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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

Cold War

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1. Who among the following used the word Cold War for the first time? (KARNATAKA SET 2016 PAPER III)

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2. Which one of the following is not the characteristic of the bipolar system? (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER III)

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3. Who is not a member of 'The Five Eyes Alliance'? - (Current Affairs 22.05.2024)

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4. Which type of conflict has disappeared since the end of Cold War?Ā  (GUJARAT SET DECEMBER 2002)

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5. Below are given two statements, one is Assertion (A) and other is Reason (R). State whether statements are correct and whether (B) is reason for (A) or not by using codes given below:

Assertion (A): Cold War became intense because two superpowers became engaged in arms competition

Reason (R): Cold War became intense because of tendency of two superpowers to look at local issues in global terms (GUJARAT SET JULY 2004)

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6. Which of the following statements is associated with the process of 'detente'? (GUJARAT SET 2008)

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7. Which of the following organizations created in the context of the Cold War has continued even after the end of the Cold War? (GUJARAT SET 2008)

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8. Which of the following countries was not divided with the end of Cold War? (GUJARAT SET 2008)

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9. The world in the period immediately following the end of cold war is described as: (GUJARAT SET 2011)

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10. The Soviet Policy of 'Perestroika' pursued: (GUJARAT SET 2013 PAPER II)

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11. The Warsaw Pact was a direct response to: (GUJARAT SET 2013 PAPER II)

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12. The major thrust of India's foreign policy in the post-Cold War era has been on improvement of relationship with: (GUJARAT SET 2014 PAPER III)

13 / 155

13. The expression Third World' was used during.......... (GUJARAT SET 2014 PAPER III)

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14. Which country is going through a mass student protest against Israel-Palestine War and wants to stop the war against Hamas which is a shadow of Vietnam war ? (Current Affairs 02.05.2024)

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15. Arrange the following events of Cold War in a chronological manner. (CUET PG 2024)

(A). Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

(B). Korean War

(C). Berlin War

(D). Soviet invasion of Hungary

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

16 / 155

16. The policy of containment formulated by the U.S. aimed at: (JNU MA 2020)

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17. Match List ā€“ I with List ā€“ II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (JNU MA 2020)

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18. Given below are two statements one labelled as Assertion A and the other labelled as Reason R. (JNU MA 2020)

Assertion A: The Post-Cold War period is a multi-polar moment in a unipolar world.

Reason R: America remains the worldā€™s pre-eminent actor, but it is also stretched militarily, in debt financially, divided domestically and unpopular internationally.

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

19 / 155

19. Which one of the following is true about the First World War:- (DU MA 2019)

i. It was the first modern, industrialised total war.

ii. It was fought between 1939-1945

iii. It began between European States and fought on European Battlefields.

iv. It is also known as the Great War.

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20. Arrange the following in ascending order: (DU MA 2021)

A. Break-up of the Soviet Union

B. Perestroika

C. The Prague Spring

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

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21. Arrange the following in a chronological order: (DU MA 2021)

A. Weimer Republic

B. Potsdam Conference

C. Marshall Plan

D. Bolshevik Revolution

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

22 / 155

22. Match List I with List II Ā (DU MA 2021)

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23. (DU MA 2021)

A. The rise of German power caused World War I.

B. Kaiser Wilhelm II's clumsy diplomacy caused World War I.

C. Germany's militarist ideology, which glorified aggressive war, caused World War I.

D. The capitalist class conflict caused World War I

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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24. Who delivered the famous speech, 'we shall fight on the beaches, during the Second World War? Ā (DU MA 2022)

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25. Identify the correct sequence of events, beginning from the earliest (DU MA 2022)

i. Truman Doctrine announced

ii. Creation of the United Nations

iii. Fall of the Berlin Wall

iv. Cuban Missile Crisis

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26. Marshall Plan was meant for :- (DU MA 2018

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27. The purpose of the US Marshall Plan was (CUET PG 2022)

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28. Arrange the following Cold War events chronologically from the earliest to the latest. (CUET PG 2022)

A. Cuban Missile Crisis

B. Suez Crisis

C. Soviet intervention in Afghanistan

D. Vietnam War

E. Korean War

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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29. Two superpowers during the Cold War were (CUET PG 2022)

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30. Which among the following is not associated with Cold War? (CUET PG 2023)

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31. Cuban Missile Crisis was in (CUET PG 2021)

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32. DĆ©tente was/is an important concept in (CUET PG 2021)

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33. The first World War led to the dissolution of which of the following empires?Ā (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2017)

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34. Which of the following is true with regard to 'DĆ©tente'? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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35. Helsinki Accords was the final outcome of : (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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36. Below are some statements which are either True or False. Select the correct answer from the codes given below: (SLET 17th March 2024)

(a) Churchill used the term 'Iron-Curtain' in his Fulton speech.

