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Created by Dr. S. H. Sarkar

Samuel P. Huntington

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1. Who said “Revolution as a rapid, fundamental and violent domestic change in the dominant values and myths of a society”? (KARNATAKA SET 2018 PAPER II)

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2. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? (KARNATAKA SET 2020 PAPER II)

1.      Samuel Hunginton : Political Decay

2.      Fred Riggs : Prismatic Society

3.      David Easton : Civic Culture

4.      David Apter : Political Modernisation


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3. Who among the following predicted that the next world war is likely to be the conflict  between "the West and the Rest"? (JNU MA 2019)

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4. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (JNU MA 2020)

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5. Arrange the following books in correct chronological order: (JNU MA 2020)

A. Anarchy, State and Itopia

B. Four Essays of Liberty

C. Clash of Civilization

D. Ideology


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6. Samuel Huntington posited which of the following ideas (DU MA 2020)

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7. According to Samuel Huntington, which of the following was not an element of the third wave of democratization: (DU MA 2022)

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8. Which of the following ideas was presented by Samuel Huntington? (DU MA 2022)

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9. The 'Clash of Civilization and New World Order predict an ideological shift in the post-cold war period from :- (DU MA 2018)

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10. What is the time period of the Third Wave of Democratization as explained by Samuel P. Huntington? (DU MA 2018)

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11. Given below are two statements: (CUET PG 2023)

Statement I: During the first wave of democracy (1828-1926) nearly 30 countries, including Germany, established democratic institution.

Statement II: The first wave of democracy was partially reversed (reverse wave) between 1922 and 1942 in Germany and Italy.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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12. Samuel P. Huntington is primarily known for his contribution to which one of the following: (Himachal Pradesh SET 2017)

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13. Who conceived political development as a balance between political participation and institutionalization? (SLET 17th March 2024)

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14. The ‘Clash of Civilizations’ is based on the belief that the 21st century conflicts will occur due to (Bihar PGT 2023)

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15. Consider the following statements: (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET October 2023)

(i) The notion of 'Waves of Democratization' linked the democratization process after 1975. to two earlier waves.

(ii) The first wave period according to 'Waves of Democratization' theory was 1828-1926.

(iii) The second wave period according to 'Waves of Democratization' theory was 1939-1942.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

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16. Who gave the concept of Democratic Transition? (JAMMU & KASHMIR SET JUNE 2022) 

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17. Which of the following terms relates to Huntington? (KERALA SET 2017 FEBRUARY)

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18. According to Huntington, which of the following countries /regions can be considered as  coming under the ‘third wave’ of democratization? (KERALA SET 2017 FEBRUARY)

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19. Who gave the theory of Componential Change? (KERALA SET 2018 FEBRUARY)

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20. Who among the following has connected cultures with civilizations? (KERALA SET 2021 JULY)

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21. “ Political Development and Political Decay” is a paper published in 1965 by: (KERALA SET 2021 JULY)

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22. The scholar who analysed political development along with political decay: (KERALA SET 2022 JANUARY)

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23. Who said "Revolution is a sweeping fundamental change in the predominant myth of a social order"? (KARNATAKA SET 2014 PAPER III)

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24. Who described political development as institutionalisation? (KARNATAKA SET 2014 PAPER III)

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25. Criticism of political parties is not against political parties as such but against the weak and imperfect ones. Who made this argument? (GUJARAT SET 2018)

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26. ‘Political Development and Political Decay’ is a paper published in 1965 by: (KERALA SET JULY 2023)

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27. "Clash of Civilizations" thesis was advocated by (JMI M.A. 2023)

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28. "Clash of Civilizations thesis was advocated by (JMI M.A. 2016)

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29. Who propounded the theory of the Third Wave of democratization? (PUMDET 2024)

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30. According to Samuel Huntington, Political Development takes place when (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

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31. According to Samuel Huntington, ‘Political Decay’ takes place when (WEST BENGAL SET 2020)

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32. Who among the following identifies political development with the institutionalization of political organizations and procedures? (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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33. Who argues that Institutionalization Is necessary for modernization and democracy? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2017 PAPER III)

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34. According to Huntington which of the following countries can be considered as coming under the third wave of democratization? (MAHARASHTRA SET 2018 PAPER III)

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35. Who among the following has connected cultures with civilizations? (KERALA SET 2015 DECEMBER)

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36. Samuel Huntington is the author of (University of Hyderabad MA 2017)

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37. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from codes given below: (NET December 2010 Paper II)

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38. Who defined modernization as a multi-faceted process involving changes in all areas of human thought and activity"? (BHU MA 2014)

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39. Who among the following believes that corruption is inseparable from modernization? (NET December 2004)

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40. Who among the following defines modemization as "a multifaceted process involving changes in all areas of human thought and activity”? (NET December 2006)

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41. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below: (NET December 2008)

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42. Who among the following liberated political development from socio-economic modernisation? (NET December 2008)

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43. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below. (NET June 2008)

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44. Who wrote the work “Political Order in Changing Societies”? (NET December 2010 Paper II)

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45. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the given codes below: (NET December 2013 Paper III)

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46. In Samuel P. Huntington's analysis, India is placed in which one of the 'waves of democratization'? (NET June 2019 Paper II)

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47. Match Column-A with Column-B, in terms of the codes below: (SLET 17th March 2024)

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48. Match List-II with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (GUJARAT SET 2017 AUG PAPER II)

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49. Which of the following is incorrect? (WB SET 2015 Paper III)

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50. Match names of List I with ideas of List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (WB SET 2017 Paper III)

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51. Who among the following has connected cultures with civilizations? (NET December 2012 Paper III)

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52. Who among the following identifies political development with the "institutionalisation of political organisations and procedures"? (NET June 2012 Paper III)

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53. Who said that the structural- functional approach was weak in change, the social process approach was weak in politics and the comparative history approach was weak in theory? (NET June 2012 Paper III)

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54. Who among the following challenged the idea of political development as an unilinear process? (NET June 2013 Paper II)

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55. Match the following list of books with correct sequence of authors: (WEST BENGAL SET 2018 PAPER II)

(i) Bananas, Beaches and Bases

(ii) The End of History and the Last Man

(iii) The Second Nuclear Age

(iv) The Clash of Civilizations and Remaking of World Order

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56. Who defined Political development as ratio of political institutionalization to social mobility? (Kerala SET July 2024)

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57. Match List-I with List-II: (NET June 2019 Paper II)

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58. Match the theorists (List-1) with associated concepts (List-II) by identifying the correct code: (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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59. Match the following: (WEST BENGAL SET 2022)

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60. Who among the following challenged the idea of political development as a unilinear process? (GUJARAT SET 2018)

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61. Who among the following scholars discussed political decay while discussing political development? (GUJARAT SET 2023)

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