bill, 1986

D.    Triple Talaq Bill, 2018

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

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Which of the following acts abolished the Diarchy System in the Provinces and introduced the provincial autonomy? (NET March 2023 Shift II)

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Which of the following is a feature of the Government of India Act (1935)? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

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Which of the following is not a feature of the Government of India Act (1935)? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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Which of the following Acts introduced the principle of election in India? (RAJASTHAN SET 2023)

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What did Indian Councils Act of 1909 introduce for the first time? (RAJASTHAN SET 2023)

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The Cabinet Mission Plan consisted of how many members? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2017 PAPER II)

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Which one of the following is not a feature of Government of India Act, 1935? (KERALA SET 2017 FEBRUARY)

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In the Federation envisaged in the Government of India Act of I935, residuary powers were given to the: (KERALA SET 2018 FEBRUARY)

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Merit system of selection was introduced in India by- (KERALA SET 2019 JULY)

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The Act which laid the foundation of the British administration in India: (KERALA SET 2022 JANUARY)

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The distribution of powers between the Centre and States in the Indian Constitution is based on the scheme provided in the Government of India Act, -----. (KERALA SET 2022 JANUARY)

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Which of the following is not a feature of Government of India Act, 1935? (KERALA SET 2022 JANUARY)

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Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: (KARNATAKA SET 2014 PAPER II)

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The office of the Governor-General was for the first time created under (KARNATAKA SET 2014 PAPER II)

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The Swadeshi Movements started in India during (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER III)

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Which statements relating to the Cabinet secretariat are correct? (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2018)

a) The Portfolio system of Lord Canning was its predecessor.

b) It is responsible for the general administration of parliament.

c) It monitors in to Ministerial coordination

d) Tries to balance between new and old policy initiatives.

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Identify the speaker: “The congress conducted itself on the complacent assumption that all Indians profess the same religion, speak the same language, have the same way of life.”  (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2018)

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Which of the following features of Indian Constitution can be considered as non-federal? (GUJARATE SET JULY 2006 PAPER II)

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The British Parliament made a bid to regulate the affairs of the British East India Company for the first time by: (GUJARAT SET 2010)

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The bicameral legislature was provided at the center under the: (GUJARAT SET 2011)

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Which of the following acts has influenced most the making of the Constitution of India? (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2019)

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Which of the following Acts has influenced the making of the Constitution of India the most? (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2023 Paper IV)

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Dyarchy, the system of double government for the provinces of British India, was introduced by (University of Hyderabad MA 2018)

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Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R: (NET November 2021 Shift II)

Assertion A: The Mountbatten Plan was announced on May 13, 1947

Reason R: On July 18, 1947, the British Parliament ratified the Mountbatten Plan as the 'Independence of India Act, 1947'

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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The Cripps Mission visited India in the year: (BHU MA 2014)

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The First General Election under the Act of 1935 took place in the year: (BHU MA 2014)

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By which one of the following Acts the British Parliament provided for an annual grant of rupees one lakh for development of Indian literature and for developing knowledge of science? (BHU MA 2014)

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Match the following: Match List I with List II (DU MA 2020)

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There are two statements below. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). In the context of the statements, choose the correct answer using the codes given below: (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

Assertion (A): The British sovereignty in India continued to exist till the Indian Constitution came into force.

Reason (R): The British Government appointed the last Governor-General of India.


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Which one of the following tests was advocated by Macaulay? (NET June 2008)

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Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from codes given below: (NET December 2010 Paper II)

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Match List – I and List – II and select the correct answer from codes given below: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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Match List-I with List-II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2011 Paper II)

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Identify the correct chronological order of the following: (NET December 2011 Paper II)

(i) Cabinet Mission Plan

(ii) Cripps Mission

(iii) Simon Commission

(iv) Communal Award


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Which one of the following Acts/ Reports created the Federal Court in India? (NET December 2012 Paper II)

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Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Choose the correct answer using the options given below: (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

Assertion (A): Bulk of the provisions of the Constitution of India were adopted from Government of India Act of 1935.

Reason (R): The Congress Party passed a resolution adopting the Government of India Act of 1935 as the basis of the Indian Constitution.


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Recruitment to Civil Service in India is based on the recommendation of (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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