(b) Perestroika came into being under Putin.

(c) Kenneth Waltz was an exponent of Game theory.

(d) India clashed with Pakistan at Kargil in 2003.

Codes :

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37. 'Painful historical memories prevent one country from emerging as a regional hegemonĀ in Asia. The country is (PUMDET 2019)Ā 

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38. ā€œTowards a New Cold Warā€ was written by: (KERALA SET 2022 JULY)

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39. The International organisation which started a scheme called ā€˜partnership for peaceā€™Ā  for a group of countries: (KERALA SET 2022 JULY)

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40. Formal end of Cold War took place at: (KERALA SET 2022 JANUARY)

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41. The new cold war started with (KARNATAKA SET 2014 PAPER III)

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42. Theory of containment by US during cold war was aimed at (GUJARAT SET 2010)

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43. During the cold war, in which of the following events, did the two Super Powers come to the brink of the nuclear war? (GUJARAT SET 2013 PAPER II)

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44. The term ā€˜Cold - Warā€™ was coined by: (KERALA SET JULY 2023)

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45. Assertion (A): Cold war caused arms race which subsequently affected global peace. (KERALA SET JULY 2023)

Reason (R): UN Security Council was effectively maintained international peace and security during Cold war period.

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46. The first phase of cold war started with US military intervention through: (KERALA SET JANUARY 2023)

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47. Identify the sequence of the following Cold War events: (University of Hyderabad MA 2020) Ā 

I. Bay of Pigs Invasion

II. Korean Crisis

III. Soviet Intervention in Afghanistan

IV. Glasnost and Perestroika

V. Oil Embargo

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48. Cold war was (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2023 Paper IV)

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49. The term ā€˜Cold Warā€™ was popularized by the columnist (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2023 Paper IV)

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50. "The cold war also operated to help the congress party hold onto its hegemonic position in India." Who made this statement? (RAJASTHAN SET 2020 PART 2)

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51. Match List - I with List - II. (NET June 2024 Paper II)

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52. Munich Agreement was signed in:Ā  (NET June 2024 Paper II)

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53. Comparative public administration emerged on account of the following reasons and conditions. Identify the incorrect option as an answer (MAHARASHTRA SET 2021 PAPER II)

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54. ā€˜The clash of civilizationsā€™ and ā€˜New World Orderā€™ predict an ideological shift in the Post-cold war period from: (MAHARASHTRA SET 2021 PAPER II)

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55. Who has written the book ā€œThe Cold War : Retrospect and Prospectā€? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2023)

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56. NATO was formed in (KERALA SET 2013 DECEMBER)

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57. Who used the term ā€˜Cold Warā€™ first? (KERALA SET 2013 DECEMBER)

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58. Which of the following country withdrew from the NATO in 1966? (KERALA SET 2015 DECEMBER)

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59. Marshall Plan was introduced in: (KERALA SET 2015 DECEMBER)

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60. Formal end of Cold War took place at (KERALA SET 2017 FEBRUARY)

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61. ā€œThe cold war was a moral crusade for moral values:- for good against bad; right against wrong; religion against atheismā€ - Whose view? (KERALA SET 2018 FEBRUARY)

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62. The term ā€˜Iron Curtainā€™ was coined by: (KERALA SET 2019 JULY)

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63. Formal end of Cold war took place at: (KERALA SET 2021 JULY)

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64. Which system of International Politics ā€œā€¦.was the product of elite collusion which resulted in international relations being ā€˜arrangedā€™ā€? (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2018)

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65. The bridge in Istanbul, Turkey that connects Asia and Europe is called (JMI M.A. 2021-2022)

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66. The Panama Canal connects: (JMI M.A. 2021-2022)

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67. The official languages of NATO are (JMI M.A. 2021-2022)

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68. The official languages of NATO are (JMI M.A. 2021-2022)

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69. Who is the secretary general of OIC? (JMI M.A. 2021-2022)

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70. ā€œStar Wars" was another name for? (JMI M.A. 2021-2022)

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71. The Cuban missile crisis involved which of the following countries? (JMI M.A. 2021-2022)

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72. In which country did Meiji restoration take place? (JMI M.A. 2021-2022)

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73. When was the Marshall Plan enforced in Europe? (WB PSC 2022)

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74. When was the NATO formed? (WB PSC 2022)

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75. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). (NET March 2023 Shift II)

Assertion (A): After end of cold war, there was a rapid transition from a bipolar system to a unipolar system.

Reason (R): The Collapse of Soviet Power in Eastern and Central Europe and later the end of the USSR itself were the reason for the change into a unipolar system.

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

76 / 155

76. Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). (NET March 2023 Shift I)

Assertion (A): Ever since the end of World War II, international environment has been dominated by the American relations with the Soviet Union characterized as Cold War.

Reason (R): The Cold War coloured not only American and American aligned nations' relations with the Soviet Union and the latter's allies but relations of the U.S. and its allies with other non-aligned nations, as well.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

77 / 155

77. Which of the following are not the features of Cold War? (NET March 2023 Shift I)

A.Ā Ā Ā  There was nuclear arms race.

B.Ā Ā Ā Ā  There was a propaganda war.

C.Ā Ā Ā Ā  There was economic blockade against the non-aligned countries.

D.Ā Ā Ā  The third world countries were directly involved in it.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

78 / 155

78. Assertion (A): Intervention in Afghanistan ended the period of Detente. (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

Reason (R): The period after Detente marked the beginning of New Cold War.


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79. Who among the following describes post - Cold War phase as a phase of 'post - International Politics'? (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

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80. The study of Comparative Politics till the end of Cold War was the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

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81. At the end of Cold War, Francis Fukuyama constructed the thesis ā€˜end of historyā€™ which meant the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

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82. The end of the Cold War did not facilitateĀ  (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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83. NATO was formed in: (Jadavpur University B.A 2010)

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84. The former USSR collapsed in: (Jadavpur University B.A 2010)

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85. The headquarter of NATO is located in_________. (Jadavpur University B.A 2016)

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86. In which year did the Cuban Missile Crisis occur? (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2019)

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87. With the end of cold war, and the disintegration of the erstwhile Soviet Union, we are (NET December 2007)

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88. Who used first time the word ā€œCold Warā€? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

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89. The US approach to the Cold War was originally set out in (NET June 2012 Paper III)

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90. At the end of cold war Francis Fukuyama constructed the thesis of 'end of history' which meant: (NET January 2017 Paper II)

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91. Declaration of the end of cold war made the leaders of the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union at the Malta Summit in the year: (BHU MA 2014)

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92. An important feature of the cold war was: (BHU MA 2014)

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93. The term 'cold war' first used by: (BHU MA 2014)

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94. Main reason for the end of cold war was the policy followed by: (BHU MA 2016)

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95. The term cold war was used for the first time by: (BHU MA 2016)

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96. In which of the following years the Marshall Plan was initiated? (BHU MA 2019)

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97. Which one of the following countries is related with the 'Star War Programme'? (BHU MA 2019)

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98. ANZUS Council is a: (BHU MA 2019)

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99. In which of the following places North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was created on April 4, 1949? (BHU MA 2019)

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100. Marshall Plan was related to: (BHU MA 2019)

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101. The Cold War led to (University of Hyderabad M.A. 2013)

102 / 155

102. Who among the following was responsible for German unification? (JMI M.A. 2023)

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103. Which one of the following was not occupied by Israel in Arab-Israel wars? (JMI M.A. 2023)

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104. What is 'Washington Consensus"? (JMI M.A. 2023)

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105. The Strategic Defense Initiative during the Cold War period refers to: (JMI M.A. 2019)

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106. Which one of the following was employed during the Suez and Congo Crises? (KERALA SET 2015 DECEMBER)

107 / 155

107. 'Detente' implies (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

108 / 155

108. "Atoms for Peace" was a disarmament plan put forward by which world leader? (NET December 2013 Paper II)

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109. Soviet intervention in Afghanistan took place in the year: (BHU MA 2014)

110 / 155

110. The Cuban Missiles Crisis took place in the year: (BHU MA 2014)

111 / 155

111. The Warsaw Pact was concluded in the year: (BHU MA 2014)

112 / 155

112. The purpose of Truman Doctrine was to contain Soviet influence mainly in: (BHU MA 2014)

113 / 155

113. In which year was Mikhail Gorbachev elected as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Soviet Union? (CUET UG 2024)

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114. Cuban Missile Crisis occurred during: (JMI M.A. 2022)

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115. German reunification occurred in: (JMI M.A. 2022)

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116. OIC is an organization of: (JMI M.A. 2022)

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117. Perestroika was initiated by: (JMI M.A. 2022)

118 / 155

118. Peaceful Co-existence between USA and USSR was initiated by: (JMI M.A. 2022)

119 / 155

119. Which one of the following was not occupied by Israel in Arab-Israel wars? (JMI M.A. 2016)

120 / 155

120. Which among the following statements is true about "The Truman Doctrine"? (JMI M.A. 2016)

121 / 155

121. What is Washington Consensus? (JMI M.A. 2016)

122 / 155

122. Which of the statements are incorrect (JNU MA 2021)

A. Soviet army started moving out of Afghanistan in 1981

B. Cuban missile crisis happened in 1962

C. The first international organization India joined was the United Nations

D. Korean war happened between 1951ā€53

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

123 / 155

123. Who was the author of The United States and the Origin of the Cold War, 1941-1947? (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

124 / 155

124. Which of the following was not a member of Axis Powers during the Second World War? (WB SET 2017 Paper II)

125 / 155

125. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Choose the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2005)

Assertion (A): Krushchev proposed the principle of peaceful co-existence.

