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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar


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1. Which of the following are correct about the Governor of a State? (CUET PG 2023)

  1. The Governor holds office during the pleasure of the President.
  2. The minimum age for getting appointed as a Governor is 30 years.
  3. The President conducts the Oath of the Governor.
  4. The Governor has the power to grant pardons and to suspend, remit or commute sentences in certain cases.
  5. The Seventh Constitutional Amendment Act mandates both the States to share the emoluments and allowances of the Governor in case the same person is appointed as Governor of two States.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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2. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R): (CUET PG 2023)

Assertion (A): Reservation of a State bill for the assent of the President is a discretionary power of the Governor.

Reason (R): This could be achieved through amending Article 156 of the Indian Constitution.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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3. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and other labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): The Constitution of India provides the appointment of a Governor for a State for a period of five years.

Reason (R): The Governor holds office during the pleasure of the President.

In the context of the above statements which one of the following is correct? (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2017)

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4. Which one of the following is a correct statement with reference to discretionary powers of the Governor? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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5. The Governor is the appointing authority in respect of the following authorities: (TELANGANA SET 2023)

A. Advocate General

B. The Chairman and Members of the Human Rights Commission

C. The Chairmans of the State Corporations

D. The State Election Commissioner

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6. Name the first Lt. Governor of U.T. of Jammu and Kashmir in post 5 Aug. 2019. (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

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7. A Governor (India) is a constitutional head of a state of India. Identify the correct statement about Governor of state: (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

(i) Governor is appointed by the President of India.

(ii) Governors exist in the states, while lieutenant governors and administrators exist at district level.

(iii)  A Governor acts as the constitutional head and takes all his decisions based on the advice of chief minister and his council of ministers

(iv) Article 157 and Article 158 of the Constitution of India specify eligibility requirements for the post of govermor.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

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8. Term of office of Governor is : (RAJASTHAN SET 2012 PART 2)

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9. State Governor is accountable to: (RAJASTHAN SET 2012 PART 1)

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  1. রাষ্ট্রের কার্যনির্বাহী ক্ষমতা ন্যস্ত থাকবে নিম্নলিখিত কোন ক্ষেত্রে? (7TH SLST 2023)

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11. Which of the following Governor of Rajasthan has been the Principal of Dungar College, Bikaner? (Rajasthan SET 2020)

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12. The constitution of India does NOT provide for impeachment of which of the following? (TELANGANA SET 2022)

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13. The minimum age for a person to be eligible for appointment as Governor is  (University of Hyderabad MA 2021)

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14. Who among the following can be removed by the President without a Parliament resolution? (Jadavpur University B.A 2022)

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15. The Governor is entrusted with pardoning powers which include the power to: (NET June 2023 Shift I)

A.    Suspend the sentence

B.     Commute the sentence

C.     Grant remission of punishment

D.    Grant Pardon

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

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16. Who rules in the case of the President's Rule in a State? (PUMDET 2024)

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17. In which of the following states does the Governor enjoy discretionary powers with regard to administration of tribal areas? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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18. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? List-I indicates the Chief Minister of West Bengal and List II Governors of West Bengal. Choose the right one - (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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19. The discretionary powers of the Governor in Indian states is limited to which of the following functions? (WEST BENGAL SET JANUARY 2023)

(i) The appointment of the Chief Minister

(ii) The dismissal of the Ministry

(iii) The dissolution of the Legislative Assembly

(iv) Assent to Bills

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

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20. The term of office of the Governor is as under: (MAHARASHTRA SET 2017 PAPER II)

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21. The appointment of the chief minister falls within the discretionary powers of the which of the following? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2017 PAPER II)

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22. Advocate General is appointed and holds office during the pleasure of which one of the constitutional functionaries? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2017 PAPER II)

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23. Consider the following articles/subject related to Governor under Indian Constitution. (NET June 2024 Paper II)

