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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar


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1. The term 'Fascism' is derived from (University of Hyderabad MA 2018)

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2. A regime based on an anti-liberal doctrine that glorifies the nation and advocates a warrior state, led by an all-powerful leader, to whom the masses show passionate commitment and submission is termed as: (TELANGANA SET 2023)

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3. Match the ideologists with their beliefs on freedom: (PUMET 2019)

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4. Who declared “nothing against the state, nothing above it”? (KERALA SET 2015 DECEMBER)

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5. Benito Mussolini's ideology was (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2019)

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6. According to Fascism: (SLET 2023)

(i) The state is viewed as a servant of the nation, conceived in highly naturalistic terms.

(ii) The fundamental unit of history and politics is not the state, but the race.

(iii) The nation is viewed as the creation of the state, to which citizens should fundamentally be loyal.

(iv) The state is viewed as pre-eminently political; it has no ethos.


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7. Who said 'All Communalism is harmful'? The logic of minority Communalism is separatism, and majority communalism culminates in Fascism? (NET December 2012 Paper III)

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8. Gramsci characterised Fascism as: (NET November 2017 Paper II)

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9. Which of the following cannot be considered a feature of Nazism and Fascism? (JMI M.A. 2019)

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10. Which among the following is not a feature of fascism? (GUJARAT SET 2023)

a.       Antagonism to freedom of speech

b.      Glorifying the nation

c.       Promotion of a totalitarian politics

d.      Glorifying individual rights


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11. Assertion (A): According to Francis Fukuyama the strength of liberal democracy in comparision to its rivals Communism and Fascism becomes apparent because it has created a better mechanism for proper recognition of ordinary people.

Reason (R): Democracy today has become as much a necessity for economics as it has been for politics and that implies issues of development, economic equality, civil and political rights have to be guaranteed by  any government. (Rajasthan SET 2020)

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12. According to the Fascists, the truest form of democracy is government by the: (BIHAR PSC TIER 3)

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13. Mussolini described the fascist state as: (JMI M.A. 2019)

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14. According to the Fascists, the truest form of democracy is government by the: (MAHARASHTRA SET 2018 PAPER III)

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15. Which one of the following is not a totalitarian form of Government? (NET December 2013 Paper II)

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16. "Nothing outside State, Nothing against State, everything for State." To which ideology it is related to? (BHU MA 2017)

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17. Which ideology is based on Racial Discrimination? (BHU MA 2018)

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18. Match List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer from the code given below: (NET June 2011 Paper II)

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19. Match the following and choose the correct answer from the code. (University of Hyderabad MA 2016)

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20. Which of the following statements is true? (RAJASTHAN SET 2023)

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21. Which of the following statement is NOT correct? (KARNATAKA SET 2015 PAPER II)

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22. Match the following types of state (List-I) with their respective natures (List-II): (TELANGANA SET 2022)

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23. Match the ideologists with their beliefs on freedom: (PUMDET 2019)

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