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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

Liberalism in Political Theory

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  1. জনকল্যাণকর উদারবাদের মূল বক্তব্য হল- (7TH SLST 2023)

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2. Consider the following in relation to the Liberal political theory and choose the correct code:


A. It places the individual and individual rights as the highest priority 

B. It relies on the consent of the citizenry for the legitimacy of government power

C. The ideas of natural rights, liberty, and property are the bedrock of this theory

D. It believes that humans are not rational, they should be guided by the government inputs to make their choices

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3. Liberal theory regards the State as (Bihar PGT 2023)

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4. In a laissez faire economy (SLET 17th March 2024)

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5. The view of politics as conciliation of interests is endorsed by: (DU MA 2021)

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6. Which amongst the following is not a key tenet of Liberalism? (DU MA 2021)

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7. Liberalism is not committed to which of the following? (Madhya Pradesh SET 2022)

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8. Which of the following would be associated with Neoliberal politics? (JNU MA 2019)

(i) Free markets

(ii) Rational individuals

(iii) Emphasis on home ownership

(iv) State dirigisme

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9. Which of the following is not an element of Liberalism? (JNU MA 2020)

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10. Neo-liberalism emphasizes on which of the following (DU MA 2021)

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11. 'Enterprise Capitalism' is inspired by whose ideas? (DU MA 2022)

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12. Which of the following are the schools of "New Right Ideology"? (NET December 2020 & June 2021 Paper II)

A. Austrian school

B. Chicago school

C. Frankfurt school

D. New York school

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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13. In which aspect does Modern Liberalism NOT believe? (NET December 2020 & June 2021 Paper-II)

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14. Who has been the most prominent among the Chicago school economists? (NET December 2020 & June 2021 Paper-II)

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15. How was early liberalis characterised by C. B Macpherson? (NET December 2020 & June 2021 Paper II)

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16. Who among the following is a libertarian thinker? (CUET PG 2021)

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17. Who amongst the following thinkers is a defender of the 'access to advantage' principle? (CUET PG 2021)

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18. Match List-I and List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below: (SLET 17th March 2024)

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19. Who among the following coined the term of 'Regional Security Complex' (RSC) in International Relations? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

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20. Which of the following statements misrepresents neo-liberalism? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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21. Consider the following statements. (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

Statement I: Modern Liberalism advocates for a Laissez-faire State

Statement II: Enabling government is a key component of Classical Liberalism.

Choose the correct option:

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22. Who among the following thinkers does not belong to Modern Liberalism? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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23. Which of the following is an obstacle to freedom of individual according to the liberalist model of development. (NER March 2023 Shift II)

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24. Which of the following includes characteristics of liberalist model of development?  (NET March 2023 Shift II)

A. Free-Market Economy
B. Individual freedom
C. Belief in rationality of human being
D. State-controlled Economy
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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25. Which of the following will be result of Industrialization?  (NET March 2023 Shift II)

A. It will create disparity between rich and poor


B. Concentration of wealth in the hands of few

C. It will create social discrimination

D. It will strengthen civil society organizations

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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26. Given below are two statements:  (NET March 2023 Shift II)

Statement I: Maximum intervention of state is needed for economic development.

Statement II: Maximum production is essential for development. In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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27. Given below are two statements:  (NET March 2023 Shift II)

Statement I: Liberalist model regards economic development as the precondition for individual development.

Statement II: The liberalist model does not suit to developing countries, as they feel it will be a source of neo-colonial control of developed countries. In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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28. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). (NET March 2023 Shift II)

Assertion (A): Neo-Liberal paradigm was founded on the narrative of the inefficient state.

Reason (R): Neo-Liberal paradigm is inclusive in nature.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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29. 36. Match List I with List II:  (NET 2022 Paper II October Shift II)

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30. Who among the following regarded state as a 'necessary evil'?  (NET June 2020 Paper II)

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31. The positive impact of Liberalisation are:  (NET December 2019 Paper II)

(1) Foreign investment

(2) Increased production

(3) Increased unemployment

(4) Technological advancement

Choose the right answer:

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32. Which among the following countries is regarded as the’ cradle of classical liberalism’? (KERALA SET 2019 FEBRUARY)

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33. Equality before law is one of the basic (KARNATAKA SET 2014 PAPER II)

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34. Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a feature of constitutional government? (KARNATAKA SET 2016 PAPER III)

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35. Which one of the following statement is correct? (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER III)

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36. In the political sphere, liberalism did not advocate (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER II)

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37. ‘Liberalism coincides with the tradition’. This thought begins with (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)

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38. Who said there is relationship between unemployment and inflation? (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)

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39. Communitarianism emerged as a critical response to: (GUJARAT SET 2008)

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40. Which one of these is widely regarded as a foundational text of liberalism? (GUJARAT SET 2014 PAPER III)