A. 155 - Appointment of Governor

B. 159 - Oath or affirmation by the Governor

C. 176 - Special Address by the Governor

D. 123 - Power of Governor to promulgate ordinance

E. 333 - Appointment of district Judges by the Governor

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

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24. Which article of Indian Constitution provides power to the Governor of the state to promulga Ordinances? (NET June 2024 Paper II)

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25. Whenever the Governor of a State has to address the State Legislature, who among the following prepares his address? (KERALA SET 2013 DECEMBER)

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26. What is the time limit within which a Non-Money Bill has to be sent to the legislature by the Governor for reconsideration? (KERALA SET 2013 DECEMBER)

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27. Given below are two statements are labeled as Assertion (A) and the other labeled as Reason (R). (KARNATAKA SET 2016 PAPER II)

Assertion (A): The Governor of a State cannot be dismissed by the Chief Minister.

Reason (R): The Governor is not elected.


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28. If a Governor Acts as the Governor of more than one State (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)

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29. The Governor who dismissed the PDP-BJP Coalition Government in Jammu and Kashmir is (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)

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30. A State Legislature can be dissolved by: (GUJARAT SET DECEMBER 2002)

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31. The Governor can issue ordinances: (GUJARAT SET DECEMBER 2003)

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32. Which one of the following is not correct about the office of the Governor? (GUJARAT SET 2011)

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33. Which Article of the Indian Constitutions says that "No criminal proceedings whatsoever shall be instituted or continued against the President, or the Governor of a State, in any court during hi s term of office."? (Current Affairs 05.05.2024)

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34. The Governor of a State can reserve the bill for the consideration of the President under Article: (KERALA SET JULY 2023)

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35. Under Article 213, the Governor of a state is empowered to: (KERALA SET JANUARY 2023)

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36. Who is the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi (Jadavpur University B.A 2015)

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37. What are the powers of the Governor of a State? (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2023 Paper IV)

(i) Possesses executive, legislative and judicial powers analogous to the president.

(ii) He has to act according to the advice, of the Council of Ministers always.

(iii) He has the power to appoint and remove the members of the state public commission.

(iv) Has the power to distribute portfolios.

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38. Arrange the tenure of the following acting Governors of Rajasthan in chronological order: (Rajasthan SET 2020)

(A) Justice Jagat Narayan

(B) Justice Vedpal Tyagi

(C) Justice K.D. Sharma

(D) Justice P.K. Banerjee

Correct answer is: 

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39. Assertion (A): The Governor of a State cannot be dismissed by the Chief Minister.

Reason (R): The Governor is not elected.

In the context of the two statements above, which is correct? (NET December 2010 Paper II)

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40. Who among the following Governor - appointees can be removed only by the Governor? (NET June 2015 Paper II)

(A) Advocate - General

(B) Members of the State Finance Commission

(C) Members of the State Public Service Commission

(D) Vice - Chancellor of a State University

Select the correct answer from the codes given below: 

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41. The Governor of a state in his capacity as Administrator of an adjoining Union Territory discharges his functions independently of: (NET July 2018 Paper II)

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42. The Governor of a state may be removed from the office by the President: (BHU MA 2015)

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43. Under which article of the Constitution Governor has the power of promulgate ordinances? (BHU MA 2016)

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44. The Governor of a state can be removed by (University of Hyderabad MA 2014)

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45. Choose the correct statements regarding Constitution of India - (NET August 2024 Shift II)

A. The Governor is appointed by the Prime Minister.

B. The Attorney general is appointed by the President.

C. The Chairman of UPSC is appointed by the President.

D. The Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President.

E. The Judges of the High Court are appointed by the Governor.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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46. Under which Article of the Constitution of India, the Governor can reserve a bill for the consideration of President: (Kerala SET January 2024)

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47. Which one of the following recommended the abolition of the office of the Governor? (BHU MA 2014)

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48. Which Article of the Indian Constitution makes the provision for the power of Governor to promulgate Ordinances during recess of Legislature? (GUJARAT SET 2023)

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49. Under provisions of which of the following Article of the Constitution of India, Governor can reserve a bill for the consideration of the President of India? (Rajasthan SET 2020)

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