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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar


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1. “The great national problems of a country cannot be solved by speeches but blood and iron is required for their solutions”. These thoughts were of (KARNATAKA SET 2017 PAPER II)

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2. Which of the following book(s) are by Benedict Anderson?  (PUMET 2018)

a) Imagined Communities

b) A life Beyond Comparison

c) Language and Power

d) The Spectre of Comparison

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3. Given below are two statements, one labeled as Assertion (A) and the other labeled as Reason (R). (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)

Assertion (a): Expansionist nationalism seeks to go for all imperialisation.

Reason (R): It is aggression personified.

In the context of the above statements, which of the following is true?

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4. Who is the pioneer of Hindu nationalism? (GUJARATE SET JULY 2006 PAPER II)

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5. Who among the following equated nationalism with ‘thoughtless emotionalism’? (KERALA SET JULY 2023)

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6. The term ‘vaccine internationalism’ denotes: (KERALA SET JANUARY 2023)

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7. Who among the following equated nationalism with thoughtless emotionalism? (KERALA SET JANUARY 2023)

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8. What is the main difference between Nationalism and Internationalism? (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2023 Paper IV)

(i) Nationalism is related to national identity.

(ii) Internationalism is universal brotherhood.

(iii) Nationalism is greater than Internationalism.

(iv) Nationalism is based on the negation of Internationalism.

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9. Who said, “Nationalism is a menace to civilization”? (Presidency University Bachelor Degree Entrance Test 2023 Paper IV)

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10. What was the biggest challenge before African Nationalism? (Maharashtra SET 2024 Paper II)

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11. Why is ethnic nationalism not considered to be compatible with liberalism? (University of Hyderabad MA 2018)

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12. The national traditions, as we understand them, are more often invented than historically  evolved. Whom do you think is the proponents of this view? (JNU MA 2019)

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13. Who among the following argued 'the indigenous, educated individuals staffing far-flung colonial empires were often the originators of nationalist ideologies'?  (DU MA 2020)

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14. Who among the following coined the term 'Print Capitalism'? (DU MA 2020)

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15. Who among the following laid stress on the "imagined qualities of nationalism"? (DU MA 2019)

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16. Who among the following suggested that nationalism can be attributed to the rise of the industrial age"? (DU MA 2019)

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17. Match the authors with their works (DU MA 2019)

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18. With which of the following scholars of nationalism does Partha Chatterjee lay out his disagreement in his book 'The Nation and Its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories'? (DU MA 2021)

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19. According to Ernest Gellner, nationalism was linked to which of the following socio-political phenomena? (DU MA 2022)

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20. Sri Aurobindo conceives nationalism as  (NET December 2020 & June 2021 Paper-II)

A. Spiritual nationalis different from the wester concept of nationalism

B. A nation as an organism

C. Nationalism as a religion aspiration and moral attitude

D. Nation as a geographica entity

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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21. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (CUET PG 2022)

A. Some nations lack states

B. Some states lack national identity

C. Some nations occupy more than one state

D. Some states contain more than one nation

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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22. Match List-I with List-II: (CUET PG 2023)

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23. How does Benedict Anderson describe a nation? (Presidency University Masters Entrance Questions 2017)

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24. Who among the following identifies nationalism in terms of allegiance to the land as Pitrubhu and Punyabhu? (GUJARAT SET 2021 DEC)

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25. Who equated Latin American politics with 'a living museum' ? (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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26. Who among the following considered that "a nation is an imagined community and one which is imagined to be sovereign and evidencing deep, horizontal comradeship"? (TELANGANA SET 2022)

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27. "Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind". who among the following has said these lines? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

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28. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (a) and the other labelled as Reason (r). Read the statements and choose the correct answer from the codes given below: (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

Assertion (a): Many Afro-Asian nations emerged independent after World War-II.

Reason(r): Absence of economic development largely tended to make their independence more formal than substantive.

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29. In the two lists given below, List-A provides the name of the scholar and List-B provides the names of concept. (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022)

Match the two lists and choose the correct answer from the codes given below.

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  1. তৃতীয় বিশ্বের জাতীয়তাবাদের বৈশিষ্ট্য হল (7TH SLST 2023)

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31. ৪. জাতিকে কে ‘কাল্পনিক রাজনৈতিক সম্প্রদায়' বলে ধারণা করেছিলেন? (7TH SLST 2023)

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32. According to Quincy Wright, the correct order of successive stages of nationalism is (KERALA SET 2021 JULY)

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33. ----- defines nationalism as "the cultural sensibility of sovereignty”. (KERALA SET 2022 JULY)

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34. Who among the following characterized nation as ‘an imagined community’? (KERALA SET 2022 JULY)

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35. "Civic Nationalism" means (JMI M.A. 2023)

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36. "Civic Nationalism" means (JMI M.A. 2016)

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37. Nations seen as ‘imagined communities' is a conceptual category contributed by: (JMI M.A. 2021-2022)

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38. Nationalism in Latin America is referred to as the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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39. Who among the following is not a significant theorist of nationalism? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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40. In which year, Japan invaded Manchuria? (NET June 2024 Paper II)

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41. Who among the following viewed nationalism as 'cultural artifacts of a particular kind, defining the nation as an imagined community'? (NET June 2024 Paper II)

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42. Which of the following is true about Expansionist Nationalism? (NET June 2024 Paper II)

A. Aggressive

B. Militarist

C. Peace loving

D. Expansionist

E. Tolerant

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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43. Who is the author of the book,“ Imagined Communities”, in which the issue of nationalism is discussed? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2020 PAPER II)

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44. Choose the incorrect statement: (MAHARASHTRA SET 2020 PAPER II)

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45. Which of the following statements are wrong ? Choose your answer from the codes given below: (MAHARASHTRA SET 2023)

(a) Nationalism transformed Europe in the 19th Century

(b) Nationalism led to the formation of new nation states in Europe

(c) Nationalism fragmented European empires

(d) Nationalism was an intellectual reaction to the Enlightenment

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46. The book "Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism is written by? (JMI M.A. 2022)

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47. Which one of the following is not associated with liberal nationalism of the eighteenth century? (JNU MA 2021)

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48. Match the Following (JNU MA 2021)

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49. Match the books with respective authors: (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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50. The concept of 'Print capitalism' was given by the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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51. Who among the following used the concept of 'Print Capitalisam'? (WEST BENGAL SET DECEMBER 2023)

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