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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

John Stuart Mill

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  1. ‘On Liberty' গ্রন্থটির প্রণেতা (7TH SLST 2023)

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  1. Representative Government গ্রন্থটির রচয়িতা হলেন (7TH SLST 2023)

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3. "If all the mankind minus one, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind." Who among the following made this statement? (GUJARAT SET 2016 PAPER 3)

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4. Who among the following called John Stuart Mill 'the saint of Rationalism'? (RAJASTHAN SET 2020 PART 2)

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5. Who among the following proposed that in the event of 'harm being done to others' the individual may be constrained? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

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6. Which of the following statements given below are in line with the political thought of J. S. Mill? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

(i) Mill's work straddled the divide between classical and modern liberalism.

(ii) He was great supporter of female suffrage.

(iii) He had sympathy for workers cooperatives.

(iv) He was staunch supporter of state intervention.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

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7. Who among the following considered that democratic politics in a system of political representation is the ideal ground for the practice of liberty? (TELANGANA SET 2022)

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8. Which of the following is not matched correctly? (TELANGANA SET 2023)

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9. Read the following statements regarding J.S. Mill and choose the correct code: (TELANGANA SET 2023)

A. Mill thinks that social democracy is good in itself as well as having a good effect on government.

B. Social democracy in a system of proportional political representation is the ideal ground for the practice of liberty.

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10. Match the following and select the correct answer using the codes below: (SLET 17th March 2024)

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11. "A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury." Who said this? (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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12. Which one of the following is not correct with reference to John Stuart Mill? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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13. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2022)

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14. "The only part of the conduct of any one, for which is amenable to society, is that which concerns others... over himself, the individual is sovereign." Who said this? (GUJARAT SET 2022)

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15. Which of the following was not advocated by J.S. Mill? (Madhya Pradesh SET 2022)

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16. "Self-regarding" and "other-regarding" is theorised by (CUET PG 2021)

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17. Who amongst the following thinkers is a defender of individual freedom? (CUET PG 2021)

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18. Who among the following is considered as a 'reluctant democrat' ? (CUET PG 2022)

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19. "Considerations on Representative Government" was authored by: (CUET PG 2022)

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20. Which of the following aspects have been defended by J. S. Mill?  (NET December 2020 & June 2021 Paper-II)

A. The rights of women

B. Bentham's utilitarianism in toto

C. Married woman's property bill

D. Patriarchy

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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21. Match the following: (DU MA 2018)

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22. Which of the following is NOT a political work written by J.S. Mill? (DU MA 2018)

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23. Who amongst the following thinkers is considered a 'Reluctant Democrat'? (DU MA 2021)

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24. Under proportional representation system- (DU MA 2021)

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25. J.Mill's harm principle states that:- (DU MA 2019)

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26. Who among the following believes that the goal of the utilitarian state is Liberty rather than happiness? (JNU MA 2020)

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27. Consider the following set of political thinkers and their works: (JNU MA 2020)

A. J. S. Mill : On Liberty

B. Isaiah Berlin : Four Essays on Freedom

C. T. H. Green : Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligations

D. John Locke : Considerations on Representative Government

Which of the above are correctly matched?

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28. Which of the following is not a reason that Mill offers in defense of the liberty of speech  and expression? (JNU MA 2019)

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29. Mill understood liberty primarily in terms. (JNU MA 2019)

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30. Who wrote the tract On the Subjection of women? (University of Hyderabad MA 2019)

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31. Passage 2: Read the passages given below and answer the questions No. 28-31

J S Mill's ideas have been described as the 'heart of liberalism'. This is because he provided a 'bridge 'between classical and modern liberalism.... Mill suggested that, over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign', a conception of liberty that is essentially negative as it portrays freedom in terms of the absence of restrictions on an individual’s self regarding' actions. Mill believed this to be a necessary condition for liberty, but not in itself a sufficient one. He thought that liberty was a positive and constructive force. It gave individuals the ability to take control of their own lives, to gain autonomy or achieve self-realization. .... Mill believed passionately in individuality. The value of liberty is that it enables individuals to develop, to gain talents, skills and knowledge and to refine their sensibilities. He was clearly not concerned with simple pleasure-seeking, but with personal self-development, declaring that he would rather be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied'.