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41. ------- is considered to be one of the intellectual godfathers of neo-liberal capitalism. (KERALA SET 2022 JULY)

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42. Which of the following is not a central argument of neo-liberalism? (KERALA SET 2022 JANUARY)

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43. Identify the neo-liberal political economist. (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2018)

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44. A principle of politics which seeks to remove all impediments in the way of individual's liberty as the basic principle of public policy is: (JMI M.A. 2021-2022)

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45. For liberalism, reason is an essential element in our capacity to: (JMI M.A. 2021-2022)

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46. According to both classical liberalism and modern liberalism: (JMI M.A. 2021-2022)

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47. Liberalism advocated (WB PSC 2022)

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48. Read the following Passage and answer the question:

Public policy in India is in a state of flux. The nature of the policy process has changed dramatically with an increasing role of different actors, both locally and globally. A case is made to listen to the multiple voices that are emerging in governance processes; it is argued that it is necessary to create a space for dialogue among civil society and citizens. The demand for stronger links between research and policy has grown, as much as efforts to mainstreaming public policy education to professionalize the bureaucracy.

New discourses have emerged that shape policy choices. Several discourses have been nevertheless reduced to status of rhetoric and cliché. Emerging demographic trends at the national level-such as urbanization and environmental trends at the global level, such as climate change have redefined the contours of public policy and governance, posing new challenges for policy formulation as well as engendering debates on appropriate forms of governance. Governance refers to all manners of exercising control and authority in the allocation of resources. Governance issues are thus closely tied to the processes and mechanisms through which people access resources. However, the extent to which they have improved the control of resource users, remains a moot question. Often, this has been a question of efforts at changing control relation between the state and civil society; while policies have succeeded in creating management capacity at lower levels.

The gap between 'governance' and 'government' is understood to have widened in the Indian context, as well as globally. Actors other than the state have come to acquire a greater role in the exercise of control and authority in the allocation of resources. The locus of policy making has moved from the state to other actors; markets and civil society have created greater space for themselves. State authority has been diluted by a greater influence of other actors, both at local and global levels. New discourses such as those of neo-liberalism and good governance have altered the relationships between state, markets and civil society. While the discourse of neo-liberalism was founded on the narrative of the inefficient state, the neo- liberal paradigm evoked criticisms on account of the exclusion of the poor from the provision of service delivery.

Q. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). (NET March 2023 Shift II)

Assertion (A): Neo-Liberal paradigm was founded on the narrative of the inefficient state.

Reason (R): Neo-Liberal paradigm is inclusive in nature.

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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49. Read the following Passage and answer the question:

The idea of liberalist model of development is based on the free market economy and policy of laissez-faire. In this arrangement, the person is handed over to the market and it is claimed that the person is independent and can participate in the development itself. It is obvious that this model involves globalization and privatization under which it is assumed that the whole world is a village and every person can openly trade with each other. In such a system, the license system is loosen and state control is minimized and, the minimum intervention of the state is desired in the economic, political, and social sectors. Under this model, the development is synonymous with maximum production which gives greater emphasis to industrialization and urbanization. In this system, because the doors of business are open to the whole world; multinational corporations start spreading their net and the entire market of developing countries is filled with foreign products. Consequently, the domestic production of that country lags. If the scale of development is to be talked about, then the level of development is measured based on gross national production and national income. While measuring them, those persons are not considered whose income and employment are at the lowest levels in the society. Actually, this model works to create a gap in the state, in which there is a rich class on one side and on the other, a section whose own minimum requirements are not met. Definitely, this model talks about the development of the person at the economic, political, and social levels, but it keeps the 'survival of the fittest' in the center. In such a way, the holistic development of a person is impossible.

Q. Given below are two statements: (NET March 2023 Shift II)

Statement I: Liberalist model regards economic development as the precondition for individual development.

Statement II: The liberalist model does not suit to developing countries, as they feel it will be a source of neo-colonial control of developed countries.

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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50. Consider the following statements: Classical Liberalism stands for- (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

(i) a state which is merely a watchman

(ii) individualism

(iii) welfarism

(iv) free market

Which of the statements given above are true?

