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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

Dependency Theory

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1. Who was not the exponent of Dependency theory? (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER III)

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2. Which of the following is attributed to Dependency Theory? (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)

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3. The dependency theory was first propounded by: (GUJARAT SET JANUARY 2002)

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4. Which of the following theories or models of international politics does not emphasize the role of state as an actor in international politics? (GUJARAT SET DECEMBER 2003)

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5. The concepts of a center and a peripheri is central to: (GUJARAT SET JULY 2004)

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6. Which of the following is not true about 'dependency theory'? (GUJARAT SET 2014 PAPER III)

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7. Who applied the theory of dependency, which was generalized from the Latin American experience, to the rest of the world? (GUJARAT SET DECEMBER 2017 PAPER III)

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8. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (JNU MA 2020)

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9. Which one of the following approaches or models of international politics does not give importance to the role of state as an actor? (DU MA 2021)

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10. Who among the following dependency theorists added the concept of 'Semi-Periphery"? (NET December 2020 & June 2021 Paper-II)

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11. Consider the following: (TELANGANA SET 2022)

1. Andre Gunder Frank, Dependent Accumulation and Underdevelopment.

2. Samir Amin, Accumulation on a World Scale.

The above works are associated with

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12. 'Dependency Syndrome in International Relations is association with which of the following traditions? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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13. According to the dependency theory, root cause behind the underdevelopment of third world countries (RAJASTHAN SET 2012 PART 2)

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14. Unequal exchange is the formulation of: (GUJARAT SET 2016 PAPER 3)

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15. The country which is quoted by Cardoso to argue that there could be meaningful  associated dependent development’: (KERALA SET 2022 JULY)

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16. _______ of international politics does not give importance to the role of state as an actor. (KERALA SET 2019 JULY)

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17. Rostow's Stages of Growth model postulates that economic growth occurs in ----- basic stages. (KERALA SET 2022 JULY)

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18. Who among the following is associated with the idea of internal dependency? (KERALA SET 2022 JANUARY)

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19. Assertion (A): Dependency theory is based on "core" and "periphery" division of the world.

Reason (R): Because core prospers all the expenses of periphery

In the context of the above two statements which among the following is correct? (KARNATAKA SET 2014 PAPER III)

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20. Who among the following is a Dependency theorist? (JMI M.A. 2016)

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21. Which of the following thinkers belongs to the Dependency School of Thought? (PUMDET 2024)

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22. Which one of the following statements is false about dependency theory in international relations? (WEST BENGAL SET 2015)

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23. Dependency theory drew its inspiration from the experience of which continent? (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

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24. Dependency theory drew its inspiration from the experience of countries from (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

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25. Who of the following advocated the dependency theory of development administration? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2018 PAPER III)

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26. Choose the incorrect statement regarding propositions of Dependency Theory: (MAHARASHTRA SET 2018 PAPER II)

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27. Which one of the following approaches or model of International politics does not give importance to the role of State as an actor? (KERALA SET 2013 DECEMBER)

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28. The dependency theory emphasized on close cooperation (KERALA SET 2013 DECEMBER)

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29. The 'metropolitan-satellite' characterisation of states is associated with (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

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30. The terms 'core' and 'periphery' are associated with (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

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31. Theotonio Dos Santos’ conception of “New Dependency” based on monopoly capitalism is created by: (JNU MA 2021)

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32. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? (SLET 2023)

(i) Dependency theory - Samir Amin

(ii) Theory of development - Lucian Pye

(iii) Theory of Alienation - Karl Marx

(iv) Theory of Negative Liberty - John Rawls

Correct answer:

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33. Who, among the following, is not a dependency theorist? (NET December 2009 Paper II)

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34. Which of the following statements is/are not true of dependency theory? (NET July 2016 Paper III)

(A) Unequal relation between core and periphery.

(B) Developmental process in the third world nations reinforces underdevelopment.

(C) Industrialization leads to new forms of democratization and equity in global order.

(D) Strengthening of neo-colonialism.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

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35. Identify the basic contentions of Dependency theory. Select the correct answer from the code given below: (NET July 2016 Paper III)

(A) Development of colonies is viewed as Whiteman's burden.

(B) Third world nations provide natural resources and cheap labour.

(C) Industrialization and market economy are conducive for development.

(D) Advanced western nations perpetuate a state of dependency by various means.


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36. Which of the following statement is true about dependency theory? (NET June 2020 Paper II)

(A) Dependency theory was, strongly influenced by Marxists and Non-Leninists who were critical of Development theory

(B) Dependency theory stressed the peaceful, evolutionary process of modernisation

(C) Development in the third world was dependent on development in the already developed nations.

(D) The First World does not exploit the third world

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

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37. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Choose the correct answer from the codes given below. (GUJARAT SET 2023)

Assertion (A): According to dependency theory, underdevelopment is an inevitable feature of international political economy.

Reason (R): The developing countries procure raw material at the cheap rate from developed countries.


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38. Identify the incorrect pair (DU MA 2019)

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39. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). (NET June 2014 Paper II)

Assertion (A): Dependency is a relationship between the groups of economies those, who condition others and those, who are conditioned by others.

Reason (R): Dependency is dependent on the core periphery relationship of the international political economy.


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