Reason (R): Nuclear war is unwinnable


126 / 155

126. Identify the correct chronological sequence of the following events: (NET December 2006)

127 / 155

127. Identify the correct chronological sequence of the following events: (NET December 2006)

128 / 155

128. Identify the correct chronological order of (NET December 2007)

(i) Camp David

(ii) My Lai Massacre

(iii) Iraq's invasion of Kuwait

(iv) G-8 summit in St. Peters


129 / 155

129. Identify the correct chronological sequence of the following events: (NET June 2008)

130 / 155

130. Identify the correct order in which the following doctrines were declared: (NET June 2009)

(i) Truman Doctrine

(ii) Nixon Doctrine

(iii) Eisenhower Doctrine

(iv) Monroe Doctrine


131 / 155

131. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET June 2009)

132 / 155

132. To Ronald Reagan, the ā€œEvil Empireā€ was (NET December 2009 Paper II)

133 / 155

133. Arrange the following in chronological order and choose the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2011 Paper II)

(i) Fall of Berlin Wall

(ii) Cuban Missile Crisis

(iii) Korean War

(iv) Berlin Blockade


134 / 155

134. The phrase ā€˜Military-Industrial Complexā€™ was coined by (NET June 2011 Paper II)

135 / 155

135. Nagorno Karabakh is a disputed territory between (NET December 2012 Paper II)

136 / 155

136. What is the correct chronological order of the events listed below? (NET December 2012 Paper II)

i. US Policy of Containment of the Soviet Union.

ii. Dissolution of the former Soviet Union.

iii. Iran-Iraq War.

iv. US War on terrorism in Afghanistan.


137 / 155

137. Match List-I with List-II and select correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2012 Paper II)

138 / 155

138. The policy of containment formulated by the U.S. aimed at (NET December 2012 Paper II)

139 / 155

139. In the post-Soviet era Russia's outlook at global level is marked by (NET December 2012 Paper II)

140 / 155

140. What is the correct chronological order of the developments listed below? (NET June 2012 Paper II)

(i) Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship

(ii) India's First Nuclear Explosion at Pokhran

(iii) Cuban Missile Crises

(iv) Adoption of Structural adjustment programme of India

Select the correct answer from the following codes:

141 / 155

141. Marshall Plan was meant for (NET June 2012 Paper II)

142 / 155

142. The Containment Thesis was propounded by (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

143 / 155

143. The term 'Iron Curtain' was used in his Fulton speech by (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

144 / 155

144. The term 'Third World' comes close to which of the following options? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

145 / 155

145. The 'X-Article' advocating a policy of containment was authored by: (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

146 / 155

146. Which of the following was not a member of the Axis Powers during the Second World War? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

147 / 155

147. The term "Third World' was coined by (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

148 / 155

148. Consider the following statements: (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

(i) OPEC was created at Riyadh conference in 1966.

(ii) The charter of OAS was signed in 1948.

(iii) Indonesia is member of OPEC.

(iv) Cuba is a member of OAS.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

149 / 155

149. Arrange the chronological order of the following tracties by using the codes below: (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

(i) Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty

(ii) Chemical Weapons Convention

(iii) Missile Technology Control Regime

(iv) Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty-I

150 / 155

150. Identify the correct chronological sequence of the following: (NET December 2007)

(i) Dismemberment of Soviet Union

(ii) NAM

(iii) NATO

(iv) Indian Ocean Rim


151 / 155

151. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R): (NET June 2008)

Assertion (A): After the collapse of the Soviet Union, USA has emerged as the only super power.

Reason (R): Globalization as a trend of International Economic System has come to stay.

Choose the correct answer from the given codes.

152 / 155

152. Match the List ā€“ I with List ā€“ II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2010 Paper II)

153 / 155

153. What is the correct chronological sequence of the below? (NET June 2010 Paper II)

Choose the right answers from codes:

(i) The Atlantic Charter

(ii) Bretton Woods Conference

(iii) Casablance Conference

(iv) Yalta Conference


154 / 155

154. Write the following in the correct sequence: (NET June 2010 Paper II)

(i) The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly of India.

(ii) New Deal Legislation in U.S.A.

(iii) The Maastritch Treaty in Europe

(iv) Merger of Baltic States into Soviet Union

Choose the correct code:

155 / 155

155. Arrange the following in correct chronological order and give answer from the codes given below: (NET December 2011 Paper II)

(i) Ostpolitic

(ii) Warsaw Pact

(iii) NATO

(iv) Helsinki Agreement


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