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51. The view that there is a close relationship between justice and equality is attributed to whom? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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52. Which of the following statements misrepresents Neo-liberalism? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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53. On which type of the ideology the Indian constitution is based? (RAJASTHAN SET 2023)

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54. The basic principle of liberalism is: (MAHARASHTRA SET 2018 PAPER III)

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55. Classical liberalism grew out of the struggle between: (MAHARASHTRA SET 2018 PAPER III)

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56. Which of the following are related to Liberalism? (NET June 2024 Paper II)

A. Ideology of industrialised West

B. Advocated virtues of Laissez-faire

C. Reflects the aspiration of rising industrial powers

D. Liberalism and Communism are closely linked

E. Locke was a key thinker of liberalism

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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57. Which one of the following political ideologies has longer history?  (MAHARASHTRA SET 2020 PAPER II)

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58. ‘Liberalism’ as a developed ideology was a product of (MAHARASHTRA SET 2021 PAPER II)

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59. Emmanuel Kant and John Locke provide the philosophical basis for (KERALA SET 2013 DECEMBER)

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60. 'Roll back of the state' implies (University of Hyderabad MA 2016)

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61. 'State capitalism' implies: (University of Hyderabad MA 2016)

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62. Which of the following sentences best captures the main theme of this passage? (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

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63. Von Hayek, according to the authors, argues that (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

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64. Liberals believe that individuals interests will be aggregated best by the (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

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65. Comprehension: Read the passages given below and answer the questions No. 53-60

Whereas the realist approach focuses on the nation-state, liberal thinking has tended to see the individual as the basic unit of analysis. The primary motivating force in the economy is the competitive interaction bctween individuals, who are assumed to maximise their satisfaction, or utility, especially through the social institution of the market. The market aggregates these individual preferences and utilities (on the demand side), and (on the supply side) the action of profit-seeking firms. Some modern liberal thinkers, notably von Hayek, have argued that the market is, in fact, a spontaneous social institution, rather than an institution which is a product of human design.

Where realism has focused on competition between states, economic liberalism has focused on competition between firms. Economic outcomes will be affected by market structure. To explain the nature of market structure, liberal economists use ideal-typical cases. At one extreme, so called 'perfect' competition, with its infinite number of buyers and sellers, full information and perfect foresight, implies that individual buyers and sellers are 'price-takers' and the consumer is 'sovereign'. In this context, the 'power of the market' to constrain all producers is absolute. At the other extreme is monopoly (one supplier) and/or monopsony (one buyer). If both apply, there is a situation of bilateral monopoly, in which the power of one countervails that of the other. If there are many buyers, but only one supplier, then the monopolist has market power over the consumers. If there are many suppliers, but only one buyer, then the monopsonist has market power over the sellers. Of course, almost all markets and industries lie between these two extremes. In the case of oligopoly (when there are relatively few firms), firms will have some degree of market power, which will be increased ifthey are able to collude and this impose their collective power over the market. An extreme case of collusion is when firms form a cartel which sets prices and production quotas for the member firms.

Each of these market structures are also examples of different degrees of interdependence or dependence. In the extreme case of perfect competition, there is complete and symmetrical interdependence between buyers and sellers. In the case of oligopoly there is some interdependence between producers. This may be symmetrical or asymmetrical, depending on whether there is a dominant firm, or 'price leader' in a market, such as De Beers in the diamond trade, and IBM in mainframe computers for much of the post-war period. In general, the greater degree of market concentration on the supply side, the more asymmetrical the interdependence between producers and consumers, to the disadvantage of the latter.

(Source: Stephen Gill and David Law, The Global Political Economy: Perspectives, Problems and Policies, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988).

Q. One of the key differences between Realists and Liberals is (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

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66. Which among the following are elements of Liberalism? (NET December 2021 and June 2022 Shift II)

A. Individual should have the right to develop his own personality.

B. Man is a rational creature.

C. Society should not be plural.

D. It believes in constitutionalism.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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67. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R): (NET December 2008)

Assertion (A): Nozic was a libertarian

Reason (R): Nozic stood for individual liberty and just property.

Which one of the following is correct?

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68. Which theory suggest the minor adjustments within the capitalist system to save the individual’s liberty? (NET December 2010 Paper II)

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69. The State is a necessary evil. This statement refers to (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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70. Who of the following is considered to be one of the intellectual godfathers of neo-liberal capitalism? (NET June 2011 Paper II)

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71. Which one of the following philosophies takes the individual as End? (BHU MA 2015)

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72. Concept of Liberty is primarily connected to: (BHU MA 2015)

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73. Word 'LIBER' originates from: (BHU MA 2015)

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74. "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" was the slogan during: (JMI M.A. 2022)

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75. Which of the following is not an assumption underlying the liberal theory of diversity? (JNU MA 2021)

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76. Which of the following critique of liberalism is not made by the communitarians? (JNU MA 2021)

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77. What is the difference between Liberal and Marxist views on freedom? (WB SET 2017 Paper II)

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78. Who examined the case of liberal democracy from the angle of 'possessive individualism"? (NET December 2006)

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79. Which of the following statement is not correct? (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

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80. The thinker who synthesized German and English Liberalism was (NET December 2011 Paper II)

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81. Arrange the following in chronological order and choose the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2011 Paper II)

(i) Liberalism

(ii) Socialism

(iii) Positivism

(iv) Anarchism


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82. The view that there is a close relationship between justice and equality is attributed to whom? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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83. Match List-I with List-II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2011 Paper II)

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