....... Individuals, according to Green, have sympathy for one another; their egoism is therefore constrained by some degree of altruism. The individual possesses social responsibilities and not merely individual responsibilities, and is therefore linked to other individuals by ties of caring and empathy. Such a conception of human nature was clearly influenced by socialist ideas......

....... If the minimal state was typical of the 19m century, during the 20th century modern states became welfare states. .... Modern liberals defend welfarism on the basis of equality of opportunity. If particular individuals or groups are disadvantaged by their social circumstances, then the state possesses a social responsibility to reduce or remove these disadvantages to create equal, or at least more equal, life chances. ........ Welfare rights are positive rights because they can only be satisfied by the positive actions of government,. through the provision of state pensions, benefits and, perhaps, publicly funded health and education services. During the 20th century, liberel parties and liberal governments were therefore converted to the cause of social welfare......

..... In addition to providing social welfare, 20th century western governments also sought to deliver prosperity by 'managing' their economies. This once again involved rejecting classical liberal thinking, in particular its belief in a self-regulating free market and the doctrine of laissezfaire. ....... Classical economists had argued that there was a grarket solution to the problem of unemployment and, indeed, all other economic problems. Keynes argues, however that the level of economic activity, and therefore of employment, is determined by the total amount of demand - aggregate demand - in the economy. .... Government spending is, in this sense, an injection of demand into the economy. .... Keynesian demand management thus promised to give governments the ability to manipulate employment and growth levels, and hence to secure general prosperity and harmony in civil society.

....... How has liberalism been affected by the forces of globalisation? Has western liberalism been transformed into global liberalism? The first 'face' of global liberalism is neoliberalisrn, which is so closely linked to economic globalisation that many commentators treat neoliberalism and globalisation as if they are part of the same phenomenon: "neoliberal globalisation". The link occurs for a variety of reasons. In particular, intensified international competition encourages governments to de-regulate their economies and reduce tax levels in the hope of attracting inward investment and preventing transnational corporations from relocating elsewhere. ........The secondoface'of global liberalism is liberal democracy, which has now developed beyond its western heartland and become a worldwide force. ..... This was demonstrated, moreover, by the process of democratisation that was under way in Africa, Asian and Latin America, which involved the spread of competitive party systems and a growing enthusiasm for market reforms. By 2000, about two-thirds of the states in the world had political systems that exhibited significant liberal-democratic feature, with democratic movements springing about in more and more parts of the world. For liberals, this provided further optimism about the prospects of international pea@. In a tradition of republican liberalism that can be traced back to Woodrow Wilson, if not to Kant, liberals have argued that autocratic or authoritarian states are inherently militaristic and aggressive, while democratic states are naturally peaceful, especially in their dealings with other democratic states. .. The 'third face' of global liberalism arises from the fact that the advance of globalisation has had an important ethical dimension. This reflects the fact that widening global interconnectedness, especially as facilitated by the new media and the information and communications revolution, has strengthened that idea that justice now extends 'beyond borders'. ... Such cosmopolitan thinking often linked to the idea of global justice, has typically drawn on liberal principles and assumptions, the most important being the doctrine of human rights.

[Source: Andrew Heywood. 2014. Political ldeologies, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 52-53.]

Q. What are the necessary and sufficient conditions of freedom according to J S Mill? (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2021)

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32. Who among the following drew a line between self-regarding and other regarding activities of the individual? (KERALA SET JANUARY 2023)

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33. The author of ‘Subjection of Women’: (KERALA SET JANUARY 2023)

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34. Who said, ‘Better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied’? (KERALA SET JULY 2023)

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35. J.S. Mill justifies an imposition of limitations on an individual's liberty in order to.: (GUJARAT SET 2018)

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36. Who among the following advocated that the state is a moral institution with a moral end? (GUJARAT SET DECEMBER 2017 PAPER III)

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37. John Stuart Mill did not oppose: (GUJARAT SET 2014 PAPER III)

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38. Mill defended liberty of individual from: (GUJARAT SET 2008)

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39. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below: (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)

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40. “J.S. Mill was the prophet of empty liberty”. Who said this statement? (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER III)

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41. Questions are matching type. Match List I (Authors) with List II (Books) and select the correct answer code. (KARNATAKA SET 2016 PAPER III)

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42. Which one of the following was consisted by J. S. Mill for voter? (KARNATAKA SET 2016 PAPER III)


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43. Which political thinker advocated “Plural Voting” to the higher educated citizen? (KARNATAKA SET 2015 PAPER III)

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44. The champion of Individual Freedom is (KARNATAKA SET 2015 PAPER III)

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45. The thinker called “Reluctant Democrat”: (KERALA SET 2022 JULY)

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46. The state should not interfere in those actions of the individual which are ‘self regarding’ but can interfere in those which are ‘other regarding’. This view was  expressed by: (KERALA SET 2022 JANUARY)

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47. According to J S Mill, liberty of opinion is valuable and no opinion may be suppressed because (University of Hyderabad Ph.D 2023)

i. If the opinion is right, we are deprived of exchanging error for truth

ii. If the opinion is wrong, we are deprived of a clearer perception of truth

iii. We attain infallibility through expressing diverse opinions

iv. We attain greater clarity when true and false opinions clash

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48. Who has described J. S. Mill as 'Reluctant Democrat? (RAJASTHAN SET 2012 PART 2)

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49. Assertion (A): To J.S. Mill, the scope of liberty includes that of conscience, thought and feeling, so long as it is voluntary, informal and without harmful intent.

Reason (R): A liberal social order can be justified on utilitarian grounds, without appeal to doctrines of natural rights.

Select your answers to these items using the codes given below: (NET December 2009 Paper II)

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50. Who did help to humanize J.S. Mill's revised version of Utilitarianism? (NET December 2013 Paper III)

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51. For J. S. Mill which one of the following is not true? (NET June 2015 Paper III)

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52. For J. S. Mill, which of the following statements is not true? (NET July 2016 Paper III)

(A) Pleasures differ in quality as well as in quantity.

(B) Mill makes use of the non- utilitarian arguments.

(C) The felicific calculus is absurd.

(D) Pleasures can be objectively measured.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

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53. In "The Considerations on Representative Government", J.S. Mill did not elaborate upon (NET June 2020 Paper II)

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54. Who is called Reluctant Democrat? (BHU MA 2019)

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55. "It is better to be human being dissatisfied than pig satisfied." Whose statement is this? (BHU MA 2019)

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56. Who wrote 'On Liberty'? (BHU MA 2019)

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57. On Liberty was written by (University of Hyderabad M.A. 2012)

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58. Which political philosopher made happiness and the dignity of man, and not the principle of pleasure, the chief end of life? (JMI M.A. 2021-2022)

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59. Who is the author of the book, "The Philosophy of J. S. Mill'? (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

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60. Arrange the following thinkers in chronological order: (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

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61. Which of the following books is not written by John Stuart Mill? (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

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62. “It is better to be . . . Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied”. — Who said this? (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

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63. The first proponent of representative democracy was (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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64. Who wrote: "Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign."? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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65. Who advocated open or public voting in a democratic society? (RAJASTHAN SET 2023)

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66. Which one of the following statements regarding J. S. Mill is correct? (RAJASTHAN SET 2023)

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67. "Self-regarding action and other-regarding actions", with whom is this argument associated? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2017 PAPER II)

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68. Who of the following wrote ‘The Subjection of Women’? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2018 PAPER III)

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69. The negative theory of liberty was advocated by:  (MAHARASHTRA SET 2019 PAPER II)

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70. Who among the following favoured qualification as the basis for right to vote ?  (MAHARASHTRA SET 2020 PAPER II)

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71. What is Mill’s main objection to the silencing, or suppression, of an opinion? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2021 PAPER II)

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72. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2021 PAPER II)

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73. Who wrote the book ‘The Subjection of Women’? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2023)

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74. Who among the following made the state a moral institution with a moral end? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2023)

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75. Consider the following works and select those written by J. S. Mill (KERALA SET 2015 DECEMBER)

1. Considerations On Representative Government

2. On Education

3. A Treatise of Human Nature

4. Principles of Political Economy

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

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76. How many goals are envisaged in ‘Millennium Development Goals-2000’ approved by General Assembly of UN? (KERALA SET 2017 FEBRUARY)

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77. “The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with  the liberty of action of any of their number is self-protection”. - Who made this statement? (KERALA SET 2018 JULY)

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78. Who among the following favoured educational qualification on the basis for right to vote? (KERALA SET 2018 FEBRUARY)

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79. ‘Harm Principle’ is associated with: (KERALA SET 2019 JULY)

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80. "Despotism is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians". Who made this  comment? (KERALA SET 2019 FEBRUARY)

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81. The political thinker who advocated “Plural Voting” to the higher educated citizen: (KERALA SET 2021 JULY)

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82. Who among the following has been described as ‘reluctant democrat’? (KERALA SET 2021 JULY)

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83. Who is the author of The Subjection of Women? (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

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84. Who wrote "Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign"? (NET June 2012 Paper II)

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85. Who among the following made the State a moral institution with a moral end? (NET June 2013 Paper III)

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86. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2015 Paper II)

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87. Which of the following statement is correct regarding J. S. Mill? (NET December 2015 Paper III)

(A) State is justified in confirming itself to limited functions

(B) Welfare policies are more important.

(C) State intervention into 'self- regarding' action.

(D) State intervention into 'other regarding action' is justified.

Choose the correct answer:

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88. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

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89. Match the books with respective authors: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

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90. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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91. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2016 PAPER III)

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92. Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2016 PAPER III)

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93. Who among the following said that democracy can become ‘tyranny of the majority’ ? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2019 PAPER II)

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94. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below. (KERALA SET 2017 FEBRUARY)

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95. Match List I with List II: (KERALA SET 2020 FEBRUARY)

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96. Questions are matching type. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer code. (KARNATAKA SET 2016 PAPER III)

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97. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2018)

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98. The statement 'Over himself, Over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign' is associated with: (Maharashtra SET 2024 Paper II)

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99. Who was fearful that "lest the inevitable growth of social equality and the government of public opinion should impose on mankind an oppressive yoke of uniformity in opinion and practice"? (GUJARAT SET 2019 DEC)

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100. 'It is better to be a Socrates dissatisfied rather than a pig satisfied' observed by: (RAJASTHAN SET 2012 PART 1)

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101. Who among the following believes that voting is a public trust which should be performed under the eye and criticism of the public? (RAJASTHAN SET 2020 PART 2)

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102. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2016 PAPER 3)

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103. Who one of the following is known as reluctant democrat? (BHU MA 2014)

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104. Which one among the following was not supported by J.S. Mill? (BHU MA 2014)

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105. Who is called Reluctant Democrat? (BHU MA 2015)

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106. 'Quality of happiness is not less important than Quantity of happiness'. Who opined this? (BHU MA 2015)

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107. 'ON LIBERTY' is a book written by: (BHU MA 2015)

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108. Which one is not correctly matched? (BHU MA 2016)

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109. Which one of the following is not correctly matched? (BHU MA 2016)

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110. Match the following: Match List I with List II (DU MA 2020)

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111. The book ‘Subjection of Women’ was written by (WB SET 2017 Paper II)

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112. Match the following form the correct pairs: (NET December 2004)

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113. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2006)

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114. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2007)

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115. Identify the correct order in which the political thinkers propounded their respective theories: (NET June 2008)

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116. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R): (NET June 2011 Paper II)

Assertion (A): The system of proportional representation may solve the problem of minority representation to some extent.

Reason (R): The system of proportional representation enables due representation to all types of groups based on ethnicity, gender, interests and ideologies.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

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117. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2012 Paper